% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/data.R \docType{data} \name{suicide} \alias{suicide} \title{Suicide attempts and DSI sum scores of 532 subjects} \format{ A data frame with 532 rows and 4 variables: \describe{ \item{age}{(numeric) Age of participants in years} \item{gender}{(factor) Gender} \item{dsi}{(numeric) Sum-score (0 = low suicidality, 12 = high suicidality)} \item{suicide}{(factor) Past suicide attempt (no = no attempt, yes = at least one attempt)} } } \source{ von Glischinski, M., Teisman, T., Prinz, S., Gebauer, J., and Hirschfeld, G. (2017). Depressive Symptom Inventory- Suicidality Subscale: Optimal cut points for clinical and non-clinical samples. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy } \usage{ suicide } \description{ Various personality and clinical psychological characteristics were assessed as part of an online-study preventing suicide. To identify persons at risk for attempting suicide, various demographic and clinical characteristics were assessed. Depressive Symptom Inventory - Suicidality Subscale (DSA-SS) sum scores and past suicide attempts from 532 subjects are included as a demonstration set to calculate optimal cutpoints. Two additional demographic variables (age, gender) are also included to test for group differences. } \keyword{datasets}