/* * Some fundamental physical constants - mks units * * See also: * "The Fundamental Physical Constants" by * E. Richard Cohen and Barry N. Taylor * (PHYICS TODAY, August 1989, Austus 1994) * https://physics.nist.gov/ */ #define c_MKS 299792458.0000 /* speed of light [m/s] */ #define k_MKS 1.380649e-23 /* Boltzmann [J/K] */ #define h_MKS 6.62607015e-34 /* Planck [J-s] */ #define G_MKS 6.67430e-11 /* Newton's Gravitational Constant "G" [N m^2/kg^2] 6.674 30 */ #define g_MKS 9.80665 /* standard acceleration of gravity */ #define M_SOLAR 1.989e30 /* Mass of Sun [kg] */ #define L_SOLAR 3.827e26 /* Luminosity of Sun [W] */ #define R_SOLAR 6.96e8 /* Radius of Sun [m] */ #define M_EARTH 5.974e24 /* Mass of earth [kg] */ /* #define AU 1.49597870691e11 Astronomical Unit [m] */ #define AU 1.49597870700e11 /* AU as per IAU 2012 definition */ #define PC 3.0856e16 /* Parsec [m] */ #define HI_MHz 1420.40575177 /* 21cm (21.10611405413 cm) line of HI */ /* * 1au = exactly 149597870700 metres, in agreement with the value adopted in IAU 2009 Resolution B2 * 1pc = 648000/pi AU (IAU 2015 Resolution B2) = 3.085677581491367e+16 */