ARG ARG BASE_IMAGE_VERSION FROM ${BASE_IMAGE}:${BASE_IMAGE_VERSION} # use alpine /bin/ash and set pipefail. # see SHELL ["/bin/ash", "-o", "pipefail", "-c"] # Do not move the ARG below above the FROM or it gets erased. # More precisely: ARG above FROM can be used in the FROM itself, but nowhere else. ARG OCTEZ_EXECUTABLES ARG GIT_SHORTREF ARG GIT_DATETIME ARG GIT_VERSION WORKDIR /home/tezos RUN mkdir -p /home/tezos/tezos/scripts /home/tezos/tezos/script-inputs /home/tezos/tezos/parameters COPY --chown=tezos:nogroup Makefile tezos COPY --chown=tezos:nogroup script-inputs/active_protocol_versions tezos/script-inputs/ COPY --chown=tezos:nogroup script-inputs/active_protocol_versions_without_number tezos/script-inputs/ COPY --chown=tezos:nogroup script-inputs/released-executables tezos/script-inputs/ COPY --chown=tezos:nogroup script-inputs/experimental-executables tezos/script-inputs/ COPY --chown=tezos:nogroup dune tezos COPY --chown=tezos:nogroup scripts/ tezos/scripts/ COPY --chown=tezos:nogroup src tezos/src COPY --chown=tezos:nogroup tezt tezos/tezt COPY --chown=tezos:nogroup opam tezos/opam COPY --chown=tezos:nogroup dune tezos/dune COPY --chown=tezos:nogroup dune-workspace tezos/dune-workspace COPY --chown=tezos:nogroup dune-project tezos/dune-project COPY --chown=tezos:nogroup vendors tezos/vendors ENV GIT_SHORTREF=${GIT_SHORTREF} ENV GIT_DATETIME=${GIT_DATETIME} ENV GIT_VERSION=${GIT_VERSION} RUN opam exec -- make -C tezos release OCTEZ_EXECUTABLES="${OCTEZ_EXECUTABLES}" OCTEZ_BIN_DIR=bin # Gather the parameters of all active protocols in 1 place RUN while read -r protocol; do \ mkdir -p tezos/parameters/"$protocol"-parameters && \ cp tezos/src/proto_"$(echo "$protocol" | tr - _)"/parameters/*.json tezos/parameters/"$protocol"-parameters; \ done < tezos/script-inputs/active_protocol_versions