\name{print.daFisher} \alias{print.daFisher} \title{ print method for objects of class daFisher } \description{ Provides a print output of objects from class \dQuote{daFisher} as shown in the examples. } \usage{ \method{print}{daFisher}(x, ...) } \arguments{ \item{x}{ object of class \sQuote{daFisher} } \item{\dots}{ \code{\dots} } } \details{ Have a look at the example, it's self-explaining. } \value{ nothing } \author{ Matthias Templ } \seealso{ \code{\link{daFisher}} } \examples{ require(MASS) x1 <- mvrnorm(20,c(0,0,0),diag(3)) x2 <- mvrnorm(30,c(3,0,0),diag(3)) x3 <- mvrnorm(40,c(0,3,0),diag(3)) X <- rbind(x1,x2,x3) grp=c(rep(1,20),rep(2,30),rep(3,40)) d1 <- daFisher(X,grp=grp,method="classical",coda=FALSE) d2 <- daFisher(X,grp=grp,method="robust",coda=FALSE) d2 } \keyword{ print }