(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) open EcUtils open EcTypes open EcFol open EcDecl open EcCoreGoal open EcAlgebra (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) module Axioms = struct open EcDecl let tmod = EcPath.fromqsymbol ([EcCoreLib.i_top; "AlgTactic"], "Requires") let tname = "domain" let tmod_and_deps = tmod :: [] let zero = "rzero" let one = "rone" let add = "add" let opp = "opp" let sub = "sub" let mul = "mul" let inv = "inv" let div = "div" let expr = "expr" let embed = "ofint" let cN = "Cn" let cP = "Cp" let core_add = ["oner_neq0"; "addr0"; "addrA"; "addrC";] let core_mul = [ "mulr1"; "mulrA"; "mulrC"; "mulrDl"] let core = core_add @ "addrN" :: core_mul let core_bool = core_add @ "addrK" :: "mulrK" :: core_mul let ofoppbool = ["oppr_id"] let intpow = ["expr0"; "exprS"] let ofint = ["ofint0"; "ofint1"; "ofintS"; "ofintN"] let ofsub = ["subrE"] let field = ["mulrV"; "exprN"] let ofdiv = ["divrE"] let cNax = ["Cn_eq0"] let cPax = ["Cp_idp"] let ty0 ty = ty let ty1 ty = tfun ty (ty0 ty) let ty2 ty = tfun ty (ty1 ty) let ring_symbols env kind ty = let reqopp = not (kind = `Boolean) in let symbols = [(zero, (true , ty0 ty)); (one , (true , ty0 ty)); (add , (true , ty2 ty)); (opp , (reqopp, ty1 ty)); (sub , (false , ty2 ty)); (mul , (true , ty2 ty)); (expr, (false , toarrow [ty; tint] ty))] in if EcReduction.EqTest.for_type env ty tint then symbols else symbols @ [(embed, (false, tfun tint ty))] let field_symbols env ty = (ring_symbols env `Integer ty) @ [(inv, (true , ty1 ty)); (div, (false, ty2 ty))] let subst_of_ring (cr : ring) = let crcore = [(zero, cr.r_zero); (one , cr.r_one ); (add , cr.r_add ); (mul , cr.r_mul ); ] in let xpath = fun x -> EcPath.pqname tmod x in let add = fun subst x p -> EcSubst.add_path subst ~src:(xpath x) ~dst:p in let addctt = fun subst x f -> EcSubst.add_opdef subst (xpath x) ([], f) in let subst = EcSubst.add_tydef EcSubst.empty (xpath tname) ([], cr.r_type) in let subst = List.fold_left (fun subst (x, p) -> add subst x p) subst crcore in let subst = odfl subst (cr.r_opp |> omap (fun p -> add subst opp p)) in let subst = odfl subst (cr.r_sub |> omap (fun p -> add subst sub p)) in let subst = odfl subst (cr.r_exp |> omap (fun p -> add subst expr p)) in let subst = match cr.r_kind with | `Boolean | `Integer -> subst | `Modulus (c, p) -> let subst = odfl subst (c |> omap (fun c -> addctt subst cN (e_int c))) in let subst = odfl subst (p |> omap (fun p -> addctt subst cP (e_int p))) in subst in let subst = match cr.r_embed with | `Direct | `Default -> subst | `Embed p -> add subst embed p in subst let subst_of_field (cr : field) = let xpath = fun x -> EcPath.pqname tmod x in let add = fun subst x p -> EcSubst.add_path subst ~src:(xpath x) ~dst:p in let subst = subst_of_ring cr.f_ring in let subst = add subst inv cr.f_inv in let subst = odfl subst (cr.f_div |> omap (fun p -> add subst div p)) in subst (* FIXME: should use operators inlining when available *) let get cr env axs = let subst = match cr with | `Ring cr -> subst_of_ring cr | `Field cr -> subst_of_field cr in let for1 axname = let ax = EcEnv.Ax.by_path (EcPath.pqname tmod axname) env in assert (ax.ax_tparams = [] && is_axiom ax.ax_kind); (axname, EcSubst.subst_form subst ax.ax_spec) in List.map for1 axs let getr env cr axs = get (`Ring cr) env axs let getf env cr axs = get (`Field cr) env axs let ring_axioms env (cr : ring) = let axcore = match cr.r_kind with | `Boolean -> getr env cr core_bool | `Integer -> getr env cr core | `Modulus _ -> getr env cr core in let axint = match cr.r_embed with | `Direct | `Default -> [] | `Embed _ -> getr env cr ofint in let axopp = match cr.r_opp with | Some _ when cr.r_kind = `Boolean -> getr env cr ofoppbool | _ -> [] in let axsub = match cr.r_sub with None -> [] | Some _ -> getr env cr ofsub in let axexp = match cr.r_exp with None -> [] | Some _ -> getr env cr intpow in let axCnp = match cr.r_kind with | `Boolean | `Integer -> [] | `Modulus (c, p) -> (odfl [] (c |> omap (fun _ -> getr env cr cNax))) @ (odfl [] (p |> omap (fun _ -> getr env cr cPax))) in List.flatten [axcore; axopp; axexp; axint; axsub; axCnp] let field_axioms env (cr : field) = let axring = ring_axioms env cr.f_ring in let axcore = getf env cr field in let axdiv = match cr.f_div with None -> [] | Some _ -> getf env cr ofdiv in List.flatten [axring; axcore; axdiv] end let ring_symbols = Axioms.ring_symbols let field_symbols = Axioms.field_symbols let ring_axioms = Axioms.ring_axioms let field_axioms = Axioms.field_axioms (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let is_module_loaded env = List.for_all (fun x -> EcEnv.Theory.by_path_opt x env <> None) Axioms.tmod_and_deps (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let t_ring_simplify cr eqs (f1, f2) tc = let hyps = FApi.tc1_hyps tc in let cr = cring_of_ring cr in let f1 = ring_simplify hyps cr eqs f1 in let f2 = ring_simplify hyps cr eqs f2 in FApi.xmutate1 tc `Ring [f_eq f1 f2] let t_ring r eqs (f1, f2) tc = let hyps = FApi.tc1_hyps tc in let cr = cring_of_ring r in let f = ring_eq hyps cr eqs f1 f2 in if EcReduction.is_conv hyps f (emb_rzero r) then FApi.xmutate1 tc `Ring [] else FApi.xmutate1 tc `Ring [f_eq f (emb_rzero r)] let t_ring_congr (cr:cring) (rm:RState.rstate) li lv tc = let r = ring_of_cring cr in let concl = FApi.tc1_goal tc in let f1,f2 = try destr_eq concl with DestrError _ -> raise InvalidGoalShape in let pe, rm = toring (FApi.tc1_hyps tc) cr rm f1 in let rm' = RState.update rm li lv in let f2' = ofring r rm' pe in if not (f_equal f2 f2') then raise InvalidGoalShape; let env = FApi.tc1_env tc in let mk_goal i = let r1 = oget (RState.get i rm) in let r2 = oget (RState.get i rm') in EcReduction.EqTest.for_type_exn env r1.f_ty r2.f_ty; f_eq r1 r2 in FApi.xmutate1 tc `Ring_congr (List.map mk_goal li) (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let t_field_simplify r eqs (f1, f2) tc = let hyps = FApi.tc1_hyps tc in let cr = cfield_of_field r in let (c1, (n1, d1)) = field_simplify hyps cr eqs f1 in let (c2, (n2, d2)) = field_simplify hyps cr eqs f2 in let c = List.map (fun f -> f_not (f_eq f (emb_fzero r))) (c1 @ c2) in let f = f_eq (fdiv r n1 d1) (fdiv r n2 d2) in FApi.xmutate1 tc `Field (c @ [f]) let t_field r eqs (f1, f2) tc = let hyps = FApi.tc1_hyps tc in let cr = cfield_of_field r in let (c, ((n1, n2), (d1, d2))) = field_eq hyps cr eqs f1 f2 in let c = Sf.undup (List.map (fun f -> f_not (f_eq f (emb_fzero r))) c) in let r1 = fmul r n1 d2 and r2 = fmul r n2 d1 in let f = ring_eq hyps (cring_of_ring r.f_ring) eqs r1 r2 in if EcReduction.is_conv hyps f (emb_fzero r) then FApi.xmutate1 tc `Field c else FApi.xmutate1 tc `Field (c @ [f_eq f (emb_fzero r)]) let t_field_congr (cr:cfield) (rm:RState.rstate) li lv tc = let r = field_of_cfield cr in let concl = FApi.tc1_goal tc in let f1,f2 = try destr_eq concl with DestrError _ -> raise InvalidGoalShape in let pe, rm = tofield (FApi.tc1_hyps tc) cr rm f1 in let rm' = RState.update rm li lv in let f2' = offield r rm' pe in if not (f_equal f2 f2') then raise InvalidGoalShape; let env = FApi.tc1_env tc in let mk_goal i = let r1 = oget (RState.get i rm) in let r2 = oget (RState.get i rm') in EcReduction.EqTest.for_type_exn env r1.f_ty r2.f_ty; f_eq r1 r2 in FApi.xmutate1 tc `Field_congr (List.map mk_goal li)