Tip revision: 3fd3e706522d0f4675eb006a9e9a141931668675 authored by Sudipta Basak on 17 June 2021, 05:56:54 UTC
WIP orbital correction tests
WIP orbital correction tests
Tip revision: 3fd3e70
# coding: utf-8
# This Python module is part of the PyRate software package.
# Copyright 2020 Geoscience Australia
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
This Python module contains tests for the Merge step of PyRate.
import shutil
import os
from subprocess import check_call
import itertools
import tempfile
import pytest
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
import pyrate.constants as C
import pyrate.core.ifgconstants as ifc
from pyrate.merge import create_png_and_kml_from_tif, los_projection_out_types
from pyrate.merge import _merge_stack, _merge_linrate, _merge_timeseries, los_projection_divisors
from pyrate.core.shared import DEM
from pyrate.core.ifgconstants import LOS_PROJECTION_OPTION
from pyrate.configuration import Configuration, write_config_file
from tests.common import manipulate_test_conf, PY37GDAL302, MEXICO_CROPA_CONF, assert_same_files_produced
def los_projection(request):
return request.param
@pytest.fixture(params=[-1, 1])
def signal_polarity(request):
return request.param
def test_los_conversion_divisors():
Unit test to check the LOS conversions for specific incidence angles
inc = [0, 30, 45, 90] # incidence angles in degrees
# Test pseudo-vertical
res = [los_projection_divisors[ifc.PSEUDO_VERTICAL](np.radians(x)) for x in inc]
exp = [1.0, 0.8660254037844387, 0.7071067811865476, 6.123233995736766e-17]
np.testing.assert_almost_equal(res, exp, decimal=6)
# Test pseudo-horizontal
res = [los_projection_divisors[ifc.PSEUDO_HORIZONTAL](np.radians(x)) for x in inc]
exp = [0.0, 0.49999999999999994, 0.7071067811865475, 1.0]
np.testing.assert_almost_equal(res, exp, decimal=6)
# Test line-of-sight
res = [los_projection_divisors[ifc.LINE_OF_SIGHT](np.radians(x)) for x in inc]
exp = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
np.testing.assert_almost_equal(res, exp, decimal=1)
@pytest.mark.skipif(not PY37GDAL302, reason="Only run in one CI env")
class TestLOSConversion:
def setup_class(cls):
tdir = Path(tempfile.mkdtemp())
params = manipulate_test_conf(MEXICO_CROPA_CONF, tdir)
output_conf_file = tdir.joinpath('conf.cfg')
output_conf = tdir.joinpath(output_conf_file)
write_config_file(params=params, output_conf_file=output_conf)
check_call(f"mpirun -n 3 pyrate conv2tif -f {output_conf}", shell=True)
check_call(f"mpirun -n 3 pyrate prepifg -f {output_conf}", shell=True)
check_call(f"mpirun -n 3 pyrate correct -f {output_conf}", shell=True)
check_call(f"mpirun -n 3 pyrate timeseries -f {output_conf}", shell=True)
check_call(f"mpirun -n 3 pyrate stack -f {output_conf}", shell=True)
params = Configuration(output_conf).__dict__
cls.params = params
cls.tdir = tdir
def teardown_class(cls):
shutil.rmtree(cls.tdir, ignore_errors=True)
def test_los_conversion_comparison(self):
compare outputs in each of the los projection types
compares sine and cosine components are larger than LOS component
assert metadata equal except
params = self.params
all_dirs = {}
params[C.SIGNAL_POLARITY] = -1
for k in LOS_PROJECTION_OPTION.keys():
params[C.LOS_PROJECTION] = k
k_dir = Path(params[C.OUT_DIR]).joinpath(ifc.LOS_PROJECTION_OPTION[k])
all_dirs[k] = k_dir
self.run_with_new_params(k_dir, params)
signal_dir = Path(params[C.OUT_DIR]).joinpath('signal_polarity_dir')
all_dirs[C.SIGNAL_POLARITY] = signal_dir
self.run_with_new_params(signal_dir, params)
los_proj_dir = all_dirs[ifc.LINE_OF_SIGHT]
pseudo_ver = all_dirs[ifc.PSEUDO_VERTICAL]
pseudo_hor = all_dirs[ifc.PSEUDO_HORIZONTAL]
num_files = 24 if params[C.PHASE_CLOSURE] else 26 # phase closure removes 1 interferogram
assert len(list(los_proj_dir.glob('*.tif'))) == num_files # 12 tsincr, 12 tscuml + 1 stack rate + 1 linear rate
signal_polarity_reversed_pseudo_hor = all_dirs[C.SIGNAL_POLARITY]
for tif in los_proj_dir.glob('*.tif'):
ds = DEM(tif)
ds_ver = DEM(pseudo_ver.joinpath(
ds_hor = DEM(pseudo_hor.joinpath(
ds_hor_sig = DEM(signal_polarity_reversed_pseudo_hor.joinpath(
non_nans_indices = ~np.isnan(
# assert division by sine and cosine always yields larger components in vertical and horizontal directions
assert np.all(np.abs([non_nans_indices]) <= np.abs([non_nans_indices]))
assert np.all(np.abs([non_nans_indices]) <= np.abs([non_nans_indices]))
assert np.all(np.abs([non_nans_indices]) <= np.abs([non_nans_indices]))
assert np.all([non_nans_indices] ==[non_nans_indices])
ds_md = ds.dataset.GetMetadata()
assert ds_md.pop(C.LOS_PROJECTION.upper()) == ifc.LOS_PROJECTION_OPTION[ifc.LINE_OF_SIGHT]
ds_ver_md = ds_ver.dataset.GetMetadata()
assert ds_ver_md.pop(C.LOS_PROJECTION.upper()) == ifc.LOS_PROJECTION_OPTION[ifc.PSEUDO_VERTICAL]
assert ds_md == ds_ver_md
assert ds_md.pop(C.SIGNAL_POLARITY.upper()) == '-1'
ds_hor_md = ds_hor.dataset.GetMetadata()
ds_hor_sig_md = ds_hor_sig.dataset.GetMetadata()
assert ds_hor_sig_md.pop(C.SIGNAL_POLARITY.upper()) != ds_hor_md.pop(C.SIGNAL_POLARITY.upper())
assert ds_hor_sig_md == ds_hor_md
assert ds_hor_md.pop(C.LOS_PROJECTION.upper()) == ifc.LOS_PROJECTION_OPTION[ifc.PSEUDO_HORIZONTAL]
assert ds_hor_sig_md.pop(C.LOS_PROJECTION.upper()) == ifc.LOS_PROJECTION_OPTION[ifc.PSEUDO_HORIZONTAL]
assert ds_md == ds_hor_md
assert ds_md == ds_hor_sig_md
def run_with_new_params(self, k_dir, params):
_merge_timeseries(params, 'tscuml')
_merge_timeseries(params, 'tsincr')
for out_type in los_projection_out_types:
for tif in itertools.chain(Path(params[C.VELOCITY_DIR]).glob(out_type + '*.tif'),
Path(params[C.TIMESERIES_DIR]).glob(out_type + '*.tif')):
shutil.move(tif, k_dir.joinpath(
def test_file_creation(self, los_projection):
params = self.params
params[C.LOS_PROJECTION] = los_projection
_merge_timeseries(params, 'tscuml')
_merge_timeseries(params, 'tsincr')
# check if color map is created
for ot in ['stack_rate', 'stack_error', 'linear_rate', 'linear_error', 'linear_rsquared']:
create_png_and_kml_from_tif(params[C.VELOCITY_DIR], output_type=ot)
output_color_map_path = os.path.join(params[C.VELOCITY_DIR], f"colourmap_{ot}.txt")
assert Path(output_color_map_path).exists(), "Output color map file not found at: " + output_color_map_path
# check if merged files are created
for _type, ot in itertools.product(['stack_rate', 'stack_error', 'linear_rate',
'linear_error', 'linear_rsquared'], ['.tif', '.png', '.kml']):
output_image_path = os.path.join(params[C.VELOCITY_DIR], _type + ot)
print(f"checking {output_image_path}")
assert Path(output_image_path).exists(), f"Output {ot} file not found at {output_image_path}"
# check los_projection metadata
for out_type in los_projection_out_types:
for tif in Path(params[C.TIMESERIES_DIR]).glob(out_type + '*.tif'):
self.__check_md(los_projection, tif.as_posix())
def __check_md(los_projection, output_image_path):
ifg = DEM(output_image_path)
assert ifg.dataset.GetMetadataItem(C.LOS_PROJECTION.upper()) == LOS_PROJECTION_OPTION[los_projection]