# Install dependencies needed to build the documentation. Base.ACTIVE_PROJECT[] = nothing empty!(LOAD_PATH) push!(LOAD_PATH, @__DIR__, "@stdlib") empty!(DEPOT_PATH) pushfirst!(DEPOT_PATH, joinpath(@__DIR__, "deps")) using Pkg Pkg.instantiate() using Documenter baremodule GenStdLib end # Documenter Setup. symlink_q(tgt, link) = isfile(link) || symlink(tgt, link) cp_q(src, dest) = isfile(dest) || cp(src, dest) # make links for stdlib package docs, this is needed until #552 in Documenter.jl is finished const STDLIB_DOCS = [] const STDLIB_DIR = Sys.STDLIB const EXT_STDLIB_DOCS = ["Pkg"] cd(joinpath(@__DIR__, "src")) do Base.rm("stdlib"; recursive=true, force=true) mkdir("stdlib") for dir in readdir(STDLIB_DIR) sourcefile = joinpath(STDLIB_DIR, dir, "docs", "src") if dir in EXT_STDLIB_DOCS sourcefile = joinpath(sourcefile, "basedocs.md") else sourcefile = joinpath(sourcefile, "index.md") end if isfile(sourcefile) targetfile = joinpath("stdlib", dir * ".md") push!(STDLIB_DOCS, (stdlib = Symbol(dir), targetfile = targetfile)) if Sys.iswindows() cp_q(sourcefile, targetfile) else symlink_q(sourcefile, targetfile) end end end end # Check if we are building a PDF const render_pdf = "pdf" in ARGS # Generate a suitable markdown file from NEWS.md and put it in src str = read(joinpath(@__DIR__, "..", "NEWS.md"), String) splitted = split(str, "") @assert length(splitted) == 2 replaced_links = replace(splitted[1], r"\[\#([0-9]*?)\]" => s"[#\g<1>](https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/issues/\g<1>)") write( joinpath(@__DIR__, "src", "NEWS.md"), """ ```@meta EditURL = "https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/blob/master/NEWS.md" ``` """ * replaced_links) Manual = [ "manual/getting-started.md", "manual/variables.md", "manual/integers-and-floating-point-numbers.md", "manual/mathematical-operations.md", "manual/complex-and-rational-numbers.md", "manual/strings.md", "manual/functions.md", "manual/control-flow.md", "manual/variables-and-scoping.md", "manual/types.md", "manual/methods.md", "manual/constructors.md", "manual/conversion-and-promotion.md", "manual/interfaces.md", "manual/modules.md", "manual/documentation.md", "manual/metaprogramming.md", "manual/arrays.md", "manual/missing.md", "manual/networking-and-streams.md", "manual/parallel-computing.md", "manual/asynchronous-programming.md", "manual/multi-threading.md", "manual/distributed-computing.md", "manual/running-external-programs.md", "manual/calling-c-and-fortran-code.md", "manual/handling-operating-system-variation.md", "manual/environment-variables.md", "manual/embedding.md", "manual/code-loading.md", "manual/profile.md", "manual/stacktraces.md", "manual/performance-tips.md", "manual/workflow-tips.md", "manual/style-guide.md", "manual/faq.md", "manual/noteworthy-differences.md", "manual/unicode-input.md", "manual/command-line-options.md", ] BaseDocs = [ "base/base.md", "base/collections.md", "base/math.md", "base/numbers.md", "base/strings.md", "base/arrays.md", "base/parallel.md", "base/multi-threading.md", "base/constants.md", "base/file.md", "base/io-network.md", "base/punctuation.md", "base/sort.md", "base/iterators.md", "base/c.md", "base/libc.md", "base/stacktraces.md", "base/simd-types.md", ] StdlibDocs = [stdlib.targetfile for stdlib in STDLIB_DOCS] DevDocs = [ "devdocs/reflection.md", "Documentation of Julia's Internals" => [ "devdocs/init.md", "devdocs/ast.md", "devdocs/types.md", "devdocs/object.md", "devdocs/eval.md", "devdocs/callconv.md", "devdocs/compiler.md", "devdocs/functions.md", "devdocs/cartesian.md", "devdocs/meta.md", "devdocs/subarrays.md", "devdocs/isbitsunionarrays.md", "devdocs/sysimg.md", "devdocs/llvm.md", "devdocs/stdio.md", "devdocs/boundscheck.md", "devdocs/locks.md", "devdocs/offset-arrays.md", "devdocs/require.md", "devdocs/inference.md", "devdocs/ssair.md", "devdocs/gc-sa.md", ], "Developing/debugging Julia's C code" => [ "devdocs/backtraces.md", "devdocs/debuggingtips.md", "devdocs/valgrind.md", "devdocs/sanitizers.md", ] ] if render_pdf const PAGES = [ "Manual" => ["index.md", Manual...], "Base" => BaseDocs, "Standard Library" => StdlibDocs, "Developer Documentation" => DevDocs, hide("NEWS.md"), ] else const PAGES = [ "Julia Documentation" => "index.md", hide("NEWS.md"), "Manual" => Manual, "Base" => BaseDocs, "Standard Library" => StdlibDocs, "Developer Documentation" => DevDocs, ] end for stdlib in STDLIB_DOCS @eval using $(stdlib.stdlib) # All standard library modules get `using $STDLIB` as their global DocMeta.setdocmeta!(Base.root_module(Base, stdlib.stdlib), :DocTestSetup, :(using $(stdlib.stdlib)), recursive=true) end # A few standard libraries need more than just the module itself in the DocTestSetup. # This overwrites the existing ones from above though, hence the warn=false. DocMeta.setdocmeta!(SparseArrays, :DocTestSetup, :(using SparseArrays, LinearAlgebra), recursive=true, warn=false) DocMeta.setdocmeta!(SuiteSparse, :DocTestSetup, :(using SparseArrays, LinearAlgebra, SuiteSparse), recursive=true, warn=false) DocMeta.setdocmeta!(UUIDs, :DocTestSetup, :(using UUIDs, Random), recursive=true, warn=false) DocMeta.setdocmeta!(Pkg, :DocTestSetup, :(using Pkg, Pkg.Artifacts), recursive=true, warn=false) DocMeta.setdocmeta!(Base.BinaryPlatforms, :DocTestSetup, :(using Base.BinaryPlatforms), recursive=true, warn=false) let r = r"buildroot=(.+)", i = findfirst(x -> occursin(r, x), ARGS) global const buildroot = i === nothing ? (@__DIR__) : first(match(r, ARGS[i]).captures) end const format = if render_pdf Documenter.LaTeX( platform = "texplatform=docker" in ARGS ? "docker" : "native" ) else Documenter.HTML( prettyurls = ("deploy" in ARGS), canonical = ("deploy" in ARGS) ? "https://docs.julialang.org/en/v1/" : nothing, assets = [ "assets/julia-manual.css", "assets/julia.ico", ], analytics = "UA-28835595-6", collapselevel = 1, sidebar_sitename = false, ) end makedocs( build = joinpath(buildroot, "doc", "_build", (render_pdf ? "pdf" : "html"), "en"), modules = [Main, Base, Core, [Base.root_module(Base, stdlib.stdlib) for stdlib in STDLIB_DOCS]...], clean = true, doctest = ("doctest=fix" in ARGS) ? (:fix) : ("doctest=only" in ARGS) ? (:only) : ("doctest=true" in ARGS) ? true : false, linkcheck = "linkcheck=true" in ARGS, linkcheck_ignore = ["https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=136779"], # fails to load from nanosoldier? strict = true, checkdocs = :none, format = format, sitename = "The Julia Language", authors = "The Julia Project", pages = PAGES, ) # Define our own DeployConfig struct BuildBotConfig <: Documenter.DeployConfig end function Documenter.deploy_folder(::BuildBotConfig; devurl, repo, branch, kwargs...) haskey(ENV, "DOCUMENTER_KEY") || return Documenter.DeployDecision(; all_ok=false) if Base.GIT_VERSION_INFO.tagged_commit # Strip extra pre-release info (1.5.0-rc2.0 -> 1.5.0-rc2) ver = VersionNumber(VERSION.major, VERSION.minor, VERSION.patch, isempty(VERSION.prerelease) ? () : (VERSION.prerelease[1],)) subfolder = "v$(ver)" return Documenter.DeployDecision(; all_ok=true, repo, branch, subfolder) elseif Base.GIT_VERSION_INFO.branch == "master" return Documenter.DeployDecision(; all_ok=true, repo, branch, subfolder=devurl) end return Documenter.DeployDecision(; all_ok=false) end const devurl = "v$(VERSION.major).$(VERSION.minor)-dev" # Hack to make rc docs visible in the version selector struct Versions versions end function Documenter.Writers.HTMLWriter.expand_versions(dir::String, v::Versions) # Find all available docs available_folders = readdir(dir) cd(() -> filter!(!islink, available_folders), dir) filter!(x -> occursin(Base.VERSION_REGEX, x), available_folders) # Look for docs for an "active" release candidate and insert it vnums = [VersionNumber(x) for x in available_folders] master_version = maximum(vnums) filter!(x -> x.major == 1 && x.minor == master_version.minor-1, vnums) rc = maximum(vnums) if !isempty(rc.prerelease) && occursin(r"^rc", rc.prerelease[1]) src = "v$(rc)" @assert src ∈ available_folders push!(v.versions, src => src, pop!(v.versions)) end return Documenter.Writers.HTMLWriter.expand_versions(dir, v.versions) end deploydocs( repo = "github.com/JuliaLang/docs.julialang.org.git", deploy_config = BuildBotConfig(), target = joinpath(buildroot, "doc", "_build", "html", "en"), dirname = "en", devurl = devurl, versions = Versions(["v#.#", devurl => devurl]), )