% Testing data preparison by calling MRH_testingPrep. %After running this demo, the data and label file % in .mat form like testdata.mat data label -v7.3; will be saved in % current workspace. % - Zifei Liang (zifei.liang@nyumc.org) % Using code please refer our work: % Inferring Maps of Cellular Structures from MRI Signals using Deep Learning % https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.05.01.072561v1 clc;clear; close all; %please save test data as the following recommended folder.And USER need to %replace by their own workspace: under \Test_data work_folder = ['.\Test_Data']; halfpatch_size = 1; % sample testing pathces without pixels skip. stride setting 1, sampling % one-by-one covering entire brains. stride = 1; %Only one subject put in the test folder. sample_num is ready to be modified by %USER to process more subjects using batching sample_num = 1; %Only one slice 140 generated here. More slices generation, please specific slice start and end number. slice_num_start= 140; slice_num_end=140; % Call testing patches generation function. [data,label] = MRH_testingPrep(work_folder,halfpatch_size,stride,sample_num,slice_num_start, slice_num_end);