schema_version: "0.5.0" before_install: appveyor: environment: PATH: $;$\\Scripts;$ RUN_ENV: .\\..\\addons\\appveyor\\run-with-visual-studio.cmd commands: - python ../addons/appveyor/ circle: environment: PATH: /opt/python/$/bin:$ commands: - rm -rf dist/* travis: osx: environment: PATH: $/.pyenv/versions/$/bin:$ commands: - python ../addons/travis/ install: commands: - python --version - python -m pip install --disable-pip-version-check --upgrade pip - $ pip install wheel>=0.29.0 - $ pip install setuptools>=28.0.0 - $ pip install --trusted-host -f SimpleITK>=0.9.1 - $ python -c "import SimpleITK; print('SimpleITK Version:' + SimpleITK.Version_VersionString())" - $ pip install -r requirements.txt - $ pip install -r requirements-dev.txt before_build: commands: - flake8 build: commands: - python sdist - $ python bdist_wheel # circle: # commands: # - | # # Since there are no external shared libraries to bundle into the wheels # # this step will fixup the wheel switching from 'linux' to 'manylinux1' tag # for whl in dist/*$(uname -p).whl; do # auditwheel repair $whl -w ./dist/ # rm $whl # done test: commands: - $ python test --args="--with-xunit --logging-level=DEBUG" circleci: commands: - cp nosetests.xml $CIRCLE_TEST_REPORTS