"rqProcess" <- function (formula, data, taus, nullH = "location", ...) { z <- summary(f <- lm(formula, data = data, x = TRUE)) xbar <- apply(f$x,2,mean) vars <- names(z$coef[-1, 1]) p <- length(z$coef[, 1]) n <- nrow(z$x) Jinv <- z$cov.unscaled pivot <- any(taus < 0) || any(taus > 1) if(!pivot){ #grid method if(abs(diff(range(diff(taus)))) > sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)) stop("rqProcess must be evaluated on equally spaced taus") ntaus <- length(taus) coefs <- matrix(0, ntaus, p) Cov <- array(0, c(p, p, ntaus)) cat("taus: ") for (i in 1:ntaus) { cat(taus[i], " ") z <- summary(rq(formula, data = data, tau = taus[i], method = "fn"), covariance = TRUE, ...) coefs[i, ] <- z$coef[, 1] Cov[, , i] <- z$cov/(taus[i]*(1 - taus[i])) } qtaus <- coefs %*% xbar Vhat <- t(coefs)[-1,,drop=FALSE] vhat <- t(coefs)[-1,,drop=FALSE] J <- solve(Jinv) p <- nrow(J) if (nullH == "location-scale") { f <- lm(coefs[,-1] ~ coefs[,1]) b <- matrix(f$coef,2,p-1)[2,] R <- matrix(f$resid,ntaus,p-1) for (j in 1:length(taus)) { V <- Cov[, , j] v <- V[-1, -1] + V[1, 1] * outer(b,b) - outer(V[-1, 1], b) - t(outer(V[-1, 1], b)) v <- solve(v) v <- chol(0.5 * (v + t(v))) Vhat[,j] <- v %*% R[j,] for (i in 2:p) { v <- V[i, i] + V[1, 1] * b[i-1]^2 - 2 * V[i, 1] * b[i-1] vhat[i-1,j] <- R[j, i-1]/sqrt(v) } } } else if (nullH == "location") { b <- apply(coefs, 2, mean) R <- t(coefs) - b for (j in 1:length(taus)) { V <- Cov[, , j] A <- solve(V[-1, -1,drop=FALSE]) B <- chol(0.5 * (A + t(A))) Vhat[,j] <- B %*% R[-1, j,drop=FALSE] vhat[,j] <- R[-1, j,drop=FALSE] / (sqrt(diag(V))[-1]) } } } else{ z <- rq(formula,data = data, tau = -1) taus <- z$sol[1,] ntaus <- length(taus) qtaus <- z$sol[2,] qden <- qdensity(taus, qtaus) A <- solve(Jinv[-1,-1,drop=FALSE]) B <- z$sol[-(1:3),,drop=FALSE] if(nullH == "location") R <- B[-1,,drop=FALSE] - c(((B[-1,-1] + B[-1,-ntaus])/2) %*% diff(taus)) else if(nullH == "location-scale") R <- t(lm(t(B[-1,,drop=FALSE]) ~ B[1,])$resid) Vhat <- (chol(A) %*% t(t(R) * qden$s) )[,!qden$trim,drop=FALSE] vhat <- (t(t(R) * qden$s)/(sqrt(diag(Jinv))[-1]))[,!qden$trim,drop=FALSE] taus <- taus[!qden$trim] qtaus <- qtaus[!qden$trim] } dimnames(Vhat) <- list(vars, NULL) dimnames(vhat) <- list(vars, NULL) x <- list(taus = taus, qtaus = qtaus, Vhat = Vhat, vhat = vhat) class(x) <- "rqProcess" x } "qdensity" <- function(u,q,alpha = .05) { #Computes Siddiqui estimate of quantile density function, fhat(F^{-1}(tau)) #Based on quantile regression process, using trimming proportion alpha #linear interpolation calls approx() april, 2006 #h <- 0.6 * bandwidth.rq(u, length(u),hs=FALSE) #local bandwidth h <- bandwidth.rq(u, length(u)) #local bandwidth trim <- ((u - h) < alpha) | ((u + h) > 1 - alpha) qlo <- approx(u, q, u - h)$y qup <- approx(u, q, u + h)$y s <- (2 * h)/(qup - qlo) list(s=s, trim = trim) } "KhmaladzeTest" <- function (formula, data = NULL, taus = -1, nullH = "location", trim = c(0.05, 0.95), ...) { f <- rqProcess(formula, data = data, taus=taus, nullH = nullH, ...) Vtilde <- khmaladzize(f$taus, f$qtaus, f$Vhat, nullH) vtilde <- khmaladzize(f$taus, f$qtaus, f$vhat, nullH) trim <- (f$taus >= trim[1] & f$taus <= trim[2]) Tvtilde <- (vtilde - vtilde[, 2])/sqrt(max(f$taus) - min(f$taus)) TVtilde <- apply(abs(Vtilde - Vtilde[, 2])/ sqrt(max(f$taus) - min(f$taus)), 2, "sum")[trim] Tn <- max(TVtilde) THn <- apply(abs(Tvtilde[, trim,drop = FALSE]), 1, max) x <- list(nullH = nullH, Tn = Tn, THn = THn) class(x) <- "KhmaladzeTest" x } "khmaladzize" <- function (taus, qtaus, Z, nullH) { dtaus <- diff(taus) dtaus <- c(dtaus[1], dtaus) score <- akj(qtaus, qtaus, dtaus) L <- length(taus) gdot2 <- -score$psi gdot <- cbind(rep(1, L), gdot2) if (nullH == "location-scale") { gdot3 <- gdot2 * qtaus gdot <- cbind(gdot, gdot3) } kmin <- 0 p <- nrow(Z) for (i in 1:p) { v <- Z[i, ] dv <- c(0, diff(v)) x1 <- gdot * sqrt(dtaus) x1 <- x1[L:1, ] y1 <- rev(dv/sqrt(dtaus)) bhat <- lm.fit.recursive(x1, y1, int = FALSE) bhat <- bhat[, L:1] dvhat <- diag(gdot %*% bhat) * dtaus vhat <- cumsum(dvhat) v <- v[kmin:L - kmin] vhat <- vhat[kmin:L - kmin] Z[i, ] <- v - vhat } return(Z) }