aster <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("aster") aster.default <- function(x, root, pred, fam, modmat, parm, type = c("unconditional", "conditional"), famlist = fam.default(), origin, origin.type = c("model.type", "unconditional", "conditional"), method = c("trust", "nlm", "CG", "L-BFGS-B"), fscale, maxiter = 1000, nowarn = TRUE, newton = TRUE, optout = FALSE, coef.names, ...) { type <- match.arg(type) origin.type <- match.arg(origin.type) method <- match.arg(method) stopifnot(is.numeric(x)) stopifnot(is.matrix(x)) nind <- nrow(x) nnode <- ncol(x) stopifnot(is.numeric(root)) stopifnot(is.matrix(root)) stopifnot(identical(dim(x), dim(root))) stopifnot(length(pred) == ncol(x)) stopifnot(all(pred == as.integer(pred))) stopifnot(all(pred < seq(along = pred))) stopifnot(length(fam) == ncol(x)) stopifnot(all(fam == as.integer(fam))) stopifnot(all(is.element(fam, seq(along = famlist)))) stopifnot(is.numeric(modmat)) stopifnot(is.array(modmat)) stopifnot(length(dim(modmat)) == 3) stopifnot(identical(dim(modmat)[1:2], dim(x))) if (missing(parm)) { parm <- rep(0, dim(modmat)[3]) } else { parm <- as.double(parm) if (length(parm) != dim(modmat)[3]) stop("parm wrong length, not dimension 3 of modmat") } setfam(famlist) if (missing(origin)) { origin <- .C(C_aster_default_origin, nind = as.integer(nind), nnode = as.integer(nnode), fam = as.integer(fam), theta = matrix(as.double(0), nind, nnode))$theta if (type == "unconditional") origin <- .C(C_aster_theta2phi, nind = as.integer(nind), nnode = as.integer(nnode), pred = as.integer(pred), fam = as.integer(fam), theta = origin, phi = matrix(as.double(0), nind, nnode))$phi } else { stopifnot(is.numeric(origin)) storage.mode(origin) <- "double" stopifnot(length(origin) == nind * nnode) stopifnot(all(is.finite(origin))) if (is.matrix(origin)) { stopifnot(nrow(origin) == nind) stopifnot(ncol(origin) == nnode) } else { origin <- matrix(origin, nind, nnode) } if (origin.type == "model.type") origin.type <- type if (type == "unconditional" && origin.type == "conditional") origin <- .C(C_aster_theta2phi, nind = as.integer(nind), nnode = as.integer(nnode), pred = as.integer(pred), fam = as.integer(fam), theta = origin, phi = matrix(as.double(0), nind, nnode))$phi if (type == "conditional" && origin.type == "unconditional") origin <- .C(C_aster_phi2theta, nind = as.integer(nind), nnode = as.integer(nnode), pred = as.integer(pred), fam = as.integer(fam), phi = origin, theta = matrix(as.double(0), nind, nnode))$theta } ##### try starting parm and origin mout <- mloglhelper(parm, pred, fam, x, root, modmat, origin, deriv = 0, type = type) if (! is.finite(mout$value)) stop("initial \"origin\", \"modmat\", and \"parm\" invalid") mtry <- matrix(as.numeric(modmat), nrow = nind * nnode) qtry <- qr(mtry) if (qtry$rank < ncol(mtry)) { inies <- qtry$pivot[seq(1, qtry$rank)] cnames <- dimnames(modmat)[[3]] outies <- cnames[- inies] modmat <- modmat[ , , inies, drop = FALSE] parm <- parm[inies] } else { outies <- character(0) } ncoef <- dim(modmat)[3] if (missing(fscale)) fscale <- nind if (missing(coef.names)) coef.names <- dimnames(modmat)[[3]] if (method == "trust") { objfun <- function(beta) { mloglhelper(beta, pred, fam, x, root, modmat, origin, deriv = 2, type = type) } otherargs <- list(...) rinit <- otherargs$rinit rmax <- otherargs$rmax if (is.null(rinit)) rinit <- 1 if (is.null(rmax)) rmax <- 10 if (nowarn) { suppressWarnings(oout <- trust(objfun, parm, rinit, rmax, iterlim = maxiter, ...)) } else { oout <- trust(objfun, parm, rinit, rmax, iterlim = maxiter, ...) } aout <- list(coefficients = oout$argument, iter = oout$iterations, converged = oout$converged) } if (method == "nlm") { objfun <- function(beta) { out <- mloglhelper(beta, pred, fam, x, root, modmat, origin, deriv = 1, type = type) result <- out$value attr(result, "gradient") <- out$gradient return(result) } if (nowarn) { suppressWarnings(oout <- nlm(objfun, parm, fscale = fscale, iterlim = maxiter, ...)) } else { oout <- nlm(objfun, parm, fscale = fscale, iterlim = maxiter, ...) } aout <- list(coefficients = oout$estimate, iter = oout$iterations, code = oout$code, converged = oout$code <= 2) } if (method == "CG" || method == "L-BFGS-B") { objfun <- function(beta) mloglhelper(beta, pred, fam, x, root, modmat, origin, deriv = 0, type = type)$value grdfun <- function(beta) mloglhelper(beta, pred, fam, x, root, modmat, origin, deriv = 1, type = type)$gradient have.control <- is.element("control", names(list(...))) if (have.control) { stopifnot(is.list(control)) control$fnscale <- fscale control$maxit <- maxiter } else { control <- list(fnscale = fscale, maxit = maxiter) } if (nowarn) { suppressWarnings(oout <- optim(parm, objfun, grdfun, method = method, control = control, ...)) } else { oout <- optim(parm, objfun, grdfun, method = method, control = control, ...) } aout <- list(coefficients = oout$par, iter = oout$counts, code = oout$convergence, converged = oout$convergence == 0) if (method == "L-BFGS-B") aout$message <- oout$message } if (optout) aout$optout <- oout mout <- mloglhelper(aout$coefficients, pred, fam, x, root, modmat, origin, deriv = 2, type = type) if (newton && method != "trust") { qux <- qr(mout$hessian) if (qux$rank < dim(mout$hessian)[1]) { warning("rank deficient hessian, Newton step skipped") } else { beta <- aout$coefficients - solve(qux, mout$gradient) mout <- mloglhelper(beta, pred, fam, x, root, modmat, origin, deriv = 2, type = type) aout$coefficients <- beta } } aout$deviance <- 2 * mout$value aout$gradient <- mout$gradient aout$hessian <- mout$hessian aout$newton <- newton aout$rank <- qr(mout$hessian)$rank aout$x <- x aout$root <- root aout$pred <- pred aout$fam <- fam aout$modmat <- modmat aout$type <- type aout$famlist <- famlist names(aout$coefficients) <- coef.names if (type == "conditional") { fout <- .C(C_aster_fish_cond, nind = as.integer(nind), nnode = as.integer(nnode), ncoef = as.integer(ncoef), pred = as.integer(pred), fam = as.integer(fam), beta = as.double(aout$coefficients), root = as.double(root), x = as.double(x), modmat = as.double(modmat), fish = matrix(as.double(0), ncoef, ncoef)) aout[["fisher"]] <- fout$fish } else { aout[["fisher"]] <- mout$hessian } class(aout) <- c("aster", "asterOrReaster") if (! aout$converged) warning("Algorithm did not converge") if (length(outies) > 0) aout$dropped <- outies aout$origin <- origin clearfam() return(aout) } aster.formula <- function(formula, pred, fam, varvar, idvar, root, data, parm, type = c("unconditional", "conditional"), famlist = fam.default(), origin, origin.type = c("model.type", "unconditional", "conditional"), method = c("trust", "nlm", "CG", "L-BFGS-B"), fscale, maxiter = 1000, nowarn = TRUE, newton = TRUE, optout = FALSE, ...) { type <- match.arg(type) origin.type <- match.arg(origin.type) method <- match.arg(method) oldopt <- options(na.action = on.exit(options(oldopt)) ##### stuff copied from glm.R and not understood ##### ##### see also call <- if(missing(data)) data <- environment(formula) mf <- = FALSE) m <- match(c("formula", "data", "varvar", "idvar", "root"), names(mf), 0) mf <- mf[c(1, m)] mf$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE mf[[1]] <-"model.frame") mf <- eval.parent(mf) mt <- attr(mf, "terms") x <- model.response(mf, "numeric") if (is.empty.model(mt)) { stop("empty model") } else { modmat <- model.matrix(mt, mf) } varvar <- mf[["(varvar)"]] idvar <- mf[["(idvar)"]] root <- mf[["(root)"]] ##### end of stuff copied from glm.R and not understood ##### nind <- length(unique(idvar)) nnode <- length(unique(varvar)) if (nind * nnode != length(varvar)) stop("nrow(data) not nind * nnode") varvarmat <- matrix(as.vector(varvar), nind, nnode) idvarmat <- matrix(as.vector(idvar), nind, nnode) foo <- apply(varvarmat, 2, function(x) length(unique(x))) bar <- apply(idvarmat, 1, function(x) length(unique(x))) if (! (all(foo == 1) & all(bar == 1))) stop("data not nind by nnode matrix with rows individuals and columns variables") varlab <- varvarmat[1, ] idlab <- idvarmat[ , 1] if (all(idlab == seq(along = idlab))) idlab <- NULL if (! is.numeric(x)) stop("response not numeric") if (length(x) != nind * nnode) stop("response not nind by nnode matrix with rows individuals and columns variables") x <- matrix(x, nind, nnode) dimnames(x) <- list(idlab, varlab) if (! is.numeric(root)) stop("root not numeric") if (length(root) != nind * nnode) stop("root not nind by nnode matrix with rows individuals and columns variables") root <- matrix(root, nind, nnode) dimnames(root) <- list(idlab, varlab) if (! is.numeric(modmat)) stop("model matrix not numeric") if (! is.matrix(modmat)) stop("model matrix not matrix") if (nrow(modmat) != nind * nnode) stop("nrow of model matrix not nind * nnode") ncoef <- ncol(modmat) coeflab <- dimnames(modmat)[[2]] modmat <- array(as.numeric(modmat), c(nind, nnode, ncoef)) dimnames(modmat) <- list(idlab, varlab, coeflab) if (missing(parm)) { parm <- rep(0, ncoef) } else if (length(parm) != ncoef) { # parm may have wrong length because it comes from # previous aster fit where some predictors were dropped # fix that if possible if (is.null(names(parm)) || (! all(names(parm) %in% coeflab))) stop("parm wrong length, not dimension 2 of modmat") <- rep(0, length(coeflab)) names( <- coeflab[names(parm)] <- parm parm <- # message("fixed parm to match modmat being handed to aster.default") } if (missing(fscale)) fscale <- nind out <- aster(x, root, pred, fam, modmat, parm, type, famlist, origin, origin.type, method, fscale, maxiter, nowarn, newton, optout, ...) class(out) <- c("aster.formula", "aster", "asterOrReaster") out$call <- call out$formula <- formula out$terms <- mt out$data <- data out$xlevels <- .getXlevels(mt, mf) return(out) } summary.aster <- function(object, info = c("expected", "observed"), info.tol = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps), show.graph = FALSE, ...) { info <- match.arg(info) if (info == "expected") infomat <- object$fisher else infomat <- object$hessian if (! object$converged) stop("aster model fit not converged") fred <- eigen(infomat, symmetric = TRUE) sally <- fred$values < max(fred$values) * info.tol if (any(sally)) { dor <- zapsmall(fred$vectors[ , sally, drop = FALSE]) rownames(dor) <- names(object$coefficients) foo <- errorCondition( "cannot compute standard errors, apparent directions of recession", dor = dor, class = "dor_error") stop(foo) } foo <- object$coefficients foo <- cbind(foo, sqrt(diag(solve(infomat)))) foo <- cbind(foo, foo[ , 1] / foo[ , 2]) foo <- cbind(foo, 2 * pnorm(- abs(foo[ , 3]))) dimnames(foo) <- list(names(object$coefficients), c("Estimate", "Std. Error", "z value", "Pr(>|z|)")) object$coefficients <- foo if (show.graph) { foo <- dimnames(object$x)[[2]] foo <- cbind(foo, c("root", foo)[object$pred + 1]) bar <- object$famlist[object$fam] foo <- cbind(foo, sapply(bar, as.character)) dimnames(foo) <- list(rep("", nrow(foo)), c("variable", "predecessor", "family")) object$graph <- foo } class(object) <- "summary.aster" return(object) } print.summary.aster <- function (x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), signif.stars = getOption("show.signif.stars"), ...) { cat("\nCall:\n") cat(paste(deparse(x$call), sep="\n", collapse="\n"), "\n\n", sep="") if (! is.null(x$graph)) { cat("\nGraphical Model:\n") print(x$graph, quote = FALSE) cat("\n") } printCoefmat(x$coefficients, digits = digits, signif.stars = signif.stars, na.print = "NA", ...) if (! is.null(x$dropped)) { cat("\nOriginal predictor variables dropped (aliased)\n") for (foo in x$dropped) cat(" ", foo, "\n") } return(invisible(x)) } anova.aster <- function(object, ...) { dotargs <- list(...) if (length(dotargs) == 0) stop("need at least two objects of class \"aster\"") if (! all(sapply(dotargs, function(x) inherits(x, "aster")))) stop("some arguments not of class \"aster\"") return(anova.asterlist(c(list(object), dotargs))) } anova.asterlist <- function(object, ...) { stopifnot(is.list(object)) stopifnot(length(object) >= 2) if (! all(sapply(object, function(x) inherits(x, "aster")))) stop("some components not of class \"aster\"") nmodels <- length(object) resdf <- as.numeric(lapply(object, function(x) length(x$coefficients))) resdev <- as.numeric(lapply(object, function(x) x$deviance)) table <- data.frame(resdf, resdev, c(NA, diff(resdf)), c(NA, - diff(resdev))) variables <- sapply(object, function(x) ifelse(is.null(x$formula), "(no formula)", as.character(deparse(x$formula)))) dimnames(table) <- list(1:nmodels, c("Model Df", "Model Dev", "Df", "Deviance")) title <- "Analysis of Deviance Table\n" topnote <- paste("Model ", format(1:nmodels),": ", variables, collapse = "\n", sep = "") table <- cbind(table, "P(>|Chi|)" = pchisq(table[ , "Deviance"], table[ , "Df"], lower.tail = FALSE)) structure(table, heading = c(title, topnote), class = c("anova", "data.frame")) }