runExample <- function(what, where = "SoDA", run = TRUE, ..., echo = TRUE, prompt.echo, wd ) { file = exampleFiles(what, where, TRUE, TRUE) # one file, with path fileB = sub("^.*/","",file) if(length(grep("[.][RS]$", file)) >0 ) { if(run) { if(missing(wd)) wd <- system.file(package=where) if(!nzchar(wd)) { oldwd <- getwd() setwd(wd) on.exit(setwd(oldwd)) } message(gettextf("Running example file \"%s\"", file), domain = NA) if(missing(prompt.echo)) prompt.echo <- paste(">",abbreviate(substr(fileB, 1, nchar(file)-2),4)," ", sep="") source(file, ..., echo = echo, prompt.echo = prompt.echo) } else { value <- parse( file) if(length(value) == 1) #e.g., and often, a function definition value <- value[[1]] value } } else { # should offer the user some choices? file } } .guessFile <- function(what, files) { pattern <- paste(what, ".R", sep="") which <- match(pattern, files) if(! return(files[which]) pattern <- paste("^",what, sep="") which <- grep(pattern, files) if(length(which) > 0) return(files[which]) ## should try for other languages, in case regexp failed? character() }