# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT: https://julialang.org/license """ NamedTuple `NamedTuple`s are, as their name suggests, named [`Tuple`](@ref)s. That is, they're a tuple-like collection of values, where each entry has a unique name, represented as a [`Symbol`](@ref). Like `Tuple`s, `NamedTuple`s are immutable; neither the names nor the values can be modified in place after construction. Accessing the value associated with a name in a named tuple can be done using field access syntax, e.g. `x.a`, or using [`getindex`](@ref), e.g. `x[:a]`. A tuple of the names can be obtained using [`keys`](@ref), and a tuple of the values can be obtained using [`values`](@ref). !!! note Iteration over `NamedTuple`s produces the *values* without the names. (See example below.) To iterate over the name-value pairs, use the [`pairs`](@ref) function. The [`@NamedTuple`](@ref) macro can be used for conveniently declaring `NamedTuple` types. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> x = (a=1, b=2) (a = 1, b = 2) julia> x.a 1 julia> x[:a] 1 julia> keys(x) (:a, :b) julia> values(x) (1, 2) julia> collect(x) 2-element Array{Int64,1}: 1 2 julia> collect(pairs(x)) 2-element Array{Pair{Symbol,Int64},1}: :a => 1 :b => 2 ``` In a similar fashion as to how one can define keyword arguments programmatically, a named tuple can be created by giving a pair `name::Symbol => value` or splatting an iterator yielding such pairs after a semicolon inside a tuple literal: ```jldoctest julia> (; :a => 1) (a = 1,) julia> keys = (:a, :b, :c); values = (1, 2, 3); julia> (; zip(keys, values)...) (a = 1, b = 2, c = 3) ``` As in keyword arguments, identifiers and dot expressions imply names: ```jldoctest julia> x = 0 0 julia> t = (; x) (x = 0,) julia> (; t.x) (x = 0,) ``` !!! compat "Julia 1.5" Implicit names from identifiers and dot expressions are available as of Julia 1.5. """ Core.NamedTuple if nameof(@__MODULE__) === :Base @eval function NamedTuple{names,T}(args::Tuple) where {names, T <: Tuple} if length(args) != length(names::Tuple) throw(ArgumentError("Wrong number of arguments to named tuple constructor.")) end # Note T(args) might not return something of type T; e.g. # Tuple{Type{Float64}}((Float64,)) returns a Tuple{DataType} $(Expr(:splatnew, :(NamedTuple{names,T}), :(T(args)))) end function NamedTuple{names}(nt::NamedTuple) where {names} if @generated types = Tuple{(fieldtype(nt, n) for n in names)...} Expr(:new, :(NamedTuple{names, $types}), Any[ :(getfield(nt, $(QuoteNode(n)))) for n in names ]...) else types = Tuple{(fieldtype(typeof(nt), n) for n in names)...} NamedTuple{names, types}(Tuple(getfield(nt, n) for n in names)) end end NamedTuple{names, T}(itr) where {names, T <: Tuple} = NamedTuple{names, T}(T(itr)) NamedTuple{names}(itr) where {names} = NamedTuple{names}(Tuple(itr)) end # if Base length(t::NamedTuple) = nfields(t) iterate(t::NamedTuple, iter=1) = iter > nfields(t) ? nothing : (getfield(t, iter), iter + 1) firstindex(t::NamedTuple) = 1 lastindex(t::NamedTuple) = nfields(t) getindex(t::NamedTuple, i::Int) = getfield(t, i) getindex(t::NamedTuple, i::Symbol) = getfield(t, i) indexed_iterate(t::NamedTuple, i::Int, state=1) = (getfield(t, i), i+1) isempty(::NamedTuple{()}) = true isempty(::NamedTuple) = false empty(::NamedTuple) = NamedTuple() convert(::Type{NamedTuple{names,T}}, nt::NamedTuple{names,T}) where {names,T<:Tuple} = nt convert(::Type{NamedTuple{names}}, nt::NamedTuple{names}) where {names} = nt function convert(::Type{NamedTuple{names,T}}, nt::NamedTuple{names}) where {names,T<:Tuple} NamedTuple{names,T}(T(nt)) end if nameof(@__MODULE__) === :Base Tuple(nt::NamedTuple) = (nt...,) (::Type{T})(nt::NamedTuple) where {T <: Tuple} = convert(T, Tuple(nt)) end function show(io::IO, t::NamedTuple) n = nfields(t) for i = 1:n # if field types aren't concrete, show full type if typeof(getfield(t, i)) !== fieldtype(typeof(t), i) show(io, typeof(t)) print(io, "(") show(io, Tuple(t)) print(io, ")") return end end if n == 0 print(io, "NamedTuple()") else typeinfo = get(io, :typeinfo, Any) print(io, "(") for i = 1:n print(io, fieldname(typeof(t),i), " = ") show(IOContext(io, :typeinfo => t isa typeinfo <: NamedTuple ? fieldtype(typeinfo, i) : Any), getfield(t, i)) if n == 1 print(io, ",") elseif i < n print(io, ", ") end end print(io, ")") end end eltype(::Type{NamedTuple{names,T}}) where {names,T} = eltype(T) ==(a::NamedTuple{n}, b::NamedTuple{n}) where {n} = Tuple(a) == Tuple(b) ==(a::NamedTuple, b::NamedTuple) = false isequal(a::NamedTuple{n}, b::NamedTuple{n}) where {n} = isequal(Tuple(a), Tuple(b)) isequal(a::NamedTuple, b::NamedTuple) = false _nt_names(::NamedTuple{names}) where {names} = names _nt_names(::Type{T}) where {names,T<:NamedTuple{names}} = names hash(x::NamedTuple, h::UInt) = xor(objectid(_nt_names(x)), hash(Tuple(x), h)) isless(a::NamedTuple{n}, b::NamedTuple{n}) where {n} = isless(Tuple(a), Tuple(b)) # TODO: case where one argument's names are a prefix of the other's same_names(::NamedTuple{names}...) where {names} = true same_names(::NamedTuple...) = false # NOTE: this method signature makes sure we don't define map(f) function map(f, nt::NamedTuple{names}, nts::NamedTuple...) where names if !same_names(nt, nts...) throw(ArgumentError("Named tuple names do not match.")) end NamedTuple{names}(map(f, map(Tuple, (nt, nts...))...)) end # a version of `in` for the older world these generated functions run in @pure function sym_in(x::Symbol, itr::Tuple{Vararg{Symbol}}) for y in itr y === x && return true end return false end @pure function merge_names(an::Tuple{Vararg{Symbol}}, bn::Tuple{Vararg{Symbol}}) names = Symbol[an...] for n in bn if !sym_in(n, an) push!(names, n) end end (names...,) end @pure function merge_types(names::Tuple{Vararg{Symbol}}, a::Type{<:NamedTuple}, b::Type{<:NamedTuple}) bn = _nt_names(b) Tuple{Any[ fieldtype(sym_in(n, bn) ? b : a, n) for n in names ]...} end """ merge(a::NamedTuple, bs::NamedTuple...) Construct a new named tuple by merging two or more existing ones, in a left-associative manner. Merging proceeds left-to-right, between pairs of named tuples, and so the order of fields present in both the leftmost and rightmost named tuples take the same position as they are found in the leftmost named tuple. However, values are taken from matching fields in the rightmost named tuple that contains that field. Fields present in only the rightmost named tuple of a pair are appended at the end. A fallback is implemented for when only a single named tuple is supplied, with signature `merge(a::NamedTuple)`. !!! compat "Julia 1.1" Merging 3 or more `NamedTuple` requires at least Julia 1.1. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> merge((a=1, b=2, c=3), (b=4, d=5)) (a = 1, b = 4, c = 3, d = 5) ``` ```jldoctest julia> merge((a=1, b=2), (b=3, c=(d=1,)), (c=(d=2,),)) (a = 1, b = 3, c = (d = 2,)) ``` """ function merge(a::NamedTuple{an}, b::NamedTuple{bn}) where {an, bn} if @generated names = merge_names(an, bn) types = merge_types(names, a, b) vals = Any[ :(getfield($(sym_in(n, bn) ? :b : :a), $(QuoteNode(n)))) for n in names ] :( NamedTuple{$names,$types}(($(vals...),)) ) else names = merge_names(an, bn) types = merge_types(names, typeof(a), typeof(b)) NamedTuple{names,types}(map(n->getfield(sym_in(n, bn) ? b : a, n), names)) end end merge(a::NamedTuple{()}, b::NamedTuple) = b merge(a::NamedTuple, b::Iterators.Pairs{<:Any,<:Any,<:Any,<:NamedTuple}) = merge(a, b.data) merge(a::NamedTuple, b::NamedTuple, cs::NamedTuple...) = merge(merge(a, b), cs...) merge(a::NamedTuple) = a """ merge(a::NamedTuple, iterable) Interpret an iterable of key-value pairs as a named tuple, and perform a merge. ```jldoctest julia> merge((a=1, b=2, c=3), [:b=>4, :d=>5]) (a = 1, b = 4, c = 3, d = 5) ``` """ function merge(a::NamedTuple, itr) names = Symbol[] vals = Any[] inds = IdDict{Symbol,Int}() for (k::Symbol, v) in itr oldind = get(inds, k, 0) if oldind > 0 vals[oldind] = v else push!(names, k) push!(vals, v) inds[k] = length(names) end end merge(a, NamedTuple{(names...,)}((vals...,))) end keys(nt::NamedTuple{names}) where {names} = names values(nt::NamedTuple) = Tuple(nt) haskey(nt::NamedTuple, key::Union{Integer, Symbol}) = isdefined(nt, key) get(nt::NamedTuple, key::Union{Integer, Symbol}, default) = haskey(nt, key) ? getfield(nt, key) : default get(f::Callable, nt::NamedTuple, key::Union{Integer, Symbol}) = haskey(nt, key) ? getfield(nt, key) : f() tail(t::NamedTuple{names}) where names = NamedTuple{tail(names)}(t) front(t::NamedTuple{names}) where names = NamedTuple{front(names)}(t) @pure function diff_names(an::Tuple{Vararg{Symbol}}, bn::Tuple{Vararg{Symbol}}) names = Symbol[] for n in an if !sym_in(n, bn) push!(names, n) end end (names...,) end """ structdiff(a::NamedTuple{an}, b::Union{NamedTuple{bn},Type{NamedTuple{bn}}}) where {an,bn} Construct a copy of named tuple `a`, except with fields that exist in `b` removed. `b` can be a named tuple, or a type of the form `NamedTuple{field_names}`. """ function structdiff(a::NamedTuple{an}, b::Union{NamedTuple{bn}, Type{NamedTuple{bn}}}) where {an, bn} if @generated names = diff_names(an, bn) types = Tuple{Any[ fieldtype(a, n) for n in names ]...} vals = Any[ :(getfield(a, $(QuoteNode(n)))) for n in names ] :( NamedTuple{$names,$types}(($(vals...),)) ) else names = diff_names(an, bn) types = Tuple{Any[ fieldtype(typeof(a), n) for n in names ]...} NamedTuple{names,types}(map(n->getfield(a, n), names)) end end """ setindex(nt::NamedTuple, val, key::Symbol) Constructs a new `NamedTuple` with the key `key` set to `val`. If `key` is already in the keys of `nt`, `val` replaces the old value. ```jldoctest julia> nt = (a = 3,) (a = 3,) julia> Base.setindex(nt, 33, :b) (a = 3, b = 33) julia> Base.setindex(nt, 4, :a) (a = 4,) julia> Base.setindex(nt, "a", :a) (a = "a",) ``` """ function setindex(nt::NamedTuple, v, idx::Symbol) merge(nt, (; idx => v)) end """ @NamedTuple{key1::Type1, key2::Type2, ...} @NamedTuple begin key1::Type1; key2::Type2; ...; end This macro gives a more convenient syntax for declaring `NamedTuple` types. It returns a `NamedTuple` type with the given keys and types, equivalent to `NamedTuple{(:key1, :key2, ...), Tuple{Type1,Type2,...}}`. If the `::Type` declaration is omitted, it is taken to be `Any`. The `begin ... end` form allows the declarations to be split across multiple lines (similar to a `struct` declaration), but is otherwise equivalent. For example, the tuple `(a=3.1, b="hello")` has a type `NamedTuple{(:a, :b),Tuple{Float64,String}}`, which can also be declared via `@NamedTuple` as: ```jldoctest julia> @NamedTuple{a::Float64, b::String} NamedTuple{(:a, :b),Tuple{Float64,String}} julia> @NamedTuple begin a::Float64 b::String end NamedTuple{(:a, :b),Tuple{Float64,String}} ``` !!! compat "Julia 1.5" This macro is available as of Julia 1.5. """ macro NamedTuple(ex) Meta.isexpr(ex, :braces) || Meta.isexpr(ex, :block) || throw(ArgumentError("@NamedTuple expects {...} or begin...end")) decls = filter(e -> !(e isa LineNumberNode), ex.args) all(e -> e isa Symbol || Meta.isexpr(e, :(::)), decls) || throw(ArgumentError("@NamedTuple must contain a sequence of name or name::type expressions")) vars = [QuoteNode(e isa Symbol ? e : e.args[1]) for e in decls] types = [esc(e isa Symbol ? :Any : e.args[2]) for e in decls] return :(NamedTuple{($(vars...),), Tuple{$(types...)}}) end