subroutine css(h,npoint,x,y,wght,sy,trace,diag,vlam, + ngrid,xg,yg,job,ideriv,ierr) C COMPUTES A CUBIC SMOOTHING SPLINE FIT TO A SET OF DATA GIVEN C NPOINT(=NUMBER OF DATA VALUES) AND LAMBDA(=VALUE OF C THE SMOOTHING parameter). THE CODE IS ADAPTED FROM A C PROGRAM IN DEBOOR,C.(1978).A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO SPLINES. C SPRINGER-VERLAG : NEW YORK. AN O(NPOINT) ALGORITHM C SUGGESTED BY HUTCHINSON AND DEHOOG IS USED TO COMPUTE C LVRAGE VALUES AND CONSTRUCT CONFIDENCE INTERVALS. c Adapted from Randy Eubank Texas A&M c c c this subroutine solves the problem: c c minimize (1/n) sum(i=1,n) [ (y(i) - f(x(i)))/wght(i) ]**2 + lambda*J(f) c over f c The solution will always be a piecewise cubic polynomial with join c points at the x values. Natural boundary conditions are assumed: at the c x(1) and x(npoints) the second and third derivatives of the slotuion c will be zero c All matrix calculations are done in double precision c c Arguments of evss: c h : natural log of lambda ( more convenient scale whepassing a c real*4) c if h is passed with a value less than or equal -1000 no smoothing will c be done and the spline will interploate the data points c npoint: number of observations c (x,y) : pairs of data points to be smoothed c sy : on return predicted values of f at x c wght : weights used in sum of squares. If the y have unequal c variance then an appropriate choice for wght is the standard deviation c (These weights are not normalized so multiplying by a constant c will imply solving the minimization problem with a different smoothing c parameter) c trace: in matrix from Yhat= A(lambda)Y with A(lambda) an nxn matrix c trace= tr(A(lambda)) = " effective number of paramters" c diag: diagonal elements of A(lambda) ( this is the mostt c computationally intetnsive opertation in this subroutine.) c vlam: value of the generalized cross-validation functyion (Used to c select an appropriate value for lambda based on the data.) c ngrid,xg,yg : on return, the ith deriv of the spline estimate is c evaluated on a grid, xg, with ngrid points. The c values are returned in yg c c ideriv: 0 = evaluate the function according to the job code c 1 = evaluate the first derivative of the function according c to the job code c 2 = evaluate the second derivative of the function according c to the job code c c job: is a vector of three integers c (a,b,c) (a=igcv, b=igrid, c=sorting) c a=0 evaluate spline at x values, return predicted values in sy c a=1 same as a=0 plus returning values of trace, diag and vlam c a=2 do no smoothing, interpolate the data c a=3 same as a=1 but use the passed value invlam argument as c a cost an offset factors in the diag vector c c b=0 do not evaluate the spline at any grid points c b=1 evaluate the spline (ideriv=0) or the ith deriv (i=ideriv) c of the spline at the (unique) sorted,data points, xg, return yg c b=2 evaluate the spline (ideriv=0) or the ith deriv (i=ideriv) c of the spline at ngrid equally spaced points between x(1) c and x(npoints) c b=3 evaluate the spline (ideriv=0) or the ith deriv (i=ideriv) c of the spline at ngrid points on grid passed in xg. c NOTE: extrapolation of the estimate beyond the range of c the x's will just be a linear function. c c c c c=0 X's may not be in sorted order c c=1 Assume that the X's are in sorted order c c=2 Do not sort the X's use the current set of keys c Should only be used on a second call to smooth c same design c c ierr : on return ierr>0 indicates all is not well :-( c parameter (NMAX=20000) implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) REAL*8 h,trace,vlam REAL*8 wght(npoint),X(npoint),Y(npoint),sy(npoint),diag(npoint) REAL*8 xg(ngrid),yg(ngrid) REAL*8 A(NMAX,4),V(NMAX,7) REAL*8 P,SIXP,SIX1MP,cost REAL*8 ux(NMAX),uy(NMAX), uw(NMAX),ud(NMAX),utr integer imx(NMAX) integer idx(NMAX) integer npoint,igcv,igrid, isort, job(3) eps= 1d-7 cost=1.0 offset= 0 igcv= job(1) igrid=job(2) isort=job(3) c if( then ierr=1 return endif c initialize unique vector and two pointers do 5 k=1,npoint ux(k)=x(k) idx(k)=k 5 continue c sort vector X along with the keys in imx c c initialize the indices imx c if( isort.le.1) then do 6 k=1,npoint imx(k)=k 6 continue endif c c sort the X's permuting the indices c if(isort.eq.0) then call sortm( ux, imx,npoint) c the rank of the value x( imx(k)) is k endif c put y and the weights in the sorted order c C**** construct vector consisting of unique observations. jj=1 ind= imx(1) ux(jj)= x(ind) uy(jj)= y(ind) uw(jj)= wght(ind) idx(1)=jj c normalize eps by the range of the X values eps= eps/( x( imx(npoint)) - x( imx(1)) ) c c do 10 k=2,npoint c we are looping through ranks but this is not how the c order of the X are stored. The location of the kth smallest c is at idx(k) kshuf= imx(k) if( abs( ux(jj)-x(kshuf)).lt.eps) then c**** we have a repeat observation, update weight and the weighted c***** average at this point temp1= 1.0d0/uw(jj)**2 temp2= 1.0d0/wght(kshuf)**2 temp3 = (temp1 + temp2) uy(jj)= ( uy(jj)*temp1 + y(kshuf)*temp2)/temp3 uw(jj)= 1.0d0/dsqrt(temp3) else jj= jj+1 ux(jj)= x(kshuf) uy(jj)= y(kshuf) uw(jj)= wght(kshuf) endif c save the value that indexes unique values to repliacted ones. c x(k) corresponds to the unique X at idx(k) idx(k)=jj 10 continue nunq= jj itp=0 if(igcv.eq.2) itp=1 c handle condition for interpolation if(itp.eq.0) then P=1.d0/(npoint*dexp(h)+ 1.d0) else P=1.d0 endif call dSETUP(uX,uW,uY,nunq,V,A(1,4),NMAX,itp,ierr) C**** check for duplicate X's if so exit if( then return endif call dCHOLD(P,V,A(1,4),nunq,A(1,3),A(1,1),NMAX) c compute predicted values SIX1MP=6.d0*(1.d0-P) if(itp.eq.0) then DO 61 I=1,Nunq a(i,1)=uY(I) - SIX1MP*(uW(I)**2)*A(I,1) 61 continue c fill in predicted values taking into account repeated data do 70 k=1,npoint jj= idx(k) sytemp= a(jj,1) c c unscramble the smoothed Y's kshuf= imx(k) sy(kshuf)=sytemp 70 continue else do 60 i=1,nunq a(i,1)=uy(i) 60 continue endif c return estimates on unique x's if igrid =1 if(igrid.eq.1) then do 65 i=1,nunq xg(i)=ux(i) yg(i)=a(i,1) 65 continue ngrid=nunq endif if( then c c********* evaluate spline on grid C piecewise cubic COEFFICIENTS ARE STORED IN A(.,2-4). SIXP=6.d0*P DO 62 I=1,nunq 62 A(I,3)=A(I,3)*SIXP NPM1=nunq - 1 DO 63 I=1,NPM1 A(I,4)=(A(I+1,3)-A(I,3))/V(I,4) A(I,2)=(A(I+1,1)-A(I,1))/V(I,4) * -(A(I,3)+A(I,4)/3.*V(I,4))/2.*V(I,4) 63 continue c c create equally spaced x's if asked for ( igrid=2) c if( igrid.eq.2) then step= (ux(nunq)-ux(1))/(ngrid-1) xg(1)=ux(1) do 190 j=2,ngrid-1 xg(j)= xg(j-1)+step 190 continue xg(ngrid)=ux(nunq) endif uxmin= ux(1) uxmax= ux(nunq) a1= a(1,1) an= a(nunq,1) b1= a(1,2) d= ux(nunq)- ux(nunq-1) ind= nunq-1 bn= a(ind,2) + a(ind,3)*d + a(ind,4)*(d**2)/2.d0 c evalute spline by finding the interval containing the evaluation c point and applying the cubic formula for the curve estiamte c finding the interval such that ux(ind) <=xg(j) < ux( ind+1) c is done using a bisection search do 195 j=1,ngrid lint= ifind(xg(j),ux,nunq) if( lint.eq.0) then d= xg(j)-uxmin if (ideriv .eq. 0) - yg(j)= a1 + b1*d if (ideriv .eq. 1) - yg(j)= b1 if (ideriv .eq. 2) - yg(j)= 0.0 endif if( lint.eq.nunq) then d= xg(j)-uxmax if (ideriv .eq. 0) - yg(j)= an + bn*d if (ideriv .eq. 1) - yg(j)= bn if (ideriv .eq. 2) - yg(j)= 0.0 endif if( (( ) .and.( then ind=lint c a1=a(ind,1) c a2=a(ind,2) c b=a(ind,3)/2.d0 c c=a(ind,4)/6.d0 c d= xg(j)-ux(ind) if (ideriv .eq. 0) - yg(j)= a(ind,1) + a(ind,2)*d + a(ind,3)*(d**2)/2.d0 - + a(ind,4)*(d**3)/6.d0 if (ideriv .eq. 1) - yg(j)= a(ind,2) + a(ind,3)*d + a(ind,4)*(d**2)/2.d0 if (ideriv .eq. 2) - yg(j)= a(ind,3) + a(ind,4)*d endif c 195 continue endif c****end of evaluation block if((igcv.eq.1).or.( igcv.eq.3)) then if( igcv.eq.3) then cost= diag(1) offset=diag(2) endif c***** begin computing gcv and trace C COMPUTE LVRAGE VALUES ,THE VARIANCE ESTIMATE C SGHAT2 AND CONFIDENCE INTERVALS. c call dLV(nunq,V,uw,SIX1MP,utr,ud,NMAX) rss=0.d0 trace=0.d0 vlam=0.d0 do 100 i=1,nunq c rss= rss + ((uy(i)-a(i,1))/uw(i))**2 trace= trace +ud(i) 100 continue do 110 k=1,npoint kshuf= imx(k) jj= idx(k) diag(kshuf)= ud(jj) rss= rss + ( (y(kshuf)- sy(kshuf))/wght(kshuf) )**2 110 continue ctrace= 2+ cost*( trace-2) if( (npoint -ctrace -offset) .gt. 0.d0) then vlam= (rss/npoint)/( 1- (ctrace-offset)/npoint)**2 else vlam=1e20 endif endif return END