(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) open EcUtils open EcParsetree open EcTypes open EcModules open EcFol open EcEnv open EcPV open EcCoreGoal open EcLowGoal open EcLowPhlGoal module PT = EcProofTerm module TTC = EcProofTyping (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let wp_asgn_call env m lv res post = match lv with | None -> post | Some lv -> let lets = lv_subst m lv res in mk_let_of_lv_substs env ([lets], post) (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let subst_args_call env m es qes s = let s = PVM.add env pv_arg m (f_tuple (List.map (form_of_expr m) es)) s in let s = ofold (fun es s -> PVM.add env pv_qarg m (f_tuple (List.map (form_of_expr m) es)) s) s qes in s (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let build_res fsig ext = let pvres = pv_res fsig in let vres = EcIdent.create ("result" ^ ext) in let fres = f_local vres fsig.fs_ret in pvres, vres, fres (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let wp_call env fpre fpost (lp,f,args,qargs) m post combine = (* The wp *) (* Classical or Quantum without qargs : fpre{arg <- args} /\ forall res mod, postf{mod, res <- result} => post{mod, res <- result} Quantum with qargs: fpre{arg <- args} /\ let qarg = qargs in forall res mod, postf{mod, res <- result} => post{mod, res <- result qarg} *) let fsig = (Fun.by_xpath f env).f_sig in let modi = f_write env f in let pvres, vres, fres = build_res fsig "" in let post = wp_asgn_call env m lp fres post in let fpost = PVM.subst1 env pvres m fres fpost in let post = generalize_mod env m modi (combine fpost post) in let post = f_forall_simpl [(vres, GTty fsig.fs_ret)] post in let spre = subst_args_call env m args qargs PVM.empty in f_anda_simpl (PVM.subst env spre fpre) post (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let wp2_call env fpre fpost (lpl,fl,argsl,qargsl) modil (lpr,fr,argsr, qargsr) modir ml mr post = let fsigl = (Fun.by_xpath fl env).f_sig in let fsigr = (Fun.by_xpath fr env).f_sig in (* The wp *) let pvresl, vresl, fresl = build_res fsigl "_L" in let pvresr, vresr, fresr = build_res fsigr "_R" in let post = wp_asgn_call env ml lpl fresl post in let post = wp_asgn_call env mr lpr fresr post in let s = PVM.empty in let s = PVM.add env pvresr mr fresr s in let s = PVM.add env pvresl ml fresl s in let fpost = PVM.subst env s fpost in let post = generalize_mod env mr modir (f_imp_simpl fpost post) in let post = generalize_mod env ml modil post in let post = f_forall_simpl [(vresl, GTty fsigl.fs_ret); (vresr, GTty fsigr.fs_ret)] post in let spre = PVM.empty in let spre = subst_args_call env ml argsl qargsl spre in let spre = subst_args_call env mr argsr qargsr spre in f_anda_simpl (PVM.subst env spre fpre) post (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let t_hoare_call fpre fpost tc = let env = FApi.tc1_env tc in let hs = tc1_as_hoareS tc in let (lp, f, args, qarg),s = tc1_last_call tc hs.hs_s in let m = EcMemory.memory hs.hs_m in (* The function satisfies the specification *) let f_concl = f_hoareF fpre f fpost in (* The wp *) let post = wp_call env fpre fpost (lp,f,args,qarg) m hs.hs_po f_imp_simpl in let concl = f_hoareS_r { hs with hs_s = s; hs_po=post} in FApi.xmutate1 tc `HlCall [f_concl; concl] (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let t_choare_call fpre fpost fcost tc = let env = FApi.tc1_env tc in let chs = tc1_as_choareS tc in let (lp,f,args,qarg),s = tc1_last_call tc chs.chs_s in let m = EcMemory.memory chs.chs_m in (* The function satisfies the specification *) let f_concl = f_cHoareF fpre f fpost fcost in (* The wp *) let post = wp_call env fpre fpost (lp,f,args,qarg) m chs.chs_po f_imp_simpl in (* The cost of the remaining code must be bounded by the cost of the conclusion [chs.chs_co], minus the cost of the call [fcost], and minus the cost of the arguments' evaluation. Remark: the cost of the evaluation of the return is accounted for in [fcost]. *) let args_cost = List.fold_left (fun cost e -> f_xadd cost (EcCHoare.cost_of_expr_any chs.chs_m e) ) f_x0 args in let cond1, cost = EcCHoare.cost_sub env chs.chs_co fcost in let cond2, cost = EcCHoare.cost_sub_self cost args_cost in let concl = f_cHoareS_r { chs with chs_s = s; chs_po = post; chs_co = cost } in FApi.xmutate1 tc `HlCall [f_concl; cond1; cond2; concl] (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let bdhoare_call_spec pf fpre fpost f cmp bd opt_bd = let msg = "optional bound parameter not allowed for upper-bounded judgements" in match cmp, opt_bd with | FHle, Some _ -> tc_error pf "%s" msg | FHle, None -> f_bdHoareF fpre f fpost FHle bd | FHeq, Some bd -> f_bdHoareF fpre f fpost FHeq bd | FHeq, None -> f_bdHoareF fpre f fpost FHeq bd | FHge, Some bd -> f_bdHoareF fpre f fpost FHge bd | FHge, None -> f_bdHoareF fpre f fpost FHge bd (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let t_bdhoare_call fpre fpost opt_bd tc = let env = FApi.tc1_env tc in let bhs = tc1_as_bdhoareS tc in let (lp,f,args,qarg),s = tc1_last_call tc bhs.bhs_s in let m = EcMemory.memory bhs.bhs_m in let f_concl = bdhoare_call_spec !!tc fpre fpost f bhs.bhs_cmp bhs.bhs_bd opt_bd in (* The wp *) let combine fpost post = match bhs.bhs_cmp with | FHle -> f_imp_simpl post fpost | FHge -> f_imp_simpl fpost post | FHeq when f_equal bhs.bhs_bd f_r0 -> f_imp_simpl post fpost | FHeq when f_equal bhs.bhs_bd f_r1 -> f_imp_simpl fpost post | FHeq -> f_iff_simpl fpost post in let post = wp_call env fpre fpost (lp,f,args,qarg) m bhs.bhs_po combine in let concl = match bhs.bhs_cmp, opt_bd with | FHle, None -> f_hoareS bhs.bhs_m bhs.bhs_pr s post | FHeq, Some bd -> f_bdHoareS_r { bhs with bhs_s = s; bhs_po = post; bhs_bd = f_real_div bhs.bhs_bd bd; } | FHeq, None -> f_bdHoareS_r { bhs with bhs_s = s; bhs_po = post; bhs_bd = f_r1; } | FHge, Some bd -> f_bdHoareS_r { bhs with bhs_s = s; bhs_po = post; bhs_bd = f_real_div bhs.bhs_bd bd; } | FHge, None -> f_bdHoareS_r { bhs with bhs_s = s; bhs_po = post; bhs_cmp = FHeq; bhs_bd = f_r1; } | _, _ -> assert false in FApi.xmutate1 tc `HlCall [f_concl; concl] (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let t_equiv_call fpre fpost tc = let env = FApi.tc1_env tc in let es = tc1_as_equivS tc in let (lpl,fl,argsl,qargl),sl = tc1_last_call tc es.es_sl in let (lpr,fr,argsr,qargr),sr = tc1_last_call tc es.es_sr in let ml = EcMemory.memory es.es_ml in let mr = EcMemory.memory es.es_mr in let modil = f_write env fl in let modir = f_write env fr in (* The functions satisfy their specification *) let f_concl = f_equivF fpre fl fr fpost in (* The wp *) let post = wp2_call env fpre fpost (lpl,fl,argsl,qargl) modil (lpr,fr,argsr, qargr) modir ml mr es.es_po in let concl = f_equivS_r { es with es_sl = sl; es_sr = sr; es_po = post; } in FApi.xmutate1 tc `HlCall [f_concl; concl] (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let t_equiv_call1 side fpre fpost tc = let env = FApi.tc1_env tc in let equiv = tc1_as_equivS tc in let (me, stmt) = match side with | `Left -> (EcMemory.memory equiv.es_ml, equiv.es_sl) | `Right -> (EcMemory.memory equiv.es_mr, equiv.es_sr) in let (lp, f, args, qarg), fstmt = tc1_last_call tc stmt in (* The function satisfies its specification *) let fconcl = f_bdHoareF fpre f fpost FHeq f_r1 in (* WP *) let msubst = Fsubst.f_bind_mem Fsubst.f_subst_id EcFol.mhr me in let fpost = Fsubst.f_subst msubst fpost in let fpre = Fsubst.f_subst msubst fpre in let post = wp_call env fpre fpost (lp,f,args,qarg) me equiv.es_po f_imp_simpl in let concl = match side with | `Left -> { equiv with es_sl = fstmt; es_po = post; } | `Right -> { equiv with es_sr = fstmt; es_po = post; } in let concl = f_equivS_r concl in FApi.xmutate1 tc `HlCall [fconcl; concl] (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let call_error env tc f1 f2 = tc_error_lazy !!tc (fun fmt -> let ppe = EcPrinting.PPEnv.ofenv env in Format.fprintf fmt "call cannot be used with a lemma referring to `%a': \ the last statement is a call to `%a'" (EcPrinting.pp_funname ppe) f1 (EcPrinting.pp_funname ppe) f2) let t_call side ax tc = let env = FApi.tc1_env tc in let concl = FApi.tc1_goal tc in match ax.f_node, concl.f_node with | FhoareF hf, FhoareS hs -> let (_, f, _, _), _ = tc1_last_call tc hs.hs_s in if not (EcEnv.NormMp.x_equal env hf.hf_f f) then call_error env tc hf.hf_f f; t_hoare_call hf.hf_pr hf.hf_po tc | FcHoareF chf, FcHoareS chs -> let (_, f, _, _), _ = tc1_last_call tc chs.chs_s in if not (EcEnv.NormMp.x_equal env chf.chf_f f) then call_error env tc chf.chf_f f; t_choare_call chf.chf_pr chf.chf_po chf.chf_co tc | FbdHoareF hf, FbdHoareS hs -> let (_, f, _, _), _ = tc1_last_call tc hs.bhs_s in if not (EcEnv.NormMp.x_equal env hf.bhf_f f) then call_error env tc hf.bhf_f f; t_bdhoare_call hf.bhf_pr hf.bhf_po None tc | FequivF ef, FequivS es -> let (_, fl, _, _), _ = tc1_last_call tc es.es_sl in let (_, fr, _, _), _ = tc1_last_call tc es.es_sr in if not (EcEnv.NormMp.x_equal env ef.ef_fl fl) || not (EcEnv.NormMp.x_equal env ef.ef_fr fr) then tc_error_lazy !!tc (fun fmt -> let ppe = EcPrinting.PPEnv.ofenv env in Format.fprintf fmt "call cannot be used with a lemma referring to `%a/%a': \ the last statement is a call to `%a/%a'" (EcPrinting.pp_funname ppe) ef.ef_fl (EcPrinting.pp_funname ppe) ef.ef_fr (EcPrinting.pp_funname ppe) fl (EcPrinting.pp_funname ppe) fr); t_equiv_call ef.ef_pr ef.ef_po tc | FbdHoareF hf, FequivS _ -> let side = match side with | None -> tc_error !!tc "call: a side {1|2} should be provided" | Some side -> side in t_equiv_call1 side hf.bhf_pr hf.bhf_po tc | _, _ -> tc_error !!tc "call: invalid goal shape" (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let mk_inv_spec (_pf : proofenv) env inv fl fr = match NormMp.is_abstract_fun fl env with | true -> let (topl, _, _, sigl), (topr, _, _ , sigr) = EcLowPhlGoal.abstract_info2 env fl fr in let eqglob = f_eqglob topl mleft topr mright in let lpre = [eqglob; inv] in let eq_params = f_eqparams sigl mleft sigr mright in let eq_res = f_eqres (fs_quantum sigl) sigl.fs_ret mleft sigr.fs_ret mright in let pre = f_ands (eq_params::lpre) in let post = f_ands [eq_res; eqglob; inv] in f_equivF pre fl fr post | false -> let defl = EcEnv.Fun.by_xpath fl env in let defr = EcEnv.Fun.by_xpath fr env in let sigl, sigr = defl.f_sig, defr.f_sig in let testty = EcReduction.EqTest.for_type env sigl.fs_arg sigr.fs_arg && opt_equal (EcReduction.EqTest.for_type env) sigl.fs_qarg sigr.fs_qarg && EcReduction.EqTest.for_type env sigl.fs_ret sigr.fs_ret in if not testty then raise EqObsInError; let eq_params = f_eqparams sigl mleft sigr mright in let eq_res = f_eqres (fs_quantum sigl) sigl.fs_ret mleft sigr.fs_ret mright in let pre = f_and eq_params inv in let post = f_and eq_res inv in f_equivF pre fl fr post let process_call side info tc = let process_spec tc side cost = let (hyps, concl) = FApi.tc1_flat tc in match concl.f_node, side, cost with | FhoareS hs, None, None -> let (_,f,_,_) = fst (tc1_last_call tc hs.hs_s) in let penv, qenv = LDecl.hoareF f hyps in (penv, qenv, fun pre post -> f_hoareF pre f post) | FcHoareS chs, None, Some cost -> let (_,f,_,_),_ = tc1_last_call tc chs.chs_s in let penv, qenv = LDecl.hoareF f hyps in let cost = TTC.tc1_process_cost tc [] cost in (penv, qenv, fun pre post -> f_cHoareF pre f post cost) | FbdHoareS bhs, None, None -> let (_,f,_,_) = fst (tc1_last_call tc bhs.bhs_s) in let penv, qenv = LDecl.hoareF f hyps in (penv, qenv, fun pre post -> bdhoare_call_spec !!tc pre post f bhs.bhs_cmp bhs.bhs_bd None) | FbdHoareS _, Some _, _ | FhoareS _, Some _, _ | FcHoareS _, Some _, _ -> tc_error !!tc "side can only be given for prhl judgements" | FbdHoareS _, _, Some _ | FhoareS _, _, Some _ | FequivS _, _, Some _-> tc_error !!tc "cost can only be given for choare judgements" | FcHoareS _, None, None -> tc_error !!tc "a cost must be given for choare judgements" | FequivS es, None, None -> let (_,fl,_,_) = fst (tc1_last_call tc es.es_sl) in let (_,fr,_,_) = fst (tc1_last_call tc es.es_sr) in let penv, qenv = LDecl.equivF fl fr hyps in (penv, qenv, fun pre post -> f_equivF pre fl fr post) | FequivS es, Some side, None -> let fstmt = sideif side es.es_sl es.es_sr in let (_,f,_,_) = fst (tc1_last_call tc fstmt) in let penv, qenv = LDecl.hoareF f hyps in (penv, qenv, fun pre post -> f_bdHoareF pre f post FHeq f_r1) | _ -> tc_error !!tc "the conclusion is not a hoare or an equiv" in let process_inv tc side = if not (is_none side) then tc_error !!tc "cannot specify side for call with invariants"; let check_none inv_info = if not (is_none inv_info) then tc_error !!tc "can supply additional information for call with an \ invariant only if the conclusion is a choare" in let hyps, concl = FApi.tc1_flat tc in match concl.f_node with | FhoareS hs -> let (_,f,_,_) = fst (tc1_last_call tc hs.hs_s) in let penv = LDecl.inv_memenv1 hyps in (penv, fun inv inv_info -> check_none inv_info; f_hoareF inv f inv) | FcHoareS chs -> let (_,f,_,_) = fst (tc1_last_call tc chs.chs_s) in let penv = LDecl.inv_memenv1 hyps in (penv, fun inv inv_info -> let inv_info = odfl (`CostAbs []) inv_info in match inv_info with | `Std c -> let env = FApi.tc1_env tc in if NormMp.is_abstract_fun f env then tc_error !!tc "the procedure %a is abstract: costs information \ must be supplied for its oracles (and optionally, \ variants)." (EcPrinting.pp_funname (EcPrinting.PPEnv.ofenv env)) f; f_cHoareF inv f inv c | `CostAbs inv_inf -> let env = FApi.tc1_env tc in if not @@ NormMp.is_abstract_fun f env then tc_error !!tc "the procedure %a is not abstract: only a cost must \ be supplied." (EcPrinting.pp_funname (EcPrinting.PPEnv.ofenv env)) f; let pre, post, cost, _ = EcPhlFun.FunAbsLow.choareF_abs_spec !!tc env f inv inv_inf in f_cHoareF pre f post cost) | FbdHoareS bhs -> let (_,f,_,_) = fst (tc1_last_call tc bhs.bhs_s) in let penv = LDecl.inv_memenv1 hyps in (penv, fun inv inv_info -> check_none inv_info; bdhoare_call_spec !!tc inv inv f bhs.bhs_cmp bhs.bhs_bd None) | FequivS es -> let (_,fl,_,_) = fst (tc1_last_call tc es.es_sl) in let (_,fr,_,_) = fst (tc1_last_call tc es.es_sr) in let penv = LDecl.inv_memenv hyps in let env = LDecl.toenv hyps in (penv, fun inv inv_info -> check_none inv_info; mk_inv_spec !!tc env inv fl fr) | _ -> tc_error !!tc "the conclusion is not a hoare or an equiv" in let process_upto tc side info = if not (is_none side) then tc_error !!tc "cannot specify side for call with invariants"; let env, _, concl = FApi.tc1_eflat tc in match concl.f_node with | FequivS es -> let (_,fl,_,_) = fst (tc1_last_call tc es.es_sl) in let (_,fr,_,_) = fst (tc1_last_call tc es.es_sr) in let bad,invP,invQ = EcPhlFun.process_fun_upto_info info tc in let (topl,fl,_,sigl), (topr,fr,_ ,sigr) = EcLowPhlGoal.abstract_info2 env fl fr in let bad2 = Fsubst.f_subst_mem mhr mright bad in let eqglob = f_eqglob topl mleft topr mright in let lpre = [eqglob; invP] in let eq_params = f_eqparams sigl mleft sigr mright in let eq_res = f_eqres (fs_quantum sigl) sigl.fs_ret mleft sigr.fs_ret mright in let pre = f_if_simpl bad2 invQ (f_ands (eq_params::lpre)) in let post = f_if_simpl bad2 invQ (f_ands [eq_res;eqglob;invP]) in (bad,invP,invQ, f_equivF pre fl fr post) | _ -> tc_error !!tc "the conclusion is not an equiv" in let subtactic = ref t_id in let process_inv_inf tc hyps inv inv_inf = match inv_inf with | None -> let inv = TTC.pf_process_form !!tc hyps tbool inv in inv, None | Some (`Std c) -> let inv = TTC.pf_process_form !!tc hyps tbool inv in inv, Some (`Std (TTC.pf_process_cost !!tc hyps [] c)) | Some (`CostAbs aii) -> let inv, abs_inv_inf = EcPhlFun.process_inv_pabs_inv_finfo tc inv aii in inv, Some (`CostAbs abs_inv_inf) in let process_cut tc info = match info with | CI_spec (pre, post, ocost) -> let penv,qenv,fmake = process_spec tc side ocost in let pre = TTC.pf_process_form !!tc penv tbool pre in let post = TTC.pf_process_form !!tc qenv tbool post in fmake pre post | CI_inv (inv, inv_inf) -> let env, fmake = process_inv tc side in let inv, inv_inf = process_inv_inf tc env inv inv_inf in subtactic := (fun tc -> FApi.t_firsts t_trivial 2 (EcPhlFun.t_fun inv inv_inf tc)); fmake inv inv_inf | CI_upto info -> let bad, p, q, form = process_upto tc side info in let t_tr = FApi.t_or (t_assumption `Conv) t_trivial in subtactic := (fun tc -> FApi.t_firsts t_tr 3 (EcPhlFun.t_equivF_abs_upto bad p q tc)); form in let pt = PT.tc1_process_full_pterm_cut ~prcut:(process_cut tc) tc info in let pt = let rec doit pt = match TTC.destruct_product ~reduce:true (FApi.tc1_hyps tc) pt.PT.ptev_ax with | None -> pt | Some _ -> doit (EcProofTerm.apply_pterm_to_hole pt) in doit pt in let pt, ax = if not (PT.can_concretize pt.PT.ptev_env) then tc_error !!tc "cannot infer all placeholders"; PT.concretize pt in let ts = match (FApi.tc1_goal tc).f_node with | FcHoareS _ -> [ (fun x -> t_trivial x); t_trivial; t_id] | _ -> [t_id] in FApi.t_seqsub (t_call side ax) ( FApi.t_seqs [EcLowGoal.Apply.t_apply_bwd_hi ~dpe:true pt; !subtactic; t_trivial] :: ts) tc