Raw File
  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <title>Test for DataStore - basic operation on a readonly db</title>
  <div id="container"></div>
  <script type="application/javascript;version=1.7">

  function is(a, b, msg) {
    dump((a === b ? 'OK' : 'KO') + ' ' + msg + "\n")
    alert((a === b ? 'OK' : 'KO') + ' ' + msg)

  function ok(a, msg) {
    alert((a ? 'OK' : 'KO')+ ' ' + msg)

  function cbError() {
    alert('KO error');

  function finish() {

  function runTest() {
    navigator.getDataStores('bar').then(function(stores) {
      is(stores.length, 1, "getDataStores('bar') returns 1 element");
      is(stores[0].name, 'bar', 'The dataStore.name is bar');
      is(stores[0].readOnly, true, 'The dataStore bar is eadonly');

      var store = stores[0];
      ok("get" in store, "store.get exists");
      ok("put" in store, "store.put exists");
      ok("add" in store, "store.add exists");
      ok("remove" in store, "store.remove exists");
      ok("clear" in store, "store.clear exists");

      var f = store.clear();
      f = f.then(cbError, function() {
        ok(true, "store.clear() fails because the db is readonly");
        return store.remove(123);

      f = f.then(cbError, function() {
        ok(true, "store.remove() fails because the db is readonly");
        return store.add(123, true);

      f = f.then(cbError, function() {
        ok(true, "store.add() fails because the db is readonly");
        return store.put({}, 123);

      f = f.then(cbError, function() {
        ok(true, "store.put() fails because the db is readonly");

      f.then(function() {
        // All done.
        ok(true, "All done");
    }, cbError);

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