/* *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * * * * CitcomS by Louis Moresi, Shijie Zhong, Lijie Han, Eh Tan, * Clint Conrad, Michael Gurnis, and Eun-seo Choi. * Copyright (C) 1994-2005, California Institute of Technology. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * * *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */ #include #include "global_defs.h" #include "parsing.h" #include "parallel_related.h" #include "composition_related.h" static void allocate_composition_memory(struct All_variables *E); static void compute_elemental_composition_ratio_method(struct All_variables *E); static void init_bulk_composition(struct All_variables *E); static void check_initial_composition(struct All_variables *E); static void fill_composition_from_neighbors(struct All_variables *E); void composition_input(struct All_variables *E) { int i; int m = E->parallel.me; input_boolean("chemical_buoyancy", &(E->composition.ichemical_buoyancy), "1,0,nomax",m); if (E->control.tracer && E->composition.ichemical_buoyancy) { /* ibuoy_type=0 (absolute method) */ /* ibuoy_type=1 (ratio method) */ input_int("buoy_type",&(E->composition.ibuoy_type),"1,0,nomax",m); if (E->composition.ibuoy_type!=1) { fprintf(stderr,"Terror-Sorry, only ratio method allowed now\n"); fflush(stderr); parallel_process_termination(); } if (E->composition.ibuoy_type==0) E->composition.ncomp = E->trace.nflavors; else if (E->composition.ibuoy_type==1) E->composition.ncomp = E->trace.nflavors - 1; E->composition.buoyancy_ratio = (double*) malloc(E->composition.ncomp *sizeof(double)); /* default values .... */ for (i=0; icomposition.ncomp; i++) E->composition.buoyancy_ratio[i] = 1.0; input_double_vector("buoyancy_ratio", E->composition.ncomp, E->composition.buoyancy_ratio,m); } /* compositional rheology */ /* icompositional_rheology=0 (off) */ /* icompositional_rheology=1 (on) */ E->composition.icompositional_rheology = 0; /* input_int("compositional_rheology", &(E->composition.icompositional_rheology),"1,0,nomax",m); if (E->composition.icompositional_rheology==1) { input_double("compositional_prefactor", &(E->composition.compositional_rheology_prefactor), "1.0",m); } */ return; } void composition_setup(struct All_variables *E) { allocate_composition_memory(E); return; } void write_composition_instructions(struct All_variables *E) { int k; if (E->composition.ichemical_buoyancy || E->composition.icompositional_rheology) E->composition.on = 1; if (E->composition.on) { if (E->trace.nflavors < 1) { fprintf(E->trace.fpt, "Tracer flavors must be greater than 1 to track composition\n"); parallel_process_termination(); } if (!E->composition.ichemical_buoyancy) fprintf(E->trace.fpt,"Passive Tracers\n"); else fprintf(E->trace.fpt,"Active Tracers\n"); if (E->composition.ibuoy_type==1) fprintf(E->trace.fpt,"Ratio Method\n"); if (E->composition.ibuoy_type==0) fprintf(E->trace.fpt,"Absolute Method\n"); for(k=0; kcomposition.ncomp; k++) { fprintf(E->trace.fpt,"Buoyancy Ratio: %f\n", E->composition.buoyancy_ratio[k]); } /* if (E->composition.icompositional_rheology==0) { fprintf(E->trace.fpt,"Compositional Rheology - OFF\n"); } else if (E->composition.icompositional_rheology>0) { fprintf(E->trace.fpt,"Compositional Rheology - ON\n"); fprintf(E->trace.fpt,"Compositional Prefactor: %f\n", E->composition.compositional_rheology_prefactor); } */ fflush(E->trace.fpt); } return; } /************ FILL COMPOSITION ************************/ void fill_composition(struct All_variables *E) { /* XXX: Currently, only the ratio method works here. */ /* Will have to come back here to include the absolute method. */ /* ratio method */ if (E->composition.ibuoy_type==1) { compute_elemental_composition_ratio_method(E); } /* absolute method */ if (E->composition.ibuoy_type!=1) { fprintf(E->trace.fpt,"Error(compute...)-only ratio method now\n"); fflush(E->trace.fpt); exit(10); } /* Map elemental composition to nodal points */ map_composition_to_nodes(E); return; } static void allocate_composition_memory(struct All_variables *E) { int i, j; for (i=0; icomposition.ncomp; i++) { E->composition.bulk_composition = (double*) malloc(E->composition.ncomp*sizeof(double)); E->composition.initial_bulk_composition = (double*) malloc(E->composition.ncomp*sizeof(double)); E->composition.error_fraction = (double*) malloc(E->composition.ncomp*sizeof(double)); } /* allocat memory for composition fields at the nodes and elements */ for (j=1;j<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc;j++) { if ((E->composition.comp_el[j]=(double **)malloc((E->composition.ncomp)*sizeof(double*)))==NULL) { fprintf(E->trace.fpt,"AKM(allocate_composition_memory)-no memory 8987y\n"); fflush(E->trace.fpt); exit(10); } if ((E->composition.comp_node[j]=(double **)malloc((E->composition.ncomp)*sizeof(double*)))==NULL) { fprintf(E->trace.fpt,"AKM(allocate_composition_memory)-no memory 8988y\n"); fflush(E->trace.fpt); exit(10); } for (i=0; icomposition.ncomp; i++) { if ((E->composition.comp_el[j][i]=(double *)malloc((E->lmesh.nel+1)*sizeof(double)))==NULL) { fprintf(E->trace.fpt,"AKM(allocate_composition_memory)-no memory 8989y\n"); fflush(E->trace.fpt); exit(10); } if ((E->composition.comp_node[j][i]=(double *)malloc((E->lmesh.nno+1)*sizeof(double)))==NULL) { fprintf(E->trace.fpt,"AKM(allocate_composition_memory)-no memory 983rk\n"); fflush(E->trace.fpt); exit(10); } } } return; } void init_composition(struct All_variables *E) { if (E->composition.ichemical_buoyancy && E->composition.ibuoy_type) { fill_composition(E); check_initial_composition(E); init_bulk_composition(E); } return; } static void check_initial_composition(struct All_variables *E) { /* check empty element if using ratio method */ if (E->composition.ibuoy_type == 1) { if (E->trace.istat_iempty) { fprintf(E->trace.fpt,"WARNING(check_initial_composition)-number of tracers is REALLY LOW, %d elements contain no tracer\n", E->trace.istat_iempty); /* if there are only a few empty elements, using neighboring */ /* elements to determine the initial composition. */ if ((1e4*E->trace.istat_iempty) < E->lmesh.nel) fill_composition_from_neighbors(E); else if (E->trace.itracer_warnings) { fflush(E->trace.fpt); exit(10); } } } return; } /*********** COMPUTE ELEMENTAL COMPOSITION RATIO METHOD ***/ /* */ /* This function computes the composition per element. */ /* The concentration of material i in an element is */ /* defined as: */ /* (# of tracers of flavor i) / (# of all tracers) */ static void compute_elemental_composition_ratio_method(struct All_variables *E) { int i, j, e, flavor, numtracers; int iempty = 0; for (j=1; j<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc; j++) { for (e=1; e<=E->lmesh.nel; e++) { numtracers = 0; for (flavor=0; flavortrace.nflavors; flavor++) numtracers += E->trace.ntracer_flavor[j][flavor][e]; /* Check for empty entries and compute ratio. */ /* If no tracers are in an element, skip this element, */ /* use previous composition. */ if (numtracers == 0) { iempty++; /* fprintf(E->trace.fpt, "No tracer in element %d!\n", e); */ continue; } for(i=0;icomposition.ncomp;i++) { flavor = i + 1; E->composition.comp_el[j][i][e] = E->trace.ntracer_flavor[j][flavor][e] / (double)numtracers; } } if (iempty) { if ((1.0*iempty/E->lmesh.nel)>0.80) { fprintf(E->trace.fpt,"WARNING(compute_elemental...)-number of tracers is REALLY LOW\n"); fflush(E->trace.fpt); if (E->trace.itracer_warnings) exit(10); } } } /* end j */ E->trace.istat_iempty += iempty; return; } /********** MAP COMPOSITION TO NODES ****************/ /* */ void map_composition_to_nodes(struct All_variables *E) { double *tmp[NCS]; int i, n, kk; int nelem, nodenum; int j; for (j=1;j<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc;j++) { /* first, initialize node array */ for(i=0;icomposition.ncomp;i++) { for (kk=1;kk<=E->lmesh.nno;kk++) E->composition.comp_node[j][i][kk]=0.0; } /* Loop through all elements */ for (nelem=1;nelem<=E->lmesh.nel;nelem++) { /* for each element, loop through element nodes */ /* weight composition */ for (nodenum=1;nodenum<=8;nodenum++) { n = E->ien[j][nelem].node[nodenum]; for(i=0;icomposition.ncomp;i++) { E->composition.comp_node[j][i][n] += E->composition.comp_el[j][i][nelem]* E->TWW[E->mesh.levmax][j][nelem].node[nodenum]; } } } /* end nelem */ } /* end j */ for(i=0;icomposition.ncomp;i++) { for (j=1;j<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc;j++) tmp[j] = E->composition.comp_node[j][i]; (E->exchange_node_d)(E,tmp,E->mesh.levmax); } /* Divide by nodal volume */ for (j=1;j<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc;j++) { for(i=0;icomposition.ncomp;i++) for (kk=1;kk<=E->lmesh.nno;kk++) E->composition.comp_node[j][i][kk] *= E->MASS[E->mesh.levmax][j][kk]; /* testing */ /** for(i=0;icomposition.ncomp;i++) for (kk=1;kk<=E->lmesh.nel;kk++) { fprintf(E->trace.fpt,"%d %f\n",kk,E->composition.comp_el[j][i][kk]); } for(i=0;icomposition.ncomp;i++) for (kk=1;kk<=E->lmesh.nno;kk++) { fprintf(E->trace.fpt,"%d %f %f\n",kk,E->sx[j][3][kk],E->composition.comp_node[j][i][kk]); } fflush(E->trace.fpt); /**/ } /* end j */ return; } /****************************************************************/ static void fill_composition_from_neighbors(struct All_variables *E) { int i, j, k, e, ee, n, flavor, numtracers, count; double *sum; const int n_nghbrs = 4; int nghbrs[n_nghbrs]; int *is_empty; fprintf(E->trace.fpt,"Using neighboring elements for initial composition...\n"); /* index shift for neighboring elements in horizontal direction */ nghbrs[0] = E->lmesh.elz; nghbrs[1] = -E->lmesh.elz; nghbrs[2] = E->lmesh.elz * E->lmesh.elx; nghbrs[3] = -E->lmesh.elz * E->lmesh.elx; is_empty = (int *)calloc(E->lmesh.nel+1, sizeof(int)); sum = (double *)malloc(E->composition.ncomp * sizeof(double)); for (j=1; j<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc; j++) { /* which element is empty? */ for (e=1; e<=E->lmesh.nel; e++) { numtracers = 0; for (flavor=0; flavortrace.nflavors; flavor++) numtracers += E->trace.ntracer_flavor[j][flavor][e]; if (numtracers == 0) is_empty[e] = 1; } /* using the average comp_el from neighboring elements */ for (e=1; e<=E->lmesh.nel; e++) { if(is_empty[e]) { count = 0; for (i=0; icomposition.ncomp; i++) sum[i] = 0.0; for(n=0; n0) && (ee<=E->lmesh.nel) && (!is_empty[ee])) { count++; for (i=0; icomposition.ncomp; i++) sum[i] += E->composition.comp_el[j][i][ee]; } } if(count == 0) { fprintf(E->trace.fpt,"Error(fill_composition_from_neighbors)-all neighboring elements are empty\n"); fflush(E->trace.fpt); exit(10); } for (i=0; icomposition.ncomp; i++) E->composition.comp_el[j][i][e] = sum[i] / count; } } } free(is_empty); free(sum); fprintf(E->trace.fpt,"Done.\n"); fflush(E->trace.fpt); return; } /*********** GET BULK COMPOSITION *******************************/ static void init_bulk_composition(struct All_variables *E) { double return_bulk_value_d(); double volume; double *tmp[NCS]; int i, m; const int ival=0; for (i=0; icomposition.ncomp; i++) { for (m=1;m<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc;m++) tmp[m] = E->composition.comp_node[m][i]; /* ival=0 returns integral not average */ volume = return_bulk_value_d(E,tmp,ival); E->composition.bulk_composition[i] = volume; E->composition.initial_bulk_composition[i] = volume; } return; } void get_bulk_composition(struct All_variables *E) { double return_bulk_value_d(); double volume; double *tmp[NCS]; int i, m; const int ival = 0; for (i=0; icomposition.ncomp; i++) { for (m=1;m<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc;m++) tmp[m] = E->composition.comp_node[m][i]; /* ival=0 returns integral not average */ volume = return_bulk_value_d(E,tmp,ival); E->composition.bulk_composition[i] = volume; E->composition.error_fraction[i] = (volume - E->composition.initial_bulk_composition[i]) / E->composition.initial_bulk_composition[i]; } return; }