Raw File
/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* vim: set ts=2 sw=2 et tw=80: */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */

#ifndef nsDOMClassInfo_h___
#define nsDOMClassInfo_h___

#include "mozilla/Attributes.h"
#include "nsIXPCScriptable.h"
#include "nsIScriptGlobalObject.h"
#include "nsIDOMScriptObjectFactory.h"
#include "js/Id.h"
#include "nsIXPConnect.h"

#ifdef XP_WIN
#undef GetClassName

class nsContentList;
class nsDocument;
struct nsGlobalNameStruct;
class nsGlobalWindow;
class nsIScriptSecurityManager;

struct nsDOMClassInfoData;

typedef nsIClassInfo* (*nsDOMClassInfoConstructorFnc)
  (nsDOMClassInfoData* aData);

typedef nsresult (*nsDOMConstructorFunc)(nsISupports** aNewObject);

struct nsDOMClassInfoData
  const char *mName;
  const char16_t *mNameUTF16;
  union {
    nsDOMClassInfoConstructorFnc mConstructorFptr;
    nsDOMClassInfoExternalConstructorFnc mExternalConstructorFptr;
  } u;

  nsIClassInfo *mCachedClassInfo; // low bit is set to 1 if external,
                                  // so be sure to mask if necessary!
  const nsIID *mProtoChainInterface;
  const nsIID **mInterfaces;
  uint32_t mScriptableFlags : 31; // flags must not use more than 31 bits!
  uint32_t mHasClassInterface : 1;
  bool mChromeOnly : 1;
  bool mAllowXBL : 1;
  bool mDisabled : 1;
#ifdef DEBUG
  uint32_t mDebugID;

struct nsExternalDOMClassInfoData : public nsDOMClassInfoData
  const nsCID *mConstructorCID;

// To be used with the nsDOMClassInfoData::mCachedClassInfo pointer.
// The low bit is set when we created a generic helper for an external
// (which holds on to the nsDOMClassInfoData).
#define GET_CLEAN_CI_PTR(_ptr) (nsIClassInfo*)(uintptr_t(_ptr) & ~0x1)
#define MARK_EXTERNAL(_ptr) (nsIClassInfo*)(uintptr_t(_ptr) | 0x1)
#define IS_EXTERNAL(_ptr) (uintptr_t(_ptr) & 0x1)

class nsWindowSH;

class nsDOMClassInfo : public nsXPCClassInfo
  friend class nsWindowSH;

  virtual ~nsDOMClassInfo();

  explicit nsDOMClassInfo(nsDOMClassInfoData* aData);




  // Helper method that returns a *non* refcounted pointer to a
  // helper. So please note, don't release this pointer, if you do,
  // you better make sure you've addreffed before release.
  // Whaaaaa! I wanted to name this method GetClassInfo, but nooo,
  // some of Microsoft devstudio's headers #defines GetClassInfo to
  // GetClassInfoA so I can't, those $%#@^! bastards!!! What gives
  // them the right to do that?

  static nsIClassInfo* GetClassInfoInstance(nsDOMClassInfoData* aData);

  static nsresult Init();
  static void ShutDown();

  static nsIClassInfo *doCreate(nsDOMClassInfoData* aData)
    return new nsDOMClassInfo(aData);

   * The following two functions exist because of the way that Xray wrappers
   * work. In order to allow scriptable helpers to define non-IDL defined but
   * still "safe" properties for Xray wrappers, we call into the scriptable
   * helper with |obj| being the wrapper.
   * Ideally, that would be the end of the story, however due to complications
   * dealing with document.domain, it's possible to end up in a scriptable
   * helper with a wrapper, even though we should be treating the lookup as a
   * transparent one.
   * Note: So ObjectIsNativeWrapper(cx, obj) check usually means "through xray
   * wrapper this part is not visible".
  static bool ObjectIsNativeWrapper(JSContext* cx, JSObject* obj);

  static nsISupports *GetNative(nsIXPConnectWrappedNative *wrapper, JSObject *obj);

  static nsIXPConnect *XPConnect()
    return sXPConnect;

  friend nsIClassInfo* NS_GetDOMClassInfoInstance(nsDOMClassInfoID aID);

  const nsDOMClassInfoData* mData;

  virtual void PreserveWrapper(nsISupports *aNative) override

  static nsresult RegisterClassProtos(int32_t aDOMClassInfoID);
  static nsresult RegisterExternalClasses();

  static nsIXPConnect *sXPConnect;

  // nsIXPCScriptable code
  static nsresult DefineStaticJSVals(JSContext *cx);

  static bool sIsInitialized;

  static jsid sConstructor_id;
  static jsid sWrappedJSObject_id;

// THIS ONE ISN'T SAFE!! It assumes that the private of the JSObject is
// an nsISupports.
const nsQueryInterface
do_QueryWrappedNative(nsIXPConnectWrappedNative *wrapper, JSObject *obj)
  return nsQueryInterface(nsDOMClassInfo::GetNative(wrapper, obj));

// THIS ONE ISN'T SAFE!! It assumes that the private of the JSObject is
// an nsISupports.
const nsQueryInterfaceWithError
do_QueryWrappedNative(nsIXPConnectWrappedNative *wrapper, JSObject *obj,
                      nsresult *aError)

  return nsQueryInterfaceWithError(nsDOMClassInfo::GetNative(wrapper, obj),

do_QueryWrapper(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj)
  nsISupports *native =
    nsDOMClassInfo::XPConnect()->GetNativeOfWrapper(cx, obj);
  return nsQueryInterface(native);

do_QueryWrapper(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, nsresult* error)
  nsISupports *native =
    nsDOMClassInfo::XPConnect()->GetNativeOfWrapper(cx, obj);
  return nsQueryInterfaceWithError(native, error);

typedef nsDOMClassInfo nsDOMGenericSH;

// Makes sure that the wrapper is preserved if new properties are added.
class nsEventTargetSH : public nsDOMGenericSH
  explicit nsEventTargetSH(nsDOMClassInfoData* aData) : nsDOMGenericSH(aData)

  virtual ~nsEventTargetSH()
  NS_IMETHOD PreCreate(nsISupports *nativeObj, JSContext *cx,
                       JSObject *globalObj, JSObject **parentObj) override;
  NS_IMETHOD AddProperty(nsIXPConnectWrappedNative *wrapper, JSContext *cx,
                         JSObject *obj, jsid id, JS::Value *vp, bool *_retval) override;

  virtual void PreserveWrapper(nsISupports *aNative) override;

  static nsIClassInfo *doCreate(nsDOMClassInfoData* aData)
    return new nsEventTargetSH(aData);

// A place to hang some static methods that we should really consider
// moving to be nsGlobalWindow member methods.  See bug 1062418.
class nsWindowSH
  static nsresult GlobalResolve(nsGlobalWindow *aWin, JSContext *cx,
                                JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, JS::Handle<jsid> id,
                                JS::MutableHandle<JSPropertyDescriptor> desc);

  friend class nsGlobalWindow;
  static bool NameStructEnabled(JSContext* aCx, nsGlobalWindow *aWin,
                                const nsAString& aName,
                                const nsGlobalNameStruct& aNameStruct);

// Event handler 'this' translator class, this is called by XPConnect
// when a "function interface" (nsIDOMEventListener) is called, this
// class extracts 'this' fomr the first argument to the called
// function (nsIDOMEventListener::HandleEvent(in nsIDOMEvent)), this
// class will pass back nsIDOMEvent::currentTarget to be used as
// 'this'.

class nsEventListenerThisTranslator : public nsIXPCFunctionThisTranslator
  virtual ~nsEventListenerThisTranslator()


  // nsISupports

  // nsIXPCFunctionThisTranslator

class nsDOMConstructorSH : public nsDOMGenericSH
  explicit nsDOMConstructorSH(nsDOMClassInfoData* aData) : nsDOMGenericSH(aData)

  NS_IMETHOD PreCreate(nsISupports *nativeObj, JSContext *cx,
                       JSObject *globalObj, JSObject **parentObj) override;
  NS_IMETHOD PostCreatePrototype(JSContext * cx, JSObject * proto) override
    return NS_OK;
  NS_IMETHOD Resolve(nsIXPConnectWrappedNative *wrapper, JSContext *cx,
                     JSObject *obj, jsid id, bool *resolvedp,
                     bool *_retval) override;
  NS_IMETHOD Call(nsIXPConnectWrappedNative *wrapper, JSContext *cx,
                  JSObject *obj, const JS::CallArgs &args, bool *_retval) override;

  NS_IMETHOD Construct(nsIXPConnectWrappedNative *wrapper, JSContext *cx,
                       JSObject *obj, const JS::CallArgs &args, bool *_retval) override;

  NS_IMETHOD HasInstance(nsIXPConnectWrappedNative *wrapper, JSContext *cx,
                         JSObject *obj, JS::Handle<JS::Value> val, bool *bp,
                         bool *_retval) override;

  static nsIClassInfo *doCreate(nsDOMClassInfoData* aData)
    return new nsDOMConstructorSH(aData);

class nsNonDOMObjectSH : public nsDOMGenericSH
  explicit nsNonDOMObjectSH(nsDOMClassInfoData* aData) : nsDOMGenericSH(aData)

  virtual ~nsNonDOMObjectSH()

  NS_IMETHOD GetFlags(uint32_t *aFlags) override;

  static nsIClassInfo *doCreate(nsDOMClassInfoData* aData)
    return new nsNonDOMObjectSH(aData);

#endif /* nsDOMClassInfo_h___ */
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