% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/gseaPlot.R \name{gseaPlot} \alias{gseaPlot} \title{Returns path to an svg file with enrichment plot} \usage{ gseaPlot( es, rankBy, selectedGenes, width, height, vertical = FALSE, addHeatmap = FALSE, showAnnotation = NULL, annotationColors = NULL, pallete = c("blue", "white", "red") ) } \arguments{ \item{es}{ExpressionSet object.} \item{rankBy}{name of the numeric column used for gene ranking} \item{selectedGenes}{indexes of selected genes (starting from one, in the order of fData)} \item{width}{width of the image (in inches)} \item{height}{height of the image (in inches)} \item{vertical}{whether to use vertical orientation (default: FALSE)} \item{addHeatmap}{whether to add an expression heatmap, sorted by rankBy (default: FALSE)} \item{showAnnotation}{a name of column annotation to add to the heatmap, default: NULL (no annotation)} \item{annotationColors}{a list of colors to use in annotation} \item{pallete}{a vector of colors to draw heatmap} } \value{ path to an svg file } \description{ Returns path to an svg file with enrichment plot }