const feature_policies = { "AmbientLightSensor" : ["ambient-light-sensor"], "Accelerometer" : ["accelerometer"], "LinearAccelerationSensor" : ["accelerometer"], "GravitySensor" : ["accelerometer"], "Gyroscope" : ["gyroscope"], "GeolocationSensor" : ["geolocation"], "Magnetometer" : ["magnetometer"], "UncalibratedMagnetometer" : ["magnetometer"], "AbsoluteOrientationSensor" : ["accelerometer", "gyroscope", "magnetometer"], "RelativeOrientationSensor" : ["accelerometer", "gyroscope"] }; const same_origin_src = "/feature-policy/resources/feature-policy-generic-sensor.html#"; const cross_origin_src = "https://{{domains[www]}}:{{ports[https][0]}}" + same_origin_src; const base_src = "/feature-policy/resources/redirect-on-load.html#"; function run_fp_tests_disabled(sensorType) { const sensorName =; const featureNameList = feature_policies[sensorName]; const header = "Feature-Policy header " + featureNameList.join(" 'none';") + " 'none'"; const desc = "'new " + sensorName + "()'"; test(() => { assert_throws("SecurityError", () => {new sensorType()}); }, `${sensorName}: ${header} disallows the top-level document.`); async_test(t => { test_feature_availability( desc, t, same_origin_src + sensorName, expect_feature_unavailable_default ); }, `${sensorName}: ${header} disallows same-origin iframes.`); async_test(t => { test_feature_availability( desc, t, cross_origin_src + sensorName, expect_feature_unavailable_default ); }, `${sensorName}: ${header} disallows cross-origin iframes.`); } function run_fp_tests_enabled(sensorType) { const sensorName =; const featureNameList = feature_policies[sensorName]; const header = "Feature-Policy header " + featureNameList.join(" *;") + " *"; const desc = "'new " + sensorName + "()'"; test(() => { assert_true(sensorName in window); }, `${sensorName}: ${header} allows the top-level document.`); async_test(t => { test_feature_availability( desc, t, same_origin_src + sensorName, expect_feature_available_default ); }, `${sensorName}: ${header} allows same-origin iframes.`); async_test(t => { test_feature_availability( desc, t, cross_origin_src + sensorName, expect_feature_available_default ); }, `${sensorName}: ${header} allows cross-origin iframes.`); } function run_fp_tests_enabled_by_attribute(sensorType) { const sensorName =; const featureNameList = feature_policies[sensorName]; const header = "Feature-Policy allow='" + featureNameList.join(" ") + "' attribute"; const desc = "'new " + sensorName + "()'"; async_test(t => { test_feature_availability( desc, t, same_origin_src + sensorName, expect_feature_available_default, featureNameList.join(";") ); }, `${sensorName}: ${header} allows same-origin iframe`); async_test(t => { test_feature_availability( desc, t, cross_origin_src + sensorName, expect_feature_available_default, featureNameList.join(";") ); }, `${sensorName}: ${header} allows cross-origin iframe`); } function run_fp_tests_enabled_by_attribute_redirect_on_load(sensorType) { const sensorName =; const featureNameList = feature_policies[sensorName]; const header = "Feature-Policy allow='" + featureNameList.join(" ") + "' attribute"; const desc = "'new " + sensorName + "()'"; async_test(t => { test_feature_availability( desc, t, base_src + same_origin_src + sensorName, expect_feature_available_default, featureNameList.join(";") ); }, `${sensorName}: ${header} allows same-origin relocation`); async_test(t => { test_feature_availability( desc, t, base_src + cross_origin_src + sensorName, expect_feature_unavailable_default, featureNameList.join(";") ); }, `${sensorName}: ${header} disallows cross-origin relocation`); } function run_fp_tests_enabled_on_self_origin(sensorType) { const sensorName =; const featureNameList = feature_policies[sensorName]; const header = "Feature-Policy header " + featureNameList.join(" 'self';") + " 'self'"; const desc = "'new " + sensorName + "()'"; test(() => { assert_true(sensorName in window); }, `${sensorName}: ${header} allows the top-level document.`); async_test(t => { test_feature_availability( desc, t, same_origin_src + sensorName, expect_feature_available_default ); }, `${sensorName}: ${header} allows same-origin iframes.`); async_test(t => { test_feature_availability( desc, t, cross_origin_src + sensorName, expect_feature_unavailable_default ); }, `${sensorName}: ${header} disallows cross-origin iframes.`); }