\name{Sibuya} \alias{rSibuya} \alias{pSibuya} \alias{dSibuya} \alias{rSibuyaR} \alias{dsumSibuya} \title{Sibuya Distribution - Sampling and Probabilities} \description{ The Sibuya distribution \eqn{\mathrm{Sib}(\alpha)}{Sib(alpha)} can be defined by its Laplace transform \deqn{1-(1-\exp(-t))^\alpha,\ t\in[0,\infty),}{1-(1-exp(-t))^alpha, t in [0,Inf),} its distribution function% "R man - FIXME: allow to use \mathbb{N} instead: \deqn{F(k)=1-(-1)^k{\alpha-1\choose k}=1-\frac{1}{kB(k,1-\alpha)},\ k\in\mathbf{N}}{% F(k)=1-(-1)^k * choose(alpha-1,k)=1-1/(k * beta(k, 1-alpha)), k in N,} (where \eqn{B}{beta} denotes the beta function) or its probability mass function \deqn{p_k={\alpha\choose k}(-1)^{k-1},\ k\in\mathbf{N}, }{p_k = choose(alpha,k)*(-1)^(k-1), k in N,} where \eqn{\alpha\in(0,1]}{alpha in (0,1]}. \code{pSibuya} evaluates the distribution function. \code{dSibuya} evaluates the probability mass function. \code{rSibuya} generates random variates from \eqn{\mathrm{Sib}(\alpha)}{Sib(alpha)} with the algorithm described in Hofert (2011), Proposition 3.2. \code{dsumSibuya} gives the probability mass function of the \eqn{n}-fold convolution of Sibuya variables, that is, the sum of \eqn{n} independent Sibuya random variables, \eqn{S = \sum_{i=1}^n X_i}{S = sum(i=1..n) X[i]}, where \eqn{X_i \sim \mathrm{Sib}(\alpha)}{X[i] ~ Sib(alpha)}. This probability mass function can be shown (see Hofert (2010, pp. 99)) to be \deqn{\sum_{j=1}^n{n\choose j}{j\alpha\choose k} (-1)^{k-j},\ k\in\{n,n+1,\dots\}.}{% sum(j=1..n) choose(n,j) * choose(j*alpha,k) * (-1)^(k-j), k >= n.} } \usage{ rSibuya(n, alpha) dSibuya(x, alpha, log=FALSE) pSibuya(x, alpha, lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=FALSE) dsumSibuya(x, n, alpha, method=c("log", "direct", "Rmpfr", "diff", "exp.log"), log=FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{n}{ for \code{rSibuya}: sample size, that is, length of the resulting vector of random variates. \cr for \code{dsumSibuya}: the number \eqn{n} of summands. } \item{alpha}{parameter in \eqn{(0,1]}.} \item{x}{vector of \code{\link{integer}} values (\dQuote{quantiles}) \eqn{x} at which to compute the probability mass or cumulative probability.} \item{log, log.p}{\code{\link{logical}}; if TRUE, probabilities p are given as log(p).} \item{lower.tail}{\code{\link{logical}}; if TRUE (the default), probabilities are \eqn{P(X \le x)}{P(X <= x)}, otherwise, \eqn{P(X > x)}.} \item{method}{character string specifying which computational method is to be applied. Implemented are: \describe{ \item{\code{"log"}}{evaluates the logarithm of the sum \deqn{\sum_{j=1}^n {n\choose j}{j\alpha\choose x} (-1)^{x-j}}{% sum(j=1..n) choose(n,j) * choose(j*alpha,x) * (-1)^(x-j)} in a numerically stable way;} \item{\code{"direct"}}{directly evaluates the sum;} \item{\code{"Rmpfr"}}{as \code{method="direct"} but using high-precision arithmetic;} \item{\code{"diff"}}{interprets the sum as a forward difference and computes it via \code{diff};} \item{\code{"exp.log"}}{as \code{method="log"} but without numerically stable evaluation (not recommended, use with care).} } } } \details{ The Sibuya distribution has \bold{no} finite moments, that is, specifically infinite mean and variance. For documentation and didactical purposes, \code{rSibuyaR} is a pure-\R implementation of \code{rSibuya}, of course slower than \code{rSibuya} as the latter is implemented in C. Note that the sum to evaluate for \code{dsumSibuya} is numerically highly challenging, even already for small \eqn{\alpha}{alpha} values (for example, \eqn{n \ge 10}{n >= 10}), and therefore should be used with care. It may require high-precision arithmetic which can be accessed with \code{method="Rmpfr"} (and the \pkg{Rmpfr} package). } \value{ \describe{ \item{rSibuya:}{A vector of positive \code{\link{integer}}s of length \code{n} containing the generated random variates.} \item{dSibuya, pSibuya:}{a vector of probabilities of the same length as \code{x}.} \item{dsumSibuya:}{a vector of probabilities, positive if and only if \code{x >= n} and of the same length as \code{x} (or \code{n} if that is longer).} } } \author{Marius Hofert, Martin Maechler} \references{ Hofert, M. (2010). \emph{Sampling Nested Archimedean Copulas with Applications to CDO Pricing}. Suedwestdeutscher Verlag fuer Hochschulschriften AG & Co. KG. Hofert, M. (2011). Efficiently sampling nested Archimedean copulas. \emph{Computational Statistics & Data Analysis} \bold{55}, 57--70. } \seealso{ \code{\link{rFJoe}} and \code{\link{rF01Joe}} (where \code{rSibuya} is applied). } \examples{ ## Sample n random variates from a Sibuya(alpha) distribution and plot a ## histogram n <- 1000 alpha <- .4 X <- rSibuya(n, alpha) hist(log(X), prob=TRUE); lines(density(log(X)), col=2, lwd=2) } \keyword{distribution}