sample=$1 reference=$2 prefix=$3 dir="/scratch/bnavarr2/analysis/sd_in2Rmal_dpgp3/mapping_dpgp3_to_chr2R/bams" if [ "$#" -ne 2 ]; then echo "Usage: $0 sample_name reference out_prefix" exit 1 fi ####Build bwa index if [ -f "$reference.bwt" ]; then echo "$reference.bwt exists, moving on..." else echo "Prepping bwa index..." bwa index $reference fi if [ -s "$sample.sorted.bam.bai" ]; then echo "$sample".sorted.bam" already exists: exiting" exit 1 fi echo "Working on sample: $sample" #echo " ###define header #RG="@RG\tSM:$sample\tPL:illumina\tLB:lib1\tPU:unit1" RG="@RG\tID:$prefix\tSM:$sample\tPL:illumina\tLB:lib1\tPU:unit1" ###map reads if [[ ! -e "$sample.sam" ]]; then echo "mapping $sample to $reference" ; bwa mem -t 12 -M -R $RG $reference $sample"_pass_1.fastq.gz" $sample"_pass_2.fastq.gz" > $sample".sam" else echo "mapping already done, moving on..." fi && if [ -s "$sample.sam" ]; then echo "$sample.sam done... sorting and converting to bam... " #sort sam and convert to bam samtools view -bS $sample".sam" | samtools sort -@12 - -o $sample".sorted.bam" && samtools index $sample".sorted.bam" else echo "$sample".sam" not created" exit 1 fi if [ -s "$sample.sorted.bam.bai" ]; then echo "$sample".sorted.bam" generated correctly, All done!" ; rm $sample".sam"; else echo "$sample".sorted.bam" not created" exit 1 fi #"