subroutine gcvcss(n,x,y,wt,c,offset,nstep,maxit, - hmin, hmax,hopt,vopt, - tropt,mxstep,fout, - ierr) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) real*8 fout(mxstep,3) real*8 x(n),y(n),wt(n) real*8 hopt,vopt,trace, hmin,hmax data tau,tausq/.6180339d0,.3819660d0/ **** coarse search in bandwidth h: this search feeds (hl,hr) to golden search c compute range for coarse search if (mxstep .lt. nstep) then ierr=10 return endif c C rough idea of lambda serach grid c if( then xmin= x(1) xmax= x(1) do 500 i=1,n if( x(i).lt.xmin) xmin=x(i) if( x(i).gt.xmax) xmax=x(i) 500 continue range = xmax- xmin xnobs=n c** c= cost value on GCV function there is a pole at trp=2+ nobs/c trp=(Xnobs-offset)*.97/c if( trp.le.2.0) then c** offset is too big! ierr=11 return endif hmin= -0.755762d0 + 0.706693d0*log(xnobs) * + 0.01884722d0*(log(xnobs)**2) -4.918114d0*log(trp) * + 0.0879931d0*(log(trp)**2) c write(*,*) hmin, range, xnobs hmin= hmin + log(range)*3.d0-log(xnobs) trp=2.01d0 hmax= -0.755762d0 + 0.706693d0*log(xnobs) * + 0.01884722d0*(log(xnobs)**2) -4.918114d0*log(trp) * + 0.0879931d0*(log(trp)**2) hmax= hmax + log(range)*3.d0-log(xnobs) endif hstep=(hmax-hmin)/(nstep-1) do 3 j=0,nstep-1 h=hmin+j*hstep gcvh= gcvfc(h,n,x,y,wt,c,offset,trace) fout(j+1,1)=h fout(j+1,2)=trace fout(j+1,3)=gcvh if ((gcvh .lt. gcvmin) .or. (j .eq. 0)) then hopt=h best=h gcvmin=gcvh trbest=trace endif c write(*,5000) h, trace,gcvh 5000 format(5e12.4) c 3 continue c c write(*,*) ' Crude search of optimal h completed' c **** fast return if crude search minimum gcv is hmin or hmax hopt= best vopt=gcvmin tropt=trbest if( (best.eq.hmin) .or. (best.eq.h) ) then ierr=-1 return endif c**** start values for golden search hl=best-hstep hr=best+hstep *** Golden section search for min gcv on interval (hl,hr)--maxit(=15) iterations *** gcv(h) must be quasiconvex on initial interval (hl,hr). *** On return, h=abscissa of minimum, v=gcv(h)=actual minimum achieved. *** Interval of uncertainty is (hl,hr), hl <= hlm <= hrm <= hr. gcvhl=gcvfc(hl,n,x,y,wt,c,offset,trace) gcvhr=gcvfc(hr,n,x,y,wt,c,offset,trace) hlm=hl*tau+hr*tausq hrm=hl+hr-hlm gcvhlm=gcvfc(hlm,n,x,y,wt,c,offset,trchlm) gcvhrm=gcvfc(hrm,n,x,y,wt,c,offset,trchrm) do 5 it=1,maxit if( gcvhlm .ge. gcvhrm ) then if (gcvhl .lt. gcvhlm) then err= gcvhl/gcvhlm c write(*,10) it,err,hl,hlm ierr=2 return endif c hl=hlm gcvhl=gcvhlm hlm=hrm hrm=hrm+(hrm-hl)*tau gcvhlm=gcvhrm gcvhrm=gcvfc(hrm,n,x,y,wt,c,offset,trchrm) else if (gcvhr .lt. gcvhrm) then err= gcvhrm/gcvhr c write(*,11) it,err,hr,hrm ierr=2 return endif c hr=hrm gcvhr=gcvhrm hrm=hlm hlm=hlm+(hlm-hr)*tau gcvhrm=gcvhlm gcvhlm=gcvfc(hlm,n,x,y, wt,c,offset,trchlm) endif 5 continue **** finished -- take the best h so far if( gcvhlm .ge. gcvhrm) then hopt=hrm vopt=gcvhrm tropt=trchrm else hopt=hlm vopt=gcvhlm tropt=trchlm endif c 10 format(' gcv(h) is NOT quasiconvex ',/, - ' iter,error,hl,hlm: ',I4,e15.5,2e15.5) 11 format(' gcv(h) is NOT quasiconvex ',/, - ' iter,error,hr,hrm: ',I4,e15.5,2e15.5) c c c write(*,*) 'hopt', hopt return end