; UCBLogo message file version 6.0 ; Error messages -- position in this file corresponds to error number ; Lines starting with semicolon don't count in the line numbering ; and may be added at will. Logo: Fatal Internal Error. out of space stack overflow turtle out of bounds %p doesn't like %s as input %p didn't output to %p not enough inputs to %p %p doesn't like %s as input too many inputs to %p You don't say what to do with %s too many ('s %s has no value unexpected ')' I don't know how to %p Can't find catch tag for %p %p is already defined Stopping... Already dribbling File system error: %p Assuming you mean IFELSE, not IF %p shadowed by local in procedure call Throw "Error %p is a primitive Can't use TO inside a procedure I don't know how to %p %p without TEST unexpected ']' unexpected '}' couldn't initialize graphics Macro returned %s instead of a list You don't say what to do with %s Can only use %p inside a procedure APPLY doesn't like %s as input END inside multi-line instruction in %p Logo: Out of Memory. %p END inside multi-line instruction Bad default expression for optional input: %s Can't use OUTPUT or STOP inside RUNRESULT Assuming you meant '%p', not %p I can't open file %p File %p already open File %p not open Runlist %s has more than one expression Variable name %s is defined both dynamically and in current object ; Non-error messages (no numeric error code for these) Thank you for using Logo. Have a nice day. Sorry, no shell on the Mac. Type EXIT to return to Logo. in %s\n%s Erract loop Pausing... stops outputs File not found: %t\n Can't KEYP, no FIONREAD on this system Not enough memory I can't open that file File already open File not open Pprop Welcome to Berkeley Logo version %t You must be in a procedure to use OUTPUT or STOP. Warning: Not enough memory to run garbage collector. GC disabled - Save important data and exit! %s defined\n Make %s %s to %p\nend\n\n Plist %s = %s\n No help available.\n No help available on %p.\n --more-- ; Logo special words, used mostly in Logo-generated messages ; TRUE and FALSE are generated by predicates and accepted by IF etc. true false ; End of a procedure end ; Some names of primitives treated specially in the evaluator ; (You still have to COPYDEF them to match any changes here.) output stop goto tag if ifelse to .macro ; Special CATCH tags toplevel system error ; How no-value prints in error messages nothing ; Outputs from SCREENMODE textscreen splitscreen fullscreen ; Outputs from PENMODE paint erase reverse ; Outputs from TURTLEMODE wrap fence window ; HELP turns infix operators +-*/=<> into these sum difference product quotient equalp lessp greaterp lessequalp greaterequalp notequalp ; Object stuff name class self licenseplate initlist exist