Tip revision: a34738fe34a051760b4042dc9d740231e511fec1 authored by Nico Schertler on 31 October 2020, 07:04:57 UTC
Updated access token
Updated access token
Tip revision: a34738f
#version 430
layout(triangles, equal_spacing) in;
vec2 pos;
} vIn[];
patch in uint triId;
out vec4 vertexColor;
uniform int R;
struct TriData
vec2 cornerTexCoords[3];
vec2 edgeTexCoords[3];
uint cPtr;
layout(std430, binding = 0) buffer triData
TriData tris[];
layout(std430, binding = 1) buffer colorData
vec4 c[];
vec4 colorDisplacement(uvec3 rev, vec3 bary)
vec4 ret;
uint index =
3 * rev.x * (R + 1 - rev.x) //all texels from larger rings
+ rev.y * (R - 2 * rev.x) //all texels from previous edges of the same ring
+ rev.z;
ret = c[tris[triId].cPtr + index];
return ret;
uvec3 barycentricToRingEdgeVertex(vec3 barycentric)
uvec3 rev; //ring, edge, vector
float minBary;
if(barycentric.x < barycentric.y && barycentric.x < barycentric.z)
minBary = barycentric.x;
rev.y = 1;
else if(barycentric.y < barycentric.z)
minBary = barycentric.y;
rev.y = 2;
minBary = barycentric.z;
rev.y = 0;
rev.x = uint(round(3.0 / 2.0 * R * minBary));
uint verticesOnRingEdge = R - 2 * rev.x;
float denom = 3 * minBary - 1;
rev.z = (denom == 0
? 0
: uint(round((barycentric[rev.y] + 2 * minBary - 1) * (R - 2 * rev.x) / denom))
if(rev.z >= verticesOnRingEdge)
rev.z = 0;
rev.y = (rev.y + 1) % 3;
return rev;
void main(void)
vec3 barycentric =;
uvec3 rev = barycentricToRingEdgeVertex(barycentric);
//uvec2 i = uvec2(round(R * uv));
vec4 cd = colorDisplacement(rev, barycentric);
vertexColor = vec4(cd.rgb, 1);
const float gamma = 2.2 * 1.2;
vertexColor.rgb = pow(vertexColor.rgb, vec3(1.0 / gamma));
vec2 p = barycentric.x * vIn[0].pos + barycentric.y * vIn[1].pos + barycentric.z * vIn[2].pos;
gl_Position = vec4(2 * p - vec2(1, 1), 0, 1);