### FILE="Main.annotation" ## Copyright: Public domain. ## Filename: INTERRUPT_LEAD_INS.agc ## Purpose: A section of Luminary revision 116. ## It is part of the source code for the Lunar Module's (LM) ## Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC) for Apollo 12. ## This file is intended to be a faithful transcription, except ## that the code format has been changed to conform to the ## requirements of the yaYUL assembler rather than the ## original YUL assembler. ## Reference: pp. 154-155 ## Assembler: yaYUL ## Contact: Ron Burkey . ## Website: www.ibiblio.org/apollo/index.html ## Mod history: 2017-01-22 MAS Created from Luminary 99. ## 2017-02-25 HG Transcribed ## 2017-03-01 RSB Proofed comment text by diff vs Luminary 131 ## but no errors found. ## Page 154 SETLOC 4000 COUNT* $$/RUPTS # FIX-FIX LEAD INS INHINT # GO CAF GOBB XCH BBANK TCF GOPROG DXCH ARUPT # T6RUPT EXTEND DCA T6ADR DTCB DXCH ARUPT # T5RUPT - AUTOPILOT EXTEND DCA T5ADR DTCB DXCH ARUPT # T3RUPT CAF T3RPTBB XCH BBANK TCF T3RUPT DXCH ARUPT # T4RUPT CAF T4RPTBB XCH BBANK TCF T4RUPT DXCH ARUPT # KEYRUPT1 CAF KEYRPTBB XCH BBANK TCF KEYRUPT1 DXCH ARUPT # KEYRUPT2 CAF MKRUPTBB XCH BBANK TCF MARKRUPT DXCH ARUPT # UPRUPT CAF UPRPTBB XCH BBANK TCF UPRUPT DXCH ARUPT # DOWNRUPT CAF DWNRPTBB XCH BBANK TCF DODOWNTM DXCH ARUPT # RADAR RUPT CAF RDRPTBB ## Page 155 XCH BBANK TCF RADAREAD DXCH ARUPT # RUPT10 IS USED ONLY BY LANDING GUIDANCE CA RUPT10BB XCH BBANK TCF PITFALL EBANK= LST1 # RESTART USES E0, E3 GOBB BBCON GOPROG EBANK= PERROR T6ADR 2CADR DOT6RUPT EBANK= LST1 T3RPTBB BBCON T3RUPT EBANK= KEYTEMP1 KEYRPTBB BBCON KEYRUPT1 EBANK= AOTAZ MKRUPTBB BBCON MARKRUPT UPRPTBB = KEYRPTBB EBANK= DNTMBUFF DWNRPTBB BBCON DODOWNTM EBANK= TTOGO RDRPTBB BBCON RADAREAD EBANK= M11 T4RPTBB BBCON T4RUPT EBANK= ELVIRA RUPT10BB BBCON PITFALL