# CNTK Examples: Image/TransferLearning ## Overview |Data: |A data set containing images of 102 different types of flowers ([website](http://www.robots.ox.ac.uk/~vgg/data/flowers/102/index.html)). |:---------|:--- |Purpose |Demonstrate how to perform transfer learning in CNTK. |Network |Pre-trained ResNet_18 model, which is modified to fit the flowers data set. |Training |In this example all layers (old and new) are trained with the same learning rate. ## Running the example ### Getting the data We use the `Flowers` data set ([Examples/Image/DataSets/Flowers](../DataSets/Flowers)) and a pre-trained ResNet_18 model [PretrainedModels/ResNet18_ImageNet_CNTK.model](../../../PretrainedModels). To download both run `python install_data_and_model.py` ### Details Run `python TransferLearning.py` to train and evaluate the transfer learning model. The model achieves 93% accuracy on the Flowers data set after training for 20 epochs. A detailed walk through is provided in the ['Build your own image classifier using Transfer Learning'](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cognitive-toolkit/Build-your-own-image-classifier-using-Transfer-Learning) tutorial on the CNTK github wiki.