\name{plotParallel} \alias{plotParallel} \title{ Plot a Parallel Analysis Class Object } \description{ Plot a scree plot adding information about a parallel analysis. } \usage{ plotParallel(parallel, eig = NA, x = eig, model = "components", legend = TRUE, ylab = "Eigenvalues", xlab = "Components", main = "Parallel Analysis", ... ) } \arguments{ \item{parallel}{ numeric: vector of the results of a previous parallel analysis } \item{eig}{ depreciated parameter: eigenvalues to analyse (not used if x is used, recommended)} \item{x}{ numeric: a \code{vector} of eigenvalues, a \code{matrix} of correlations or of covariances or a \code{data.frame} of data} \item{model}{ character: \code{"components"} or \code{"factors"} } \item{main}{ character: title of the plot } \item{xlab}{ character: label of the x axis } \item{ylab}{ character: label of the y axis } \item{legend}{ logical: indicator of the presence or not of a legend } \item{...}{ variable: additionnal parameters to give to the \code{cor} or \code{cov} functions} } \details{ If \code{eig} is \code{FALSE} the plot shows only the parallel analysis without eigenvalues. } \value{ Nothing returned. } \references{ Raiche, G., Riopel, M. and Blais, J.-G. (2006). \emph{Non graphical solutions for the Cattell's scree test}. Paper presented at the International Annual meeting of the Psychometric Society, Montreal. [\url{http://www.er.uqam.ca/nobel/r17165/RECHERCHE/COMMUNICATIONS/}] } \author{ Gilles Raiche \cr Centre sur les Applications des Modeles de Reponses aux Items (CAMRI) \cr Universite du Quebec a Montreal\cr \email{raiche.gilles@uqam.ca}, \url{http://www.er.uqam.ca/nobel/r17165/} } \seealso{ \code{\link{plotuScree}}, \code{\link{nScree}}, \code{\link{plotnScree}}, \code{\link{parallel}} } \examples{ ## SIMPLE EXAMPLE OF A PARALLEL ANALYSIS ## OF A CORRELATION MATRIX WITH ITS PLOT data(dFactors) eig <- dFactors$Raiche$eigenvalues subject <- dFactors$Raiche$nsubjects var <- length(eig) rep <- 100 cent <- 0.95 results <- parallel(subject,var,rep,cent) results ## PARALLEL ANALYSIS SCREE PLOT plotParallel(results, x=eig) plotParallel(results) } \keyword{ Graphics }