\name{tic,toc} \alias{tic} \alias{toc} \title{MATLAB timer functions} \description{ Provides stopwatch timer. Function \code{tic} starts the timer and \code{toc} updates the elapsed time since the timer was started. } \usage{ tic(gcFirst=FALSE) toc(echo=TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{gcFirst}{logical scalar. If \code{TRUE}, perform garbage collection prior to starting stopwatch} \item{echo}{logical scalar. If \code{TRUE}, print elapsed time to screen} } \details{ Provides analog to \code{\link[base]{system.time}}. Function \code{toc} can be invoked multiple times in a row. } \value{ \code{toc} invisibly returns the elapsed time as a named scalar (vector). } \examples{ tic() for(i in 1:100) mad(runif(1000)) # kill time toc() } \author{ P. Roebuck \email{proebuck@mdanderson.org} } \keyword{utilities}