markov_msm <- function (x, trans, t = c(0,1), newdata = NULL, init=NULL, tmvar = NULL, sing.inf = 1e+10, method="adams", rtol=1e-10, atol=1e-10, slow=FALSE,, utility=function(t) rep(1, nrow(trans)),,nrow(trans)), use.costs=FALSE, transition.costs=function(t) rep(0,sum(!, # per transition,sum(!, state.costs=function(t) rep(0,nrow(trans)), # per unit time,nrow(trans)), discount.rate = 0, block.size=500, spline.interpolation=FALSE, debug = FALSE, ...) { call <- inherits <- function(x, ...) base::inherits(x, ...) || (base::inherits(x, c("hazFun","zeroModel","hrModel","stratifiedModel")) && base::inherits(x$base, ...)) base.classes <- c("stpm2","pstpm2","glm","survPen","gam","aft","flexsurvreg","aftreg","smoothpwc") stopifnot(all(sapply(x, function(xi) inherits(xi,base.classes) | is.function(xi)))) stopifnot(!is.null(newdata)) stopifnot(sum(! == length(x)) if (is.null(init)) init <- "[<-"(rep(0,nrow(trans)),1,1) stopifnot(length(init) == nrow(trans)) ## if newdata are many, then separate into blocks if (nrow(newdata)>block.size) { n.blocks <- ceiling(nrow(newdata)/block.size) indices <- parallel::splitIndices(nrow(newdata), n.blocks) lst <- parallel::mclapply(indices, function(index) markov_msm(x = x, trans = trans, t = t, newdata = newdata[index,], init = init, tmvar = tmvar, sing.inf = sing.inf, method = method, rtol = rtol, atol = atol, slow = slow, =, utility = utility, use.costs = use.costs, transition.costs = transition.costs, =, =, state.costs = state.costs, discount.rate = discount.rate, block.size = block.size, spline.interpolation = spline.interpolation, ...)) return(,lst)) } if (use.costs) slow <- TRUE nt <- length(t) if (nt < 2) stop("number of times should be at least two") stopifnot(length(utility(t[2])) %in% c(1,nrow(trans))) if (is.null(tmvar) && all(sapply(x,inherits,c("stpm2","pstpm2","aft","survPen","flexsurvreg", "aftreg","smoothpwc")))) tmvar <- sapply(x,function(object) if(inherits(object,c("stpm2","pstpm2"))) object@timeVar else if (inherits(object,"aft")) object@args$timeVar else if (inherits(object,"flexsurvreg")) "t" else if (inherits(object,"aftreg")) local({lhs <- object$call$formula[[2]] deparse(if(length(lhs)==4) lhs[[4]] else lhs[[3]])}) else if (inherits(object,"smoothpwc")) "t" else object$ stopifnot(!is.null(tmvar)) stopifnot(length(tmvar) %in% c(1,length(x))) if (length(tmvar)==1) tmvar <- rep(tmvar, length(x)) for(i in 1:length(x)) { if(inherits(x[[i]],"survPen") && !inherits(x[[i]],"survPenWrap")) x[[i]] <- survPenWrap(x[[i]]) if(inherits(x[[i]],"gam") && !inherits(x[[i]],"gamWrap")) x[[i]] <- gamWrap(x[[i]]) else if(is.function(x[[i]])) x[[i]] <- hazFun(x[[i]], tmvar[i]) } if (spline.interpolation) { replace <- function(object,tmvar) { logModels <- c("aftreg","flexsurvreg","stpm2","pstpm2","aft") logModel <- inherits(object, logModels) t <- if (logModel) exp(seq(log(max(c(,min(t)))), log(max(t)), length.out=1000)) else seq(max(c(,min(t))), max(t), length.out=1000) if (inherits(object,"hazFun")) object else if (inherits(object, "addModel")) structure(lapply(object,replace,tmvar=tmvar), class="addModel") else makeSplineFun(object, newdata=newdata, tmvar=tmvar,, tm=t, log=logModel) } x <- mapply(replace, x, tmvar, SIMPLIFY=FALSE) } ntr <- sum(! nobs <- nrow(newdata) nstates <- nrow(trans) n <- nstates*nobs cs <- sapply(x,function(item) length(coef(item))) cumcs <- cumsum(c(0,cs)) ncoef <- sum(cs) <- log(1+discount.rate) matwhich <- function(ind) { stopifnot(sum(ind,na.rm=TRUE) == 1) nr <- nrow(ind) nc <- ncol(ind) wind <- which(ind)-1 c(wind %% nr + 1, wind %/% nr + 1) } coef.surv_list <- function(objects) unlist(lapply(objects,function(x) coef(x))) # sapply(objects, coef) FAILS vcov.surv_list <- function(objects) { vcovs <- lapply(objects, function(x) vcov(x)) lengths <- sapply(vcovs,nrow) index <- cumsum(c(0,lengths)) m <- matrix(0,sum(lengths),sum(lengths)) for (i in 1:length(objects)) m[(index[i]+1):index[i+1],(index[i]+1):index[i+1]] <- vcovs[[i]] rownames(m) <- colnames(m) <- names(coef(objects)) m } dp <- function(t, y, parms, ...) { P <- matrix(y[1:(nstates*nobs)],nstates,nobs) # only one state vector per individual Pu <- array(y[nstates*nobs+1:(nstates*ncoef*nobs)],c(nstates,ncoef,nobs)) Q <- array(0, c(nstates, nstates, nobs)) Qu <- array(0, c(nstates, nstates, ncoef, nobs)) QC <- array(0, c(nstates, nobs)) QuC <- array(0, c(nstates, ncoef, nobs)) PQCu <- array(0, c(nstates, ntr, nobs)) froms <- tos <- rep(0,ntr) for (i in 1:ntr) { newdata[[tmvar[i]]] <- pmax(,t) # special case: t=0 ij <- matwhich(trans == i) froms[i] <- from <- ij[1] tos[i] <- to <- ij[2] Q[from,to,] <- pmax(0,predict(x[[i]], newdata=newdata, type="haz", tmvar=tmvar[i])) Qu[from,to,1:cs[i]+cumcs[i],] <- t(predict(x[[i]], newdata=newdata, type="gradh", tmvar=tmvar[i])) # transposed if (use.costs) { ## collapse across "to" states QC[from,] <- QC[from,] + Q[from,to,]*transition.costs(t)[[i]] QuC[from,1:cs[i]+cumcs[i],] <- QuC[from,1:cs[i]+cumcs[i],] + Qu[from,to,1:cs[i]+cumcs[i],]*transition.costs(t)[i] PQCu[from,i,] <- P[from,]*Q[from,to,] } } Q[] <- Qu[] <- QC[] <- QuC[] <- 0 Q[is.infinite(Q) & Q > 0] <- Qu[is.infinite(Qu) & Qu > 0] <- sing.inf QC[is.infinite(QC) & QC > 0] <- QuC[is.infinite(QuC) & QuC > 0] <- sing.inf if (slow) { dTCdt <- dPdt <- array(0,c(nstates,nobs)) dTCudt <- dPudt <- array(0,c(nstates,ncoef,nobs)) for (i in 1:nobs) { Qi <- Q[,,i] # nstates*nstates Pi <- P[,i] # nstates diag(Qi) <- -rowSums(Qi) dPdt[,i] <- t(Pi)%*%Qi # nstates Qui <- Qu[,,,i] # nstates*nstates*ncoef Pui <- Pu[,,i] # nstates*ncoef for (j in 1:ncoef) diag(Qui[,,j]) <- -rowSums(Qui[,,j]) dPudt[,,i] <- t(t(Pui)%*%Qi) + apply(Qui,3,function(x) t(Pi)%*%x) # nstates*ncoef if (use.costs) { QCi <- QC[,i] # nstates QuCi <- QuC[,,i] # nstates*ncoef dTCdt[,i] <- Pi*(state.costs(t) + QCi) # nstates dTCudt[,,i] <- Pui*(state.costs(t) + QCi) + Pi*QuCi # nstates*ncoef } } } else { Qu2 <- array(Qu,c(nstates*nstates,ncoef,nobs)) QuC2 <- array(QuC,c(nstates*nstates,ncoef,nobs)) lst <- .Call("multistate_ddt",P,Pu,Q,Qu2,PACKAGE="rstpm2") dPdt <- lst[[1]] dPudt <- lst[[2]] dTCdt <- array(0,c(nstates,nobs)) # not implemented! dTCudt <- array(0,c(nstates,ncoef,nobs)) # not implemented! } if (use.costs) list(c(dPdt, dPudt, P*utility(t)*exp(*t), Pu*utility(t)*exp(*t), P*exp(*t), # d/dt for gradient of U wrt utilities *and* gradient of C wrt state costs dTCdt*exp(*t), dTCudt*exp(*t), PQCu*exp(*t) # gradient of C wrt transition costs )) else list(c(dPdt, dPudt, P*utility(t)*exp(*t), Pu*utility(t)*exp(*t), P*exp(*t) # d/dt for gradient of U wrt utilities (assumes u'_m(t)=1) )) } class(x) <- "surv_list" Sigma <- vcov(x) if (any( stop("NAs in the covariance matrix") if (any( stop("NAs in the coefficient vector") init <- if (use.costs) c(rep(init,nobs), rep(0,3*nobs*nstates+3*nobs*nstates*ncoef+nobs*nstates*ntr)) else c(rep(init,nobs),rep(0,2*nobs*nstates+2*nobs*nstates*ncoef)) res <- ode(y = init, times = t, func = dp, method=method, atol=atol, rtol=rtol, ...) P <- array(res[,1+1:(nstates*nobs)],c(nt,nstates,nobs)) Pu <- array(res[,1+nobs*nstates+1:(nobs*nstates*ncoef)],c(nt,nstates,ncoef,nobs)) L <- array(res[,1+nstates*nobs+nstates*nobs*ncoef+1:(nstates*nobs)],c(nt,nstates,nobs)) Lu <- array(res[,1+2*nstates*nobs+nstates*nobs*ncoef+1:(nobs*nstates*ncoef)],c(nt,nstates,ncoef,nobs)) Pdisc <- array(res[,1+2*nstates*nobs+2*nstates*nobs*ncoef+1:(nstates*nobs)],c(nt,nstates,1,nobs)) state.names <- if(is.null(rownames(trans))) 1:nrow(trans) else rownames(trans) dimnames(P) <- dimnames(L) <- list(time=t, state= state.names, obs=rownames(newdata)) dimnames(Pdisc) <- list(time=t, state= state.names, coef="Pdisc", obs=rownames(newdata)) coef.names <- unlist(lapply(x, function(xi) names(coef(xi)))) dimnames(Pu) <- dimnames(Lu) <- list(time=t, state=state.names, coef=coef.names, obs=rownames(newdata)) if (use.costs) { costs <- array(res[,1+3*nstates*nobs+2*nstates*nobs*ncoef+1:(nstates*nobs)],c(nt,nstates,nobs)) costsu <- array(res[,1+4*nstates*nobs+2*nstates*nobs*ncoef+1:(nobs*nstates*ncoef)],c(nt,nstates,ncoef,nobs)) costsu.trans <- array(res[,1+4*nstates*nobs+3*nstates*nobs*ncoef+1:(nobs*nstates*ntr)],c(nt,nstates,ntr,nobs)) dimnames(costs) <- dimnames(P) dimnames(costsu) <- dimnames(Pu) dimnames(costsu.trans) <- list(time=t, state=state.names, trans=rownames(trans), obs=rownames(newdata)) } structure(list(time = t, P=P, Pu=Pu, L=L, Lu=Lu, Pdisc=Pdisc, res=if (debug) res else NULL, use.costs=use.costs, costs=if (use.costs) costs else NULL, costsu=if (use.costs) costsu else NULL, costsu.trans=if (use.costs) costsu.trans else NULL, vcov=Sigma, newdata=newdata, trans=trans,,,, coefficients=coef(x), call=call, x=x), class="markov_msm") } ## Pu, vcov ## Lu || Pdisc, bdiag(vcov,diag(^2)) ## costsu || Pdisc || costsu.trans, bdiag(vcov, diag(^2), diag(^2)) bdiag <- function(...,initial=0) { l <- list(...) for (elt in l) if (is.array(elt) && length(dim(elt))>2) stop("not defined for arrays with more than 2 dimensions") l <- lapply(l, as.matrix) nr <- sapply(l,nrow) nc <- sapply(l,ncol) cumnr <- c(0,cumsum(nr)) cumnc <- c(0,cumsum(nc)) out <- matrix(initial,sum(nr),sum(nc)) for (i in 1:length(l)) out[(cumnr[i]+1):cumnr[i+1], (cumnc[i]+1):cumnc[i+1]] <- l[[i]] ## if rownames/colnames are all missing, then NULL else convert the NULLs to blank strings replace <- function(l,f,len) { lf <- lapply(l,f) nulls <- sapply(lf, is.null) if (all(nulls)) NULL else unlist(lapply(1:length(l), function(i) if (nulls[i]) rep("",len(l[[i]])) else lf[[i]])) } rownames(out) <- replace(l,rownames, nrow) colnames(out) <- replace(l,colnames, ncol) out } ## all(rownames(bdiag(matrix(1:4,2),c(a=5,b=6),7L,t(8:9),initial=0L))==c("","","a","b","","")) ## is.integer(bdiag(matrix(1:4,2),a=5:6,7L,t(8:9),initial=0L)) ## bdiag(list(1:2),list(3:4+0),initial=list()) hazFun <- function(f, tmvar="t", ...) { if(all(c("newdata","t") %in% names(formals(f)))) newf <- function(newdata) f(t=newdata[[tmvar]],newdata=newdata,...) else if("t" %in% names(formals(f))) newf <- function(newdata) f(t=newdata[[tmvar]], ...) else if("newdata" %in% names(formals(f))) newf <- function(newdata) f(newdata=newdata, ...) else newf <- function(newdata) f(...) out <- list(haz=newf) class(out) <- "hazFun" out } predict.hazFun <- function(object, newdata, type=c("haz","gradh"), ...) { type <- match.arg(type) val <- if (type=="haz") object$haz(newdata) else 0 if (length(val)==1 && length(val)0) newobject <- if (inherits(object, "hrModel")) object else structure(list(base=object), class="hrModel") if (!is.null(ci) && is.null(seloghr)) seloghr <- log(ci[2]/ci[1])/2/qnorm(0.975) attr(newobject, "loghr") <- log(hr) attr(newobject, "seloghr") <- if (is.null(seloghr)) 0 else seloghr newobject } predict.hrModel <- function(object, type=c("haz","gradh"), ...) { type <- match.arg(type) hr <- exp(attr(object,"loghr")) pred1 <- predict(object$base, type="haz", ...) if (type=="haz") hr*pred1 else cbind(predict(object$base, type="gradh", ...)*hr, pred1*hr) } ## This has different lengths/dimensions to the base model: ## wrap base intervention in hrModel(..., hr=1) coef.hrModel <- function(object, ...) c(coef(object$base), attr(object,"loghr")) vcov.hrModel <- function(object, ...) { out <- rbind(cbind(vcov(object$base),0),0) out[nrow(out),ncol(out)] <- attr(object, "seloghr")^2 out } ## aftModel requires dh/dt - performed using finite differences ## Slow? Cool for completeness - but unlikely to be used ## axiom: h := operator 'h ## axiom: hstar := h(t*exp(eta),beta)*exp(eta) ## axiom: D(hstar,beta) ## axiom: D(hstar,eta) ## h(t)=h(exp(u)) where t=exp(u) ## => dh/dt = dh/du * du/dt where du/dt=1/t ## and dh/du ~= (h(t*exp(eps)) - h(t/exp(eps)))/2/eps aftModel <- function(object, af=1, ci=NULL, selogaf=NULL) { stopifnot(is.null(ci) || (is.numeric(ci) && length(ci)==2)) stopifnot(is.numeric(af) && length(af)==1 && af>0) if (!is.null(ci) && is.null(selogaf)) selogaf <- log(ci[2]/ci[1])/2/qnorm(0.975) newobject <- if (inherits(object, "aftModel")) object else structure(list(base=object), class="aftModel") attr(newobject, "logaf") <- log(af) attr(newobject, "selogaf") <- if (is.null(selogaf)) 0 else selogaf newobject } predict.aftModel <- function(object, newdata, type=c("haz","gradh"), tmvar=NULL, eps=1e-5, ...) { type <- match.arg(type) af <- exp(attr(object,"logaf")) time <- newdata[[tmvar]] timeStar <- newdata[[tmvar]] <- af*time pred1 <- predict(object$base, type="haz", newdata=newdata, ...) if (type=="haz") af*pred1 else { newdata2 <- newdata newdata2[[tmvar]] <- timeStar*exp(eps) predu <- predict(object$base, type="haz", newdata=newdata2, ...) newdata2[[tmvar]] <- timeStar/exp(eps) predl <- predict(object$base, type="haz", newdata=newdata2, ...) dhdt <- (predu-predl)/2/eps/timeStar cbind(predict(object$base, type="gradh", newdata=newdata, ...)*af, timeStar*af*dhdt + af*pred1) } } ## This has different lengths/dimensions to the base model: ## wrap base intervention in aftModel(..., af=1) coef.aftModel <- function(object, ...) c(coef(object$base), attr(object,"logaf")) vcov.aftModel <- function(object, ...) { out <- rbind(cbind(vcov(object$base),0),0) out[nrow(out),ncol(out)] <- attr(object, "selogaf")^2 out } ## h'(t): ## gsm: S(t|x)=G(eta(t,x)) => H(t|x)=-log(S(t|x)) ## => h(t|x)= -G'(eta(t,x))/G(eta(t,x))*eta_{,1}(t,x) ## => h'(t|x) = mess ## export splineFun <- function(time, rate, method="natural", scale=1, ...) { fun <- stats::splinefun(time, log(rate), method=method, ...) hazFun(function(t) scale*exp(fun(t))) } ## export addModel <- function (...) { structure (as.list (...), class="addModel") } predict.addModel <- function (object, ...) { Reduce("+", lapply(object, predict, ...)) } coef.addModel <- function (object),lapply(object, coef)) vcov.addModel <- function (object),lapply(object, vcov)) subset.markov_msm <- function(x, subset, ...) { e <- substitute(subset) r <- eval(e, x$newdata, parent.frame()) if (!is.logical(r)) stop("'subset' must be logical") r <- r & ! # update x x$P <- x$P[,,r,drop=FALSE] x$Pu <- x$Pu[,,,r,drop=FALSE] x$L <- x$L[,,r,drop=FALSE] x$Lu <- x$Lu[,,,r,drop=FALSE] x$Pdisc <- x$Pdisc[,,,r,drop=FALSE] x$newdata <- x$newdata[r,,drop=FALSE] if (x$use.costs) { x$costs <- x$costs[,,r,drop=FALSE] x$costsu <- x$costsu[,,,r,drop=FALSE] } x$res <- NULL # not strictly needed x$call <- x } diff.markov_msm <- function(x, y, ...) { stopifnot(inherits(x,"markov_msm")) stopifnot(inherits(y,"markov_msm")) ## vcov, time, trans should all be the same stopifnot(all(x$vcov == y$vcov)) stopifnot(all(x$time == y$time)) stopifnot(all(x$trans == y$trans, na.rm=TRUE)) z <- x # copy of x z$P <- x$P-y$P z$Pu <- x$Pu-y$Pu z$L <- x$L-y$L z$Lu <- x$Lu-y$Lu z$Pdisc <- x$Pdisc-y$Pdisc z$call <- z$newdata[x$newdata != y$newdata] <- NA if (z$use.costs) { z$costs <- x$costs-y$costs z$costsu <- x$costsu-y$costsu } class(z) <- c("markov_msm_diff","markov_msm") # not strictly "markov_msm"... z } <- function(x, row.names=NULL, optional=FALSE, P.conf.type="plain", L.conf.type="plain", C.conf.type="plain", P.range=c(-Inf, Inf), L.range=c(-Inf, Inf), C.range=c(-Inf,Inf), ...), P.conf.type=P.conf.type, L.conf.type=L.conf.type, C.conf.type=C.conf.type, P.range=P.range, L.range=L.range, C.range=C.range, ...) plot.markov_msm_diff <- function(x, y, ...) stop("Plots for markov_msm_diff have not yet been implemented") plot.markov_msm <- function(x, y, stacked=TRUE, which=c("P","L"), xlab="Time", ylab=NULL, col=2:6, border=col, ggplot2=FALSE, lattice=FALSE, alpha=0.2, strata=NULL, ...) { stopifnot(inherits(x,"markov_msm")) which <- match.arg(which) ## ylab defaults if(is.null(ylab)) { ylab <- if(which=='P') "Probability" else "Length of stay" if(inherits(x,"markov_msm_diff")) ylab <- if(which=='P') "Difference in probabilities" else "Difference in lengths of stay" if(inherits(x,"markov_msm_ratio")) ylab <- if(which=='P') "Ratio of probabilities" else "Ratio of lengths of stay" } ## if (nrow(x$newdata)>1) { ## warning("More than one set of covariates; covariates have been standardised") ## x <- standardise(x) ## } if (ggplot2) ggplot.markov_msm(x, which=which, stacked=stacked, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, alpha=alpha, ...) else if (lattice) xyplot.markov_msm(x, which=which, stacked=stacked, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, col=col, border=border, strata=strata, ...) else { if (!missing(y)) warning("y argument is ignored") df <- states <- unique(df$state) if (stacked) { if (which == "L") stop("Stacked plot is not sensible for length of stay") out <- graphics::plot(range(x$time),0:1, type="n", xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, ...) lower <- 0 for (i in length(states):1) { # put the last state at the bottom df2 <- df[df$state==states[i],] if (length(lower)==1) lower <- rep(0,nrow(df2)) upper <- lower+df2[[which]] graphics::polygon(c(df2$time,rev(df2$time)), c(lower,rev(upper)), border=border[i], col=col[i]) lower <- upper } graphics::box() invisible(out) } else stop('Unstacked plot not implemented in base graphics; use ggplot2=TRUE or lattice=TRUE') } } ggplot.markov_msm <- function(data, mapping=NULL, which=c("P","L"), stacked = TRUE, alpha=0.2, xlab=NULL, ylab=NULL, flipped = FALSE, ..., environment=parent.frame()) { if (requireNamespace("ggplot2", quietly=TRUE)) { which <- match.arg(which) df <-, ci=!stacked) if (flipped) df$state <- factor(df$state,levels=rev(levels(df$state))) if (stacked) ggplot2::ggplot(df, if(is.null(mapping)) ggplot2::aes_string(x='time', y=which, fill='state') else mapping) + ggplot2::geom_area() + ggplot2::xlab(xlab) + ggplot2::ylab(ylab) else { lower <- paste0(which,'.lower') upper <- paste0(which,'.upper') ggplot2::ggplot(df, if (is.null(mapping)) ggplot2::aes_string(x='time', y=which, ymin=lower, ymax=upper) else mapping) + ggplot2::geom_line() + ggplot2::geom_ribbon(alpha=alpha) + ggplot2::facet_grid(stats::reformulate(".","state")) + ggplot2::xlab(xlab) + ggplot2::ylab(ylab) } } else stop("Suggested package 'ggplot2' is not available") } xyplot.markov_msm <- function(x, data, strata=NULL, which=c("P","L"), stacked = TRUE, col=2:6, border=col, ..., environment=parent.frame()) { if (requireNamespace("lattice", quietly=TRUE)) { which <- match.arg(which) ## if (!missing(data) && is.null(strata)) strata <- data # copy from data to strata df <-, ci=!stacked) if (!is.factor(df$state)) df$state <- as.factor(df$state) states <- levels(df$state) if (stacked) { rhs_string <- if (!is.null(strata)) paste('time',deparse(rhs(strata)),sep='|') else 'time' lattice::xyplot(stats::reformulate(rhs_string,which), data=df, panel = function(x, y, subscripts, group, ...) { df2 <- df[subscripts,] lattice::panel.xyplot(x,y, type="n") lower <- 0 for (i in length(states):1) { df3 <- df2[df2$state==states[i], , drop=FALSE] if (length(lower)==1) lower <- rep(0,nrow(df3)) upper <- lower+df3[[which]] lattice::panel.polygon(c(df3$time,rev(df3$time)), c(lower,rev(upper)), border=border[i], col=col[i]) lower <- upper } }, subscripts=TRUE, ...) } else { lower <- paste0(which,'.lower') upper <- paste0(which,'.upper') rhs_string <- if (!is.null(strata)) paste('time|state',deparse(rhs(strata)),sep='+') else 'time|state' lattice::xyplot(stats::reformulate(rhs_string,which), data=df, panel = function(x, y, subscripts, group, ...) { lattice::panel.xyplot(x,y, type="n") lattice::panel.polygon(c(x,rev(x)), c(df[[lower]][subscripts], rev(df[[upper]][subscripts])), border=NULL, col="grey") lattice::panel.lines(x,y) }, subscripts=TRUE, ...) } } else stop("Suggested package 'lattice' is not available") } ## g(beta) = log(losA) - log(losB) ## g'(beta) = losA'/losA - losB'/losB # which is not defined when los=0 ## NB: data are on a log scale! ratio_markov_msm <- function(x, y, ...) { stopifnot(inherits(x,"markov_msm")) stopifnot(inherits(y,"markov_msm")) ## vcov, time and trans should all be the same stopifnot(all(x$vcov == y$vcov)) stopifnot(all(x$time == y$time)) stopifnot(all(x$trans == y$trans, na.rm=TRUE)) z <- x # copy of x z$P <- log(x$P/y$P) z$L <- log(x$L/y$L) # logs of the ratios z$Pu <- apply(x$Pu, 3, function(slice) slice/x$P) - apply(y$Pu, 3, function(slice) slice/y$P) dim(z$Pu) <- dim(x$Pu) dimnames(z$Pu) <- dimnames(x$Pu) z$Lu <- apply(x$Lu, 3, function(slice) slice/x$L) - apply(y$Lu, 3, function(slice) slice/y$L) dim(z$Lu) <- dim(x$Lu) dimnames(z$Lu) <- dimnames(x$Lu) z$Pdisc <- log(x$Pdisc/y$Pdisc) z$call <- z$newdata[x$newdata != y$newdata] <- NA class(z) <- c("markov_msm_ratio","markov_msm") # not strictly "markov_msm"... z } <- function(x, row.names=NULL, optional=FALSE, ...) { ## data are on a log scale!! z <-, ...) names <- c("P","L","P.lower","P.upper","L.lower","L.upper") if (!is.null(x$costs)) names <- c(names, c("C","C.lower","C.upper")) for (name in names) z[[name]] <- exp(z[[name]]) z } ## prev_markov_msm <- function(x, w, ...) { ## stopifnot(inherits(x,"markov_msm")) ## stopifnot(nrow(x$trans) == length(w)) ## stopifnot(all(w %in% 0:1)) ## x <- msm2 ## w <- c(1,1,0) ## pi <- piL <- P <- L <- array(0,dim(x$P)) ## sumP <- sumL <- array(0,dim(x$P)[-2]) ## for (i in 1:length(w)) { ## P[,i,] <- x$P[,i,]*w[i] ## L[,i,] <- x$L[,i,]*w[i] ## sumP <- sumP + P[,i,] ## sumL <- sumL + L[,i,] ## } ## for (i in 1:length(w)) { ## pi[,i,] <- P[,i,]/sumP ## piL[,i,] <- P[,i,]/sumL ## } ## dw <- diag(w) ## logit <- stats::poisson()$linkinv ## z <- list(P=logit(P), L=log(L)) # logit and log ## z$Pu <- apply(x$Pu, 3, function(slice) slice/x$P) - apply(y$Pu, 3, function(slice) slice/y$P) ## dim(z$Pu) <- dim(x$Pu) ## dimnames(z$Pu) <- dimnames(x$Pu) ## z$Lu <- apply(x$Lu, 3, function(slice) slice/x$L) - apply(y$Lu, 3, function(slice) slice/y$L) ## dim(z$Lu) <- dim(x$Lu) ## dimnames(z$Lu) <- dimnames(x$Lu) ## z <- c(list(time=x$time, ## vcov=x$vcov, ## trans=x$trans, ## res=NULL), ## z) ## z$call <- ## z$newdata <- x$newdata ## z$newdata[x$newdata != y$newdata] <- NA ## class(z) <- c("markov_msm_prev","markov_msm") # not strictly "markov_msm"... ## z ## } ## <- function(x, ...) { ## ## data are on a log scale!! ## z <-, ...) ## for (name in c("P","L","P.lower","P.upper","L.lower","L.upper")) ## z[[name]] <- exp(z[[name]]) ## z ## } abind <- function(index, ...) { # bind on nth slice for a bag of arrays x <- list(...) stopifnot(all(sapply(x,is.array))) dim1 <- dim(x[[1]]) ## check index stopifnot(index==floor(index) && index>=1 || index<=length(dim)) ## check all arrays have the same number of dimensions stopifnot(all(sapply(x[-1],function(xi) length(dim(xi))==length(dim1)))) ## case: arrays of dimension 1 if (length(dim1)==1) return(array(unlist(x))) ## check all arrays for the same dimensions (excluding the index dimension) for (i in ((1:length(dim1))[-index])) stopifnot(all(sapply(x[-1],function(xi) dim(xi)[i]==dim1[i]))) ## re-order to put the index dimension last ord <- c((1:length(dim1))[-index],index) x <- lapply(x, function(xi) aperm(xi,ord)) # REPLACEMENT y <-"c",lapply(x,as.vector)) # magic... dims <- dim1[ord] dimnames. <- dimnames(x[[1]]) dims[length(dims)] <- sum(sapply(x,function(xi) dim(xi)[length(dims)])) if (!is.null(dimnames.[[length(dims)]])) dimnames.[[length(dims)]] <- unlist(lapply(x,function(xi) dimnames(xi)[length(dims)])) dim(y) <- dims dimnames(y) <- dimnames. aperm(y,order(ord)) } ## abind(1,array(1),array(2),array(3:4)) ## abind(1,array(1,c(1,1)),array(2,c(1,1)),array(3:4,c(2,1))) ## abind(2,array(1,c(1,1)),array(2,c(1,1)),array(3:4,c(1,2))) ## abind(1,array(1,c(1,1,1)),array(2,c(1,1,1)),array(3:4,c(2,1,1))) add_dim <- function(a,index,dimname="") { stopifnot(is.array(a)) dims <- dim(a) ndim <- length(dims) dimnames. <- dimnames(a) stopifnot(index==floor(index) && index>=1 && index<=ndim+1) newdim <- if (index==1) c(1,dims) else if (index==ndim+1) c(dims,1) else c(dims[1:(index-1)], 1, dims[index:ndim]) dimnames. <- if (index==1) c(dimname,dimnames.) else if (index==ndim+1) c(dimnames.,dimname) else c(dimnames.[1:(index-1)], dimname, dimnames.[index:ndim]) array(a,newdim,dimnames.) } ## add_dim(array(c(1,2,3,4),dimnames=list(11:14)),2,"blank") ## add_dim(array(1:4),2) ## add_dim(array(1:4,c(2,2)),1)[1,,] ## add_dim(array(1:4,c(2,2)),2)[,1,] ## add_dim(array(1:4,c(2,2)),3)[,,1] bindlast <- function(...) { # bind on last slice for a bag of arrays x <- list(...) stopifnot(all(sapply(x,is.array))) dim1 <- dim(x[[1]]) stopifnot(all(sapply(x[-1],function(xi) length(dim(xi))==length(dim1)))) for (i in 1:(length(dim1)-1)) stopifnot(all(sapply(x[-1],function(xi) dim(xi)[i]==dim1[i]))) y <-"c",lapply(x,as.vector)) dims <- dim1 dimnames. <- dimnames(x[[1]]) dims[length(dims)] <- sum(sapply(x,function(xi) dim(xi)[length(dims)])) if (!is.null(dimnames.[[length(dims)]])) dimnames.[[length(dims)]] <- unlist(lapply(x,function(xi) dimnames(xi)[length(dims)])) dim(y) <- dims dimnames(y) <- dimnames. y } rbind.markov_msm <- function(..., deparse.level = 1) { x <- list(...) stopifnot(all(sapply(x,inherits,"markov_msm"))) ## class, vcov, time and trans should all be the same stopifnot(all(sapply(x[-1],function(xi) all(class(xi) == class(x[[1]]))))) stopifnot(all(sapply(x[-1],function(xi) all(xi$vcov==x[[1]]$vcov)))) stopifnot(all(sapply(x[-1],function(xi) all(xi$time==x[[1]]$time)))) stopifnot(all(sapply(x[-1],function(xi) all(xi$trans==x[[1]]$trans, na.rm=TRUE)))) bind <- function(name), lapply(x,"[[",name)) z <- x[[1]] z$P <- bind("P") z$Pu <- bind("Pu") z$L <- bind("L") z$Lu <- bind("Lu") z$Pdisc <- bind("Pdisc") z$call <- z$newdata <-,lapply(x,"[[", "newdata")) ## is this a good idea? It will be lost if done more than once... z$newdata$.index <- unlist(lapply(1:length(x), function(i) rep(i,nrow(x[[i]]$newdata)))) ## state.names <- rownames(z$trans) z } transform.markov_msm <- function(`_data`, ...) { `_data`$newdata <- transform(`_data`$newdata, ...) `_data` } reorder <- function(x,order) { l <- attr(x,"levels") factor(l[x],l[order]) } nrow.markov_msm <- function(x, ...) nrow(, ...)) vcov.markov_msm <- function(object, ...) object$vcov ## Collapse across states ## issue with variance calculations... collapse_markov_msm <- function(object, which=NULL, sep="; ") { ## example: which=c(1,2) => combine states 1 and 2 stopifnot(inherits(object, "markov_msm")) stopifnot(!is.null(which)) if(is.character(which)) which <- pmatch(which, rownames(object$trans)) stopifnot(all(which %in% 1:nrow(object$trans))) stopifnot(nrow(object$trans)>=2) call <- which <- sort(unique(which)) # in case of duplicates if(length(which)==1) return(object) # no change ## algorithm: n.newstates <- nrow(object$trans) - length(which) + 1 ## initalise newstates <- vector("list", n.newstates) j <- 0 base <- NULL for (i in 1:nrow(object$trans)) { if (i %in% which) { if (is.null(base)) { j <- j + 1 base <- j } newstates[[base]] <- c(newstates[[base]],i) } else { j <- j + 1 newstates[[j]] <- i } } index <- vector('numeric',nrow(object$trans)) for (j in 1:length(newstates)) for (k in newstates[[j]]) index[k] <- j state.names <- rownames(object$trans) if (is.null(state.names)) state.names <- 1:nrow(object$trans) new.state.names <- tapply(state.names, index, paste0, collapse=sep) trans <- object$trans for (i in rev(which[-1])) { trans <- trans[-i,,drop=FALSE] trans <- trans[,-i,drop=FALSE] } ## sum <- function(x) tapply(x, index, base::sum) sum3 <- function(x,index,DIM=2) { dims <- dim(x) dims[DIM] <- length(unique(index)) y <- array(0,dims) dimnames <- dimnames(x) dimnames[[DIM]] <- new.state.names for (i in 1:length(index)) { if (DIM==1) y[index[i],,] <- y[index[i],,] + x[i,,] else if (DIM==2) y[,index[i],] <- y[,index[i],] + x[,i,] } dimnames(y) <- dimnames y } sum4 <- function(x,index) { ## assumes DIM=2 dims <- dim(x) dims[2] <- length(unique(index)) dimnames <- dimnames(x) dimnames[[2]] <- new.state.names y <- array(0,dims) for (i in 1:length(index)) y[,index[i],,] <- y[,index[i],,] + x[,i,,] dimnames(y) <- dimnames y } P <- sum3(object$P,index) L <- sum3(object$L,index) Pu <- sum4(object$Pu,index) Lu <- sum4(object$Lu,index) Pdisc <- sum4(object$Pdisc,index) if ("C" %in% names(object)) { C <- sum3(object$C,index) Cu <- sum4(object$Cu,index) } index <- 1 for (i in 1:nrow(object$trans)) { if (any(i==trans,na.rm=TRUE)) { trans[which(i==trans)] <- index index <- index + 1 } } colnames(trans) <- rownames(trans) <- new.state.names z <- object z$P <- P z$L <- L z$Pu <- Pu z$Lu <- Lu z$Pdisc <- Pdisc z$trans <- trans ## costs?? z$call <- call z } stratifiedModel <- function (object,strata) { ## if(inherits (object, "stratifiedModel")) ## return(object) if(! inherits (object, "stratifiedModel")) class (object) <- c("stratifiedModel", class (object)) object$ <- substitute (strata) stopifnot($ object$strata.index <- NULL object } "[[.stratifiedModel" <- function (object, index) { object$strata.index <- index object } ## does the following only work for index 1..K? predict.stratifiedModel <- function (object, type, newdata, ...) { if (! is.null(object$strata.index)) newdata[[object$]] <- object$strata.index ## otherwise assume that the strata is specified in newdata NextMethod ("predict", object) } ## predict.test <- function(object, type, newdata) return(newdata$strata) ## m <- stratifiedModel("class<-"(list(),"test"), strata) ## predict(m[[2]],"",data.frame(x=1)) coef.stratifiedModel <- function(object, ...) NextMethod("coef", object) vcov.stratifiedModel <- function(object, ...) NextMethod("vcov", object) vsplinefun <- function(x,y,...) { stopifnot(is.matrix(y)) splinefuns <- lapply(1:ncol(y), function(j) stats::splinefun(x,y[,j],...)) function(x) sapply(splinefuns, function(obj) obj(x)) } makeSplineFun <- function(object,tm,newdata=data.frame(one=1),tmvar="",, log=FALSE) { tm <- pmax(tm, trans <- if (log) base::log else base::identity ## itrans <- if (log) base::exp else base::identity newdata <- times <- data.frame(t=tm); if (tmvar != "") names(times) <- tmvar hazard <- lapply(1:nrow(newdata), function(i) splinefun(trans(tm), predict(object,type="hazard",newdata=merge(newdata[i,,drop=FALSE], times)))) gradh <- lapply(1:nrow(newdata), function(i) vsplinefun(trans(tm), predict(object,type="gradh",newdata=merge(newdata[i,,drop=FALSE], times)))) out <- list( object=object, hazard=function(t) sapply(hazard, function(obj) obj(trans(t))), gradh=function(t) t(sapply(gradh, function(obj) obj(trans(t))))) class(out) <- "SplineFun" out } predict.SplineFun <- function(object, newdata, type=c("hazard","gradh"), tmvar="", ...) { type <- match.arg(type) time <- newdata[[tmvar]] stopifnot(all(time[1] == time[-1])) if (type=="hazard") object$hazard(time[1]) else object$gradh(time[1]) } vcov.SplineFun <- function(object) vcov(object$object) coef.SplineFun <- function(object) coef(object$object) ## Non-parametric baseline: SDE approach due to Ryalen and colleagues markov_sde <- function(models, trans, newdata, init=NULL, nLebesgue=1e4+1, los=FALSE, nOut=300, weights=1) { transfun <- function(tmat) { indices <- sort(as.vector(tmat)); indices <- setdiff(indices,NA) nStates <- nrow(tmat) out <-, lapply(indices, function(i) { index2 <- which(tmat == i) from <- (index2-1) %% nStates +1 to <- (index2-1) %/% nStates + 1 data.frame(from=from,to=to) })) matrix(as.integer(as.matrix(out)),nrow(out))-1L } ## TODO check parameters nStates <- nrow(trans) nTrans <- sum(! if (is.null(init)) { init <- c(1,rep(0,nStates-1)) } stopifnot(length(init)==nStates) ## init <- rep(init,nrow(newdata)) n <- sum(sapply(models,attr,"orig.max.clust")) cumHazList <- lapply(models, function(object) -t(log(predict(object, newdata=newdata, se=FALSE)$S0))) timesList <- lapply(models, function(model) model$cum[,1]) eventTimes <- times <- sort(unique(unlist(timesList))) hazList <- lapply(1:nrow(newdata), function(i) { hazMatrix <- matrix(0,nrow=nTrans,ncol=length(times)) for (j in 1:nTrans) { hazMatrix[j,match(timesList[[j]],times)] <- diff(c(0,cumHazList[[j]][,i])) } hazMatrix }) hazMatrix <-,hazList) if (length(weights)==1 && weights != 0) weights <- rep(weights,nrow(newdata))/(weights*nrow(newdata)) vcov <- matrix(1,1,1) if (!los) { out <- .Call("plugin_P_by", n, nrow(newdata), hazMatrix, init, transfun(trans), weights, vcov, PACKAGE="rstpm2") out$P <- out$X out$ <- sqrt(out$variance) } else { out <- .Call("plugin_P_L_by", n, nrow(newdata), hazMatrix, init, transfun(trans), times, weights, nOut, vcov, nLebesgue, PACKAGE="rstpm2") PIndex <- 1:(nrow(out$X)/2) tr <- function(x) array(as.vector(x), dim=c(nStates,nrow(newdata),ncol(x))) out$P <- tr(out$X[PIndex,]) out$L <- tr(out$X[-PIndex,]) out$ <- sqrt(tr(out$variance[PIndex,])) out$ <- sqrt(tr(out$variance[-PIndex,])) } out$n <- n out$times <- if (los) out$time else times out$newdata <- newdata out$trans <- trans out$los <- los out$init <- init out$weights <- weights class(out) <- "markov_sde" if (!all(weights==0)) { stand <- out # copy! This may be a bad idea... stand$newdata <- newdata if (!los) { stand$P <- stand$Y stand$ <- sqrt(stand$varY) } else { PIndex <- 1:(nrow(out$Y)/2) stand$P <- stand$Y[PIndex,] stand$L <- stand$Y[-PIndex,] stand$ <- sqrt(stand$varY[PIndex,]) stand$ <- sqrt(stand$varY[-PIndex,]) } ## tidy up stand$X <- stand$Y stand$variance <- stand$varY out$X <- out$variance <- out$Y <- out$varY <- stand$Y <- stand$varY <- NULL stand$newdata <- stand$newdata[1,,drop=FALSE] class(stand) <- "markov_sde" out$stand <- stand } out } standardise.markov_sde <- function(x, ...) { x$stand } plot.markov_sde <- function(x, y, stacked=TRUE, which=c("P","L"), index=NULL, xlab="Time", ylab=NULL, col=2:6, border=col, ggplot2=FALSE, lattice=FALSE, alpha=0.2, strata=NULL, ...) { stopifnot(inherits(x,"markov_sde")) which <- match.arg(which) if (!missing(y)) warning("y argument is ignored") ## ylab defaults if (is.null(ylab)) ylab <- if(which=='P') "Probability" else "Length of stay" if (ggplot2) ggplot.markov_msm(x, which=which, stacked=stacked, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, alpha=alpha, ...) else if (lattice) xyplot.markov_msm(x, which=which, stacked=stacked, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, col=col, border=border, strata=strata, ...) else { ## Is the next statement correct?? if (is.null(index) && nrow(x$newdata)>1) { warning("More than one set of covariates; defaults to weighted estimator") x <- x$stand # Warning: replacement index <- 1 } if (is.null(index)) index <- 1 df <- merge(x$newdata[index,,drop=FALSE], states <- unique(df$state) if (stacked) { out <- graphics::plot(range(x$times, na.rm=TRUE),0:1, type="n", xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, ...) lower <- 0 for (i in length(states):1) { # put the last state at the bottom df2 <- df[df$state==states[i],] if (length(lower)==1) lower <- rep(0,nrow(df2)) upper <- lower+df2[[which]] graphics::polygon(c(df2$time,rev(df2$time)), c(lower,rev(upper)), border=border[i], col=col[i]) lower <- upper } graphics::box() invisible(out) } else stop('Unstacked plot not implemented in base graphics; use ggplot2=TRUE or lattice=TRUE') } } <- function(x, row.names=NULL, optional=NULL, ci=TRUE, P.conf.type="logit", L.conf.type="log", P.range=c(0,1), L.range=c(0,Inf), ...) { if (any(x$weights<0)) { P.conf.type <- L.conf.type <- "plain" P.range <- L.range <- c(-Inf,Inf) } .id. <- 1:nrow(x$newdata) nStates <- nrow(x$trans) state.names <- rownames(x$trans) stateNames <- if (!is.null(rownames(x$trans))) rownames(x$trans) else 1:nrow(x$trans) out <- expand.grid(state=stateNames,, time=x$times) out <- cbind(x$newdata[out$.id.,],out) names(out)[1:ncol(x$newdata)] <- colnames(x$newdata) out$P <- as.vector(x$P) out$ <- as.vector(x$ if (ci) { tmp <- surv.confint(out$P,out$, conf.type=P.conf.type, min.value=P.range[1], max.value=P.range[2]) out$P.lower <- tmp$lower out$P.upper <- tmp$upper } if (x$los) { out$L <- as.vector(x$L) out$ <- as.vector(x$ if (ci) { tmp <- surv.confint(out$L,out$, conf.type=L.conf.type, min.value=L.range[1], max.value=L.range[2]) out$L.lower <- tmp$lower out$L.upper <- tmp$upper } } out <- out[order(out$.id.,out$state,out$time),] out$.id. <- NULL if(!is.null(row.names)) rownames(out) <- row.names out } ## Parametric bootstrap pboot = function(object, m, parallel=FALSE, mc.cores=parallel::detectCores(), ...) { ## do this once newx = object$x coefs <- lapply(object$x, function(xi) coef(xi)) # note this trick! vcovs <- lapply(object$x, function(xi) vcov(xi)) # note this trick! ## vcov = lapply(object$x, vcov) # fails:( ## do the following m times parallel::mclapply(1:m , function(i) { ## update the coefs for (j in 1:length(newx)) coef(newx[[j]]) = mvtnorm::rmvnorm(1,coefs[[j]],vcovs[[j]]) ## update the object update(object,x=newx) }, mc.cores=mc.cores) }