import { Injectable, OnDestroy } from '@angular/core'; import { HttpClient, HttpErrorResponse } from '@angular/common/http'; import { ReplaySubject, Subject } from 'rxjs'; import { takeUntil, tap } from 'rxjs/operators'; import { Logger } from 'app/shared/logger.service'; import { DOC_CONTENT_URL_PREFIX } from 'app/documents/document.service'; export interface ApiItem { name: string; title: string; path: string; docType: string; stability: string; securityRisk: boolean; } export interface ApiSection { path: string; name: string; title: string; items: ApiItem[]|null; } @Injectable() export class ApiService implements OnDestroy { private apiBase = DOC_CONTENT_URL_PREFIX + 'api/'; private apiListJsonDefault = 'api-list.json'; private firstTime = true; private onDestroy = new Subject(); private sectionsSubject = new ReplaySubject(1); private _sections = this.sectionsSubject.pipe(takeUntil(this.onDestroy)); /** * Return a cached observable of API sections from a JSON file. * API sections is an array of Angular top modules and metadata about their API documents (items). */ get sections() { if (this.firstTime) { this.firstTime = false; this.fetchSections(); // TODO: get URL for fetchSections by configuration? // makes sectionsSubject hot; subscribe ensures stays alive (always refCount > 0); this._sections.subscribe(sections => this.logger.log('ApiService got API sections') ); } return this._sections; }; constructor(private http: HttpClient, private logger: Logger) { } ngOnDestroy() {; } /** * Fetch API sections from a JSON file. * API sections is an array of Angular top modules and metadata about their API documents (items). * Updates `sections` observable * * @param {string} [src] - Name of the api list JSON file */ fetchSections(src?: string) { // TODO: get URL by configuration? const url = this.apiBase + (src || this.apiListJsonDefault); this.http.get(url) .pipe( takeUntil(this.onDestroy), tap(() => this.logger.log(`Got API sections from ${url}`)), ) .subscribe( sections =>, (err: HttpErrorResponse) => { // TODO: handle error this.logger.error(err); throw err; // rethrow for now. } ); } }