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Julia v1.4 Release Notes

New language features

* Structs with all isbits and isbitsunion fields are now stored inline in arrays ([#32448]).

* `import` now allows quoted symbols, e.g. `import Base.:+` ([#33158]).

Language changes

* Calling `show` or `repr` on an `undef`/`UndefInitializer()` array initializer now shows valid Julia code ([#33211]).

Multi-threading changes

Build system changes

New library functions

* The `splitpath` function now accepts any `AbstractString` whereas previously it only accepted paths of type `String` ([#33012]).
* The `tempname` function now takes an optional `parent::AbstractString` argument to give it a directory in which to attempt to produce a temporary path name ([#33090]).
* The `tempname` function now takes a `cleanup::Bool` keyword argument defaulting to `true`, which causes the process to try to ensure that any file or directory at the path returned by `tempname` is deleted upon process exit ([#33090]).
* The `readdir` function now takes a `join::Bool` keyword argument defaulting to `false`, which when set causes `readdir` to join its directory argument with each listed name ([#33113]).
* The new `only(x)` function returns the one-and-only element of a collection `x`, and throws an `ArgumentError` if `x` contains zero or multiple elements. ([#33129])

Standard library changes

* The methods of `mktemp` and `mktempdir` which take a function body to pass temporary paths to no longer throw errors if the path is already deleted when the function body returns ([#33091]).

* Verbose `display` of `Char` (`text/plain` output) now shows the codepoint value in standard-conforming `"U+XXXX"` format ([#33291]).

#### Libdl

#### LinearAlgebra

* `qr` and `qr!` functions support `blocksize` keyword argument ([#33053]).

* `dot` now admits a 3-argument method `dot(x, A, y)` to compute generalized dot products `dot(x, A*y)`, but without computing and storing the intermediate result `A*y` ([#32739]).

#### SparseArrays

* Products involving sparse arrays now allow more general sparse `eltype`s, such as `StaticArrays` ([#33205])

#### Dates

#### Statistics

#### Sockets

Deprecated or removed

External dependencies

Tooling Improvements

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