Raw File
- job: hera_cal
    vmImage: "ubuntu-latest"
    WITH_SUDO: true

  - task: UsePythonVersion@0
      versionSpec: "3.12"

  - bash: |
      cd ../
      git clone https://github.com/HERA-Team/hera_cal.git
      cd s
    displayName: clone hera_cal

  - bash: |
      pip install .
    displayName: install pyuvdata

  - bash: |
      cd ../hera_cal
      pip install .[dev]
    displayName: install hera_cal

  - bash: |
      pip list
    displayName: Environment Info

  - bash: |
      pytest -n auto --pyargs hera_cal
    displayName: run hera_cal tests

- job: hera_qm
    vmImage: "ubuntu-latest"
    PYTHON: "3.10"
    ENV_NAME: hera_qm_tests
    WITH_SUDO: true

  - bash: |
      cd ../
      git clone https://github.com/HERA-Team/hera_qm.git
      cd s
    displayName: clone hera_qm

  - bash: wget -qO- https://micro.mamba.pm/api/micromamba/linux-64/latest | sudo tar -C / -xvj bin/micromamba
    displayName: Install Micromamba

  - bash: |
      micromamba info
      # need to add gxx and gcc to build novas and cython
      # docstring_parser should be removed after next pyuvdata release (>2.3.2)
      micromamba create --name=${ENV_NAME}  python=$PYTHON gxx gcc docstring_parser -f ../hera_qm/ci/${ENV_NAME}.yml -yq
    displayName: configure conda environment

  - bash: |
      source ./ci/_activate_current_env.sh
      micromamba list -n ${ENV_NAME}
      # check that the python version matches the desired one; exit immediately if not
      PYVER=`python -c "import sys; print('{:d}.{:d}'.format(sys.version_info.major, sys.version_info.minor))"`
      if [[ $PYVER != $PYTHON ]]; then
        exit 1;
    displayName: Verify Mamba Config

  - bash: |
      source ./ci/_activate_current_env.sh
      pip install --no-deps .
      cd ../hera_qm
      pip install --no-deps .
      mkdir test-reports
      python -m pytest hera_qm --junitxml=test-reports/xunit.xml -W "ignore" -W "default:::pyuvdata"
    displayName: run hera_qm tests

- job: pyradiosky
    vmImage: "ubuntu-latest"
    PYTHON: "3.10"
    ENV_NAME: full_deps
    WITH_SUDO: true

  - bash: |
      cd ../
      git clone https://github.com/RadioAstronomySoftwareGroup/pyradiosky
      cd s
    displayName: clone pyradiosky

  - bash: wget -qO- https://micro.mamba.pm/api/micromamba/linux-64/latest | sudo tar -C / -xvj bin/micromamba
    displayName: Install Micromamba

  - bash: |
      micromamba info
      # need to add gxx and gcc to build novas and cython
      # docstring_parser should be removed after next pyuvdata release (>2.3.2)
      # note different spelling of yaml extension
      micromamba create --name=${ENV_NAME}  python=$PYTHON gxx gcc docstring_parser -f ../pyradiosky/ci/${ENV_NAME}.yaml -yq
    displayName: configure conda environment

  - bash: |
      source ./ci/_activate_current_env.sh
      micromamba list -n ${ENV_NAME}
      # check that the python version matches the desired one; exit immediately if not
      PYVER=`python -c "import sys; print('{:d}.{:d}'.format(sys.version_info.major, sys.version_info.minor))"`
      if [[ $PYVER != $PYTHON ]]; then
        exit 1;
    displayName: Verify Mamba Config

  - bash: |
      source ./ci/_activate_current_env.sh
      pip install --no-deps .
      cd ../pyradiosky
      pip install --no-deps .
      mkdir test-reports
      python -m pytest --junitxml=test-reports/xunit.xml
    displayName: run pyradiosky tests

- job: pyuvsim
    vmImage: "ubuntu-latest"
    PYTHON: "3.10"
    ENV_NAME: pyuvsim_tests_openmpi
    WITH_SUDO: true

  - bash: |
      cd ../
      git clone https://github.com/RadioAstronomySoftwareGroup/pyuvsim
      cd s
    displayName: clone pyuvsim

  - bash: wget -qO- https://micro.mamba.pm/api/micromamba/linux-64/latest | sudo tar -C / -xvj bin/micromamba
    displayName: Install Micromamba

  - bash: |
      micromamba info
      # need to add gxx and gcc to build novas and cython
      # docstring_parser should be removed after next pyuvdata release (>2.3.2)
      # note different spelling of yaml extension
      micromamba create --name=${ENV_NAME}  python=$PYTHON gxx gcc docstring_parser -f ../pyuvsim/ci/${ENV_NAME}.yaml -yq
    displayName: configure conda environment

  - bash: |
      source ./ci/_activate_current_env.sh
      micromamba list -n ${ENV_NAME}
      # check that the python version matches the desired one; exit immediately if not
      PYVER=`python -c "import sys; print('{:d}.{:d}'.format(sys.version_info.major, sys.version_info.minor))"`
      if [[ $PYVER != $PYTHON ]]; then
        exit 1;
    displayName: Verify Mamba Config

  - bash: |
      source ./ci/_activate_current_env.sh
      pip install --no-deps .
      cd ../pyuvsim
      pip install --no-deps .
      mkdir test-reports
      python -m pytest pyuvsim --junitxml=test-reports/xunit.xml
    displayName: run pyuvsim tests

- job: SSINS
    vmImage: "ubuntu-latest"
    PYTHON: "3.10"
    ENV_NAME: SSINS_tests
    WITH_SUDO: true

  - bash: |
      cd ../
      git clone https://github.com/mwilensky768/SSINS
      cd s
    displayName: clone SSINS

  - bash: wget -qO- https://micro.mamba.pm/api/micromamba/linux-64/latest | sudo tar -C / -xvj bin/micromamba
    displayName: Install Micromamba

  - bash: |
      micromamba info
      # need to add gxx and gcc to build novas and cython
      # docstring_parser should be removed after next pyuvdata release (>2.3.2)
      # note different spelling of yaml extension
      micromamba create --name=${ENV_NAME}  python=$PYTHON gxx gcc docstring_parser -f ../SSINS/ci/${ENV_NAME}.yml -yq
    displayName: configure conda environment

  - bash: |
      source ./ci/_activate_current_env.sh
      micromamba list -n ${ENV_NAME}
      # check that the python version matches the desired one; exit immediately if not
      PYVER=`python -c "import sys; print('{:d}.{:d}'.format(sys.version_info.major, sys.version_info.minor))"`
      if [[ $PYVER != $PYTHON ]]; then
        exit 1;
    displayName: Verify Mamba Config

  - bash: |
      source ./ci/_activate_current_env.sh
      pip install --no-deps .
      cd ../SSINS
      pip install --no-deps .
      mkdir test-reports
      python -m pytest SSINS --junitxml=test-reports/xunit.xml
    displayName: run SSINS tests
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