use strict; use warnings; use above "Genome"; use Genome::Utility::Test qw(run_ok); use Test::Builder; use Test::More; use File::Spec qw(); use IPC::Cmd qw(can_run); use IPC::System::Simple qw(capture); my $start_point = resolve_start_point(); my @files_to_compile = files_to_compile($start_point);; plan tests => scalar(@files_to_compile) + 1; ok(1, 'need at least one test to pass'); # need a test for when @files_to_compile == 0 for my $file (@files_to_compile) { my $pid = fork(); if (!defined $pid) { die 'failed to fork'; } elsif ($pid) { waitpid $pid, 0; my $rel_path = File::Spec->abs2rel($file); ok($? == 0, qq(compiled '$rel_path')); } else { my $exit = compile_file($file); exit($exit); } } sub compile_file { my $file = shift; my @output = qx(perl -c "$file" 2>&1); my $exit = $? >> 8; if ($exit != 0) { diag @output; } return $exit; } sub is_perl_file { my $file = shift; return ($file =~ /\.(pm|t|pl)$/ && -f $file); } sub resolve_start_point { my $start_point_arg = (shift @ARGV) || ''; if ($start_point_arg) { return $start_point_arg; } if ($ENV{JENKINS_STABLE_REVISION}) { return $ENV{JENKINS_STABLE_REVISION}; } return '@{u}'; } sub is_blacklisted { my $file = shift; my @blacklist = ( 'Db/Ensembl/Command/Vep.d/', ); return grep { $file =~ /$_/ } @blacklist; } sub files_to_compile { my $start_point = shift; my @files; my $git_dir = capture('git', 'rev-parse', '--show-toplevel'); chomp $git_dir; my @cmd = ('git', 'diff', '--name-only', $start_point); @files = capture(@cmd); chomp @files; @files = map { File::Spec->join($git_dir, $_) } @files; @files = grep { is_perl_file $_ } @files; @files = grep { ! is_blacklisted $_ } @files; return @files; }