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% Please edit documentation in R/elect80.R
\title{1980 Presidential election results}
\format{A SpatialPointsDataFrame with 3107 observations on the following 7 variables.
\item{FIPS} {a factor of county FIPS codes}
\item{long} {a numeric vector of longitude values}
\item{lat} {a numeric vector of latitude values}
\item{pc_turnout} {Votes cast as proportion of population over age 19 eligible to vote}
\item{pc_college} {Population with college degrees as proportion of population over age 19 eligible to vote}
\item{pc_homeownership} {Homeownership as proportion of population over age 19 eligible to vote}
\item{pc_income} {Income per capita of population over age 19 eligible to vote}
Pace, R. Kelley and Ronald Barry. 1997. "Quick Computation of Spatial Autoregressive Estimators", in Geographical Analysis; sourced from the data folder in the Spatial Econometrics Toolbox for Matlab, \url{http://www.spatial-econometrics.com/html/jplv7.zip}, files \code{elect.dat} and \code{elect.ford} (with the final line dropped).
A data set for 1980 Presidential election results covering 3,107 US counties using geographical coordinates. In addition, three spatial neighbour objects, \code{k4} not using Great Circle distances, \code{dll} using Great Circle distances, and \code{e80_queen} of Queen contiguities for equivalent County polygons taken from file \code{co1980p020.tar.gz} on the USGS National Atlas site, and a spatial weights object imported from \code{elect.ford} - a 4-nearest neighbour non-GC row-standardised object, but with coercion to symmetry.
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