# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT: https://julialang.org/license const ThreadSynchronizer = GenericCondition{Threads.SpinLock} # Advisory reentrant lock """ ReentrantLock() Creates a re-entrant lock for synchronizing [`Task`](@ref)s. The same task can acquire the lock as many times as required. Each [`lock`](@ref) must be matched with an [`unlock`](@ref). Calling 'lock' will also inhibit running of finalizers on that thread until the corresponding 'unlock'. Use of the standard lock pattern illustrated below should naturally be supported, but beware of inverting the try/lock order or missing the try block entirely (e.g. attempting to return with the lock still held): ``` lock(l) try finally unlock(l) end ``` """ mutable struct ReentrantLock <: AbstractLock # offset = 16 @atomic locked_by::Union{Task, Nothing} # offset32 = 20, offset64 = 24 reentrancy_cnt::UInt32 # offset32 = 24, offset64 = 28 @atomic havelock::UInt8 # 0x0 = none, 0x1 = lock, 0x2 = conflict # offset32 = 28, offset64 = 32 cond_wait::ThreadSynchronizer # 2 words # offset32 = 36, offset64 = 48 # sizeof32 = 20, sizeof64 = 32 # now add padding to make this a full cache line to minimize false sharing between objects _::NTuple{Int === Int32 ? 2 : 3, Int} # offset32 = 44, offset64 = 72 == sizeof+offset # sizeof32 = 28, sizeof64 = 56 ReentrantLock() = new(nothing, 0x0000_0000, 0x00, ThreadSynchronizer()) end assert_havelock(l::ReentrantLock) = assert_havelock(l, l.locked_by) """ islocked(lock) -> Status (Boolean) Check whether the `lock` is held by any task/thread. This should not be used for synchronization (see instead [`trylock`](@ref)). """ function islocked(rl::ReentrantLock) return rl.havelock != 0 end """ trylock(lock) -> Success (Boolean) Acquire the lock if it is available, and return `true` if successful. If the lock is already locked by a different task/thread, return `false`. Each successful `trylock` must be matched by an [`unlock`](@ref). """ @inline function trylock(rl::ReentrantLock) ct = current_task() if rl.locked_by === ct #@assert rl.havelock !== 0x00 rl.reentrancy_cnt += 0x0000_0001 return true end return _trylock(rl, ct) end @noinline function _trylock(rl::ReentrantLock, ct::Task) GC.disable_finalizers() if (@atomicreplace :acquire rl.havelock 0x00 => 0x01).success #@assert rl.locked_by === nothing #@assert rl.reentrancy_cnt === 0 rl.reentrancy_cnt = 0x0000_0001 @atomic :release rl.locked_by = ct return true end GC.enable_finalizers() return false end """ lock(lock) Acquire the `lock` when it becomes available. If the lock is already locked by a different task/thread, wait for it to become available. Each `lock` must be matched by an [`unlock`](@ref). """ @inline function lock(rl::ReentrantLock) trylock(rl) || (@noinline function slowlock(rl::ReentrantLock) c = rl.cond_wait lock(c.lock) try while true if (@atomicreplace rl.havelock 0x01 => 0x02).old == 0x00 # :sequentially_consistent ? # now either 0x00 or 0x02 # it was unlocked, so try to lock it ourself _trylock(rl, current_task()) && break else # it was locked, so now wait for the release to notify us wait(c) end end finally unlock(c.lock) end end)(rl) return end """ unlock(lock) Releases ownership of the `lock`. If this is a recursive lock which has been acquired before, decrement an internal counter and return immediately. """ @inline function unlock(rl::ReentrantLock) rl.locked_by === current_task() || error(rl.reentrancy_cnt == 0x0000_0000 ? "unlock count must match lock count" : "unlock from wrong thread") (@noinline function _unlock(rl::ReentrantLock) n = rl.reentrancy_cnt - 0x0000_0001 rl.reentrancy_cnt = n if n == 0x0000_00000 @atomic :monotonic rl.locked_by = nothing if (@atomicswap :release rl.havelock = 0x00) == 0x02 (@noinline function notifywaiters(rl) cond_wait = rl.cond_wait lock(cond_wait) try notify(cond_wait) finally unlock(cond_wait) end end)(rl) end return true end return false end)(rl) && GC.enable_finalizers() nothing end function unlockall(rl::ReentrantLock) n = @atomicswap :not_atomic rl.reentrancy_cnt = 0x0000_0001 unlock(rl) return n end function relockall(rl::ReentrantLock, n::UInt32) lock(rl) old = @atomicswap :not_atomic rl.reentrancy_cnt = n old == 0x0000_0001 || concurrency_violation() return end """ lock(f::Function, lock) Acquire the `lock`, execute `f` with the `lock` held, and release the `lock` when `f` returns. If the lock is already locked by a different task/thread, wait for it to become available. When this function returns, the `lock` has been released, so the caller should not attempt to `unlock` it. !!! compat "Julia 1.7" Using a [`Channel`](@ref) as the second argument requires Julia 1.7 or later. """ function lock(f, l::AbstractLock) lock(l) try return f() finally unlock(l) end end function trylock(f, l::AbstractLock) if trylock(l) try return f() finally unlock(l) end end return false end """ @lock l expr Macro version of `lock(f, l::AbstractLock)` but with `expr` instead of `f` function. Expands to: ```julia lock(l) try expr finally unlock(l) end ``` This is similar to using [`lock`](@ref) with a `do` block, but avoids creating a closure and thus can improve the performance. """ macro lock(l, expr) quote temp = $(esc(l)) lock(temp) try $(esc(expr)) finally unlock(temp) end end end """ @lock_nofail l expr Equivalent to `@lock l expr` for cases in which we can guarantee that the function will not throw any error. In this case, avoiding try-catch can improve the performance. See [`@lock`](@ref). """ macro lock_nofail(l, expr) quote temp = $(esc(l)) lock(temp) val = $(esc(expr)) unlock(temp) val end end @eval Threads begin """ Threads.Condition([lock]) A thread-safe version of [`Base.Condition`](@ref). To call [`wait`](@ref) or [`notify`](@ref) on a `Threads.Condition`, you must first call [`lock`](@ref) on it. When `wait` is called, the lock is atomically released during blocking, and will be reacquired before `wait` returns. Therefore idiomatic use of a `Threads.Condition` `c` looks like the following: ``` lock(c) try while !thing_we_are_waiting_for wait(c) end finally unlock(c) end ``` !!! compat "Julia 1.2" This functionality requires at least Julia 1.2. """ const Condition = Base.GenericCondition{Base.ReentrantLock} """ Special note for [`Threads.Condition`](@ref): The caller must be holding the [`lock`](@ref) that owns a `Threads.Condition` before calling this method. The calling task will be blocked until some other task wakes it, usually by calling [`notify`](@ref) on the same `Threads.Condition` object. The lock will be atomically released when blocking (even if it was locked recursively), and will be reacquired before returning. """ wait(c::Condition) end """ Semaphore(sem_size) Create a counting semaphore that allows at most `sem_size` acquires to be in use at any time. Each acquire must be matched with a release. """ mutable struct Semaphore sem_size::Int curr_cnt::Int cond_wait::Threads.Condition Semaphore(sem_size) = sem_size > 0 ? new(sem_size, 0, Threads.Condition()) : throw(ArgumentError("Semaphore size must be > 0")) end """ acquire(s::Semaphore) Wait for one of the `sem_size` permits to be available, blocking until one can be acquired. """ function acquire(s::Semaphore) lock(s.cond_wait) try while s.curr_cnt >= s.sem_size wait(s.cond_wait) end s.curr_cnt = s.curr_cnt + 1 finally unlock(s.cond_wait) end return end """ release(s::Semaphore) Return one permit to the pool, possibly allowing another task to acquire it and resume execution. """ function release(s::Semaphore) lock(s.cond_wait) try s.curr_cnt > 0 || error("release count must match acquire count") s.curr_cnt -= 1 notify(s.cond_wait; all=false) finally unlock(s.cond_wait) end return end """ Event() Create a level-triggered event source. Tasks that call [`wait`](@ref) on an `Event` are suspended and queued until [`notify`](@ref) is called on the `Event`. After `notify` is called, the `Event` remains in a signaled state and tasks will no longer block when waiting for it. !!! compat "Julia 1.1" This functionality requires at least Julia 1.1. """ mutable struct Event notify::Threads.Condition set::Bool Event() = new(Threads.Condition(), false) end function wait(e::Event) e.set && return lock(e.notify) try while !e.set wait(e.notify) end finally unlock(e.notify) end nothing end function notify(e::Event) lock(e.notify) try if !e.set e.set = true notify(e.notify) end finally unlock(e.notify) end nothing end @eval Threads begin import .Base: Event export Event end