Raw File
import numpy as np
from readsubhalo import *
import fitsio as fi

def compute_inertia_tensors(snap, reduced=False, inclusion_threshold=5):
    """ Compute the intertia tensors for all subhalos for
    the dark matter and stellar components and saves the output for
    later integration within the database

    print('Using reduced (distance weighted) tensors', 'yes'*int(reduced), 'no'*int(np.invert(reduced) ))

    # Read the subhalo information
    h = snap.readsubhalo()
    # Load the positions and masses of the constituent particles
    print('Loading dark matter particles')
    x = snap.load(1, 'pos', h)
    m = snap.load(1, 'mass', h)
    print('Loading baryon particles')
    xb = snap.load(4, 'pos', h)
    mb = snap.load(4, 'mass', h)
    eigvectors = np.zeros((2, len(h), 3, 3))
    eigvectors_2d = np.zeros((2, len(h), 2, 2))
    eigvalues  = np.zeros((2, len(h), 3))
    eigvalues_2d  = np.zeros((2, len(h), 2))
#    centroids  = np.zeros((2, len(h), 3))
    length  = np.zeros((2, len(h)))

    subhalo_centroids = np.array(h['pos'].T)
    # Will compute for each halo the inertia tensor
    for i in range(len(h)):
        if i%100 ==0:
            print("Done %d samples"%i)
        # Reject subhalos with less than some threshold occupation number
        if len(x[i]) < inclusion_threshold:
            weights = np.ones(len(x[i]))
            normFactor = np.double(len(x[i].T[0]))

            # Check each coordinate as calculated is finite
            # If not, use the weighted mean position of the dark matter particles instead
            for j in [0,1,2]:
                if not np.isfinite(subhalo_centroids[j][i]):

            # Use the centre of the subhalo's potential well as the centroid here
            x0 = x[i].T[0] - subhalo_centroids[0][i] #np.dot(x[i].T[0],weights)/normFactor
            x1 = x[i].T[1] - subhalo_centroids[1][i] #np.dot(x[i].T[1],weights)/normFactor
            x2 = x[i].T[2] - subhalo_centroids[2][i] #np.dot(x[i].T[2],weights)/normFactor

            # Beware the ambiguous notation here - 
            # These weights define the difference between reduced and standard inertia tensors.
            # i.e. downweighting particles at the fringes of the subhalo
            # They have nothing to do with whether the mass weighting is applied.
            if reduced:
                wt = (x0*x0 + x1*x1 + x2*x2)
                select = (wt!=0)
                wt = np.ones(x0.size)
                select = wt.astype(bool)

            normFactor = np.double(len(x[i].T[0][select]))

            tens = np.zeros((3,3))
            tens[0, 0] = np.dot(weights[select] * x0[select], x0[select]/wt[select])/normFactor
            tens[1, 1] = np.dot(weights[select] * x1[select], x1[select]/wt[select])/normFactor
            tens[2, 2] = np.dot(weights[select] * x2[select], x2[select]/wt[select])/normFactor
            tens[1, 0] = np.dot(weights[select] * x1[select], x0[select]/wt[select])/normFactor
            tens[2, 0] = np.dot(weights[select] * x2[select], x0[select]/wt[select])/normFactor
            tens[2, 1] = np.dot(weights[select] * x2[select], x1[select]/wt[select])/normFactor
            tens[0, 2] = tens[2, 0]
            tens[0, 1] = tens[1, 0]
            tens[1, 2] = tens[2, 1]

            # Compute the eigenvalues of the halos and store the outputs
                w, v = np.linalg.eigh(tens)
                import pdb ; pdb.set_trace()
            w2d, v2d = np.linalg.eigh(tens[:2,:2])
            eigvalues[0,i] = w
            eigvalues_2d[0,i] = w2d
            eigvectors[0,i] = v
            eigvectors_2d[0,i] = v2d
            length[0,i] = normFactor
         #   centroids[0,i] = np.array([subhalo_centroids[0][i],subhalo_centroids[1][i],subhalo_centroids[2][i]])

        if (len(xb[i]) < inclusion_threshold):

            weights = np.ones(len(xb[i]))
            normFactor = np.double(len(xb[i].T[0]))

            for j in [0,1,2]:
                if not np.isfinite(subhalo_centroids[j][i]):

            x0 = xb[i].T[0] - subhalo_centroids[0][i] #np.dot(x[i].T[0],weights)/normFactor
            x1 = xb[i].T[1] - subhalo_centroids[1][i] #np.dot(x[i].T[1],weights)/normFactor
            x2 = xb[i].T[2] - subhalo_centroids[2][i] #np.dot(x[i].T[2],weights)/normFactor

            if reduced:
                wt = (x0*x0 + x1*x1 + x2*x2)
                select = (wt!=0)
                wt = np.ones(x0.size)
                select = wt.astype(bool)

            normFactor = np.double(len(xb[i].T[0][select]))
            tens = np.zeros((3,3))
            tens[0, 0] = np.dot(weights[select] * x0[select], x0[select]/wt[select])/normFactor
            tens[1, 1] = np.dot(weights[select] * x1[select], x1[select]/wt[select])/normFactor
            tens[2, 2] = np.dot(weights[select] * x2[select], x2[select]/wt[select])/normFactor
            tens[1, 0] = np.dot(weights[select] * x1[select], x0[select]/wt[select])/normFactor
            tens[2, 0] = np.dot(weights[select] * x2[select], x0[select]/wt[select])/normFactor
            tens[2, 1] = np.dot(weights[select] * x2[select], x1[select]/wt[select])/normFactor
            tens[0, 2] = tens[2, 0]
            tens[0, 1] = tens[1, 0]
            tens[1, 2] = tens[2, 1]

            # Compute the eigenvalues of the halos
                w, v = np.linalg.eigh(tens)
                import pdb ; pdb.set_trace()
            w2d, v2d = np.linalg.eigh(tens[:2,:2])
            eigvalues[1,i] = w
            eigvalues_2d[1,i] = w2d
            eigvectors[1,i] = v
            eigvectors_2d[1,i] = v2d
            length[1,i] = normFactor
          #  centroids[1,i] = np.array([X,Y,Z])

    print("Saving output")
    if reduced:
        out = fi.FITS('/physics2/ssamurof/massive_black_ii/subhalo_cat_reduced-nthreshold%d-proj+3d.fits'%(inclusion_threshold),'rw')
        out = fi.FITS('/physics2/ssamurof/massive_black_ii/subhalo_cat-nthreshold%d-proj+3d.fits'%(inclusion_threshold),'rw')

    dat=np.zeros(len(h), dtype=[('x', float), ('y', float), ('z', float), ('npart',float), ('lambda1', float), ('lambda2', float), ('lambda3', float), ('a1', float), ('a2', float), ('a3', float), ('b1', float), ('b2', float), ('b3', float), ('c1', float), ('c2', float), ('c3', float), ('lambda1_2d', float), ('lambda2_2d', float), ('a1_2d', float), ('a2_2d', float), ('b1_2d', float), ('b2_2d', float)])
    dat['lambda1'] = eigvalues[0].T[0]
    dat['lambda2'] = eigvalues[0].T[1]
    dat['lambda3'] = eigvalues[0].T[2]
    dat['lambda1_2d'] = eigvalues_2d[0].T[0]
    dat['lambda2_2d'] = eigvalues_2d[0].T[1]
    dat['a1_2d'] = eigvectors_2d[0].T[0,0]
    dat['a2_2d'] = eigvectors_2d[0].T[0,1]
    dat['b1_2d'] = eigvectors_2d[0].T[1,0]
    dat['b2_2d'] = eigvectors_2d[0].T[1,1]
    dat['a1'] = eigvectors[0].T[0,0]
    dat['a2'] = eigvectors[0].T[0,1]
    dat['a3'] = eigvectors[0].T[0,2]
    dat['b1'] = eigvectors[0].T[1,0]
    dat['b2'] = eigvectors[0].T[1,1]
    dat['b3'] = eigvectors[0].T[1,2]
    dat['c1'] = eigvectors[0].T[2,0]
    dat['c2'] = eigvectors[0].T[2,1]
    dat['c3'] = eigvectors[0].T[2,2]
    dat['x'] = subhalo_centroids[0]
    dat['y'] = subhalo_centroids[1]
    dat['z'] = subhalo_centroids[2]
    dat['npart'] = length[0]

    out[-1].write_key('EXTNAME', 'dm')

    dat2=np.zeros(len(h), dtype=[('x', float), ('y', float), ('z', float), ('npart',float), ('lambda1', float), ('lambda2', float), ('lambda3', float), ('a1', float), ('a2', float), ('a3', float), ('b1', float), ('b2', float), ('b3', float), ('c1', float), ('c2', float), ('c3', float), ('lambda1_2d', float), ('lambda2_2d', float), ('a1_2d', float), ('a2_2d', float), ('b1_2d', float), ('b2_2d', float)])
    dat2['lambda1'] = eigvalues[1].T[0]      
    dat2['lambda2'] = eigvalues[1].T[1]
    dat2['lambda3'] = eigvalues[1].T[2]
    dat2['lambda1_2d'] = eigvalues_2d[1].T[0]
    dat2['lambda2_2d'] = eigvalues_2d[1].T[1]
    dat2['a1_2d'] = eigvectors_2d[1].T[0,0]
    dat2['a2_2d'] = eigvectors_2d[1].T[0,1]
    dat2['b1_2d'] = eigvectors_2d[1].T[1,0]
    dat2['b2_2d'] = eigvectors_2d[1].T[1,1]
    dat2['a1'] = eigvectors[1].T[0,0]
    dat2['a2'] = eigvectors[1].T[0,1]
    dat2['a3'] = eigvectors[1].T[0,2]
    dat2['b1'] = eigvectors[1].T[1,0]
    dat2['b2'] = eigvectors[1].T[1,1]
    dat2['b3'] = eigvectors[1].T[1,2]
    dat2['c1'] = eigvectors[1].T[2,0]
    dat2['c2'] = eigvectors[1].T[2,1]
    dat2['c3'] = eigvectors[1].T[2,2]
    dat2['x'] = subhalo_centroids[0]
    dat2['y'] = subhalo_centroids[1]
    dat2['z'] = subhalo_centroids[2]
    dat2['npart'] = length[1]

    out[-1].write_key('EXTNAME', 'baryons')
import numpy as np
from readsubhalo import *
import fitsio as fi

def compute_spin(snap, inclusion_threshold=1, component='baryons', nsubhalo=-1):
    """ Compute the angular momentum for all subhalos for
    the dark matter and stellar components and saves the output
    as a FITS file.

    indices = {'baryons':4, 'dm':1}

    # Read the subhalo information
    h = snap.readsubhalo()
    # Load the positions and masses of the constituent particles
    x = snap.load(indices[component], 'pos', h)
    m = snap.load(indices[component], 'mass', h)
    v = snap.load(indices[component], 'vel', h)
    Vr = np.zeros(len(h))
    Sigma = np.zeros(len(h))
    spin  = np.zeros((len(h), 3))

    # Will compute for each halo the inertia tensor
    if nsubhalo<0:
        print('Will process all (%d) subhalos'%nsubhalo)

    print('Inclusion Threshold : %d particles'%inclusion_threshold)

    for i in range(nsubhalo):
        if i%100 ==0:
            print("Done %d samples"%i)

        if len(x[i]) < inclusion_threshold:
            pass # print "Halo %d is empty of dark matter"%i
            weights = np.ones(len(x[i]))
            normFactor = np.double(len(x[i].T[0]))
            x0 = x[i].T[0] - np.dot(x[i].T[0],weights)/normFactor
            x1 = x[i].T[1] - np.dot(x[i].T[1],weights)/normFactor
            x2 = x[i].T[2] - np.dot(x[i].T[2],weights)/normFactor

            r = np.array([x0,x1,x2])
            # Calaculate the angular momentum vectors for individual particles 
            l = [M*np.cross(X,V) for (M,X,V) in zip(m[i],r.T,v[i])]
            # Sum them to get a three vector halo spin
            L = np.sum(l,axis=0)

            # Rotate the Cartesian velocity into a frame defined by the angular momentum vector
            phi_xy = np.arctan2(L[1],L[0])
            phi_yz = np.arctan2(L[1],L[2])
            phi_xz = np.arctan2(L[0],L[2])

            Rx = np.array([[1,0,0], [0,np.cos(phi_yz), -np.sin(phi_yz)], [0,np.sin(phi_yz),np.cos(phi_yz)]])
            Ry = np.array([[np.cos(phi_xz),0,np.sin(phi_xz)], [0,1,0], [-np.sin(phi_xz),0,np.cos(phi_xz)]])
            Rz = np.array([[np.cos(phi_xy), -np.sin(phi_xy), 0], [np.sin(phi_xy),np.cos(phi_xy),0], [0,0,1]])

            # Apply the rotations about each axis in turn
            # The result is a three component vector vx,vy,vz with vz aligned with the spin axis
            vec = np.dot(Rx,v[i].T)
            vec = np.dot(Ry,vec)
            vec = np.dot(Rz,vec)

            # This is the same for the particle position vectors
            rvec = np.dot(Rx,r)
            rvec = np.dot(Ry,rvec)
            rvec = np.dot(Rz,rvec)

            # Work out the 2D position and velocity magnitudes in the plane of the disc
            #r0 = np.sqrt(rvec[0]*rvec[0] + rvec[1]*rvec[1])
            t1 = np.arctan2(rvec[1],rvec[0])
            #v0 = np.sqrt(vec[0]*vec[0] + vec[1]*vec[1])
            t2 = np.arctan2(vec[1],vec[0])
            theta_rv = t2-t1

            # The angle between the separation vector and the velocity vector
            #theta_rv = (rvec[0]*vec[0] + rvec[1]*vec[1]) /r0 /v0
            #theta_rv = np.arccos(theta_rv)

            vrot = v0 * np.sin(theta_rv)

            #import pdb ; pdb.set_trace()

            sigma = np.array([v[i].T[0].std(), v[i].T[1].std(), v[i].T[2].std() ])
            sigma = np.sqrt(sum(sigma*sigma))

            #theta = np.arctan2(rvec[1],rvec[0])
            #vrot = vec[1]*np.cos(theta) - vec[0]*np.sin(theta)
            v_sigma = np.mean(vrot)/sigma

            #import pdb ; pdb.set_trace()

            spin[i] = L
            Vr[i] = np.mean(vrot)
            Sigma[i] = sigma

    print("Saving output")
    #np.save("eigenvaluesb.npy", eigvalues)
    #np.save("eigenvectorsb.npy", eigvectors)
    #np.save("centroids.npy", centroids)

    out = fi.FITS('/home/ssamurof/massive_black_ii/subhalo_spin-%s-nthreshold%d-nsubhalo%d.fits'%(component, inclusion_threshold, nsubhalo),'rw')

    dat=np.zeros(len(h), dtype=[ ('vrot', float), ('sigma', float), ('spinx', float), ('spiny', float), ('spinz', float)])

    dat['vrot'] = Vr
    dat['sigma'] = Sigma
    dat['spinx'] = spin.T[0]
    dat['spiny'] = spin.T[1]
    dat['spinz'] = spin.T[2]

    out[-1].write_key('EXTNAME', component)


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