#' @title Find Effect Size Thresholds #' #' @description This function attempts at automatically finding suitable default values for a "significant" (i.e., non-negligible) and "large" effect. This is to be used with care, and the chosen threshold should always be explicitly reported and justified. See the detail section in \code{\link[=sexit]{sexit()}} for more information. #' #' #' @inheritParams rope #' #' @examples #' sexit_thresholds(rnorm(1000)) #' \dontrun{ #' if (require("rstanarm")) { #' model <- stan_glm( #' mpg ~ wt + gear, #' data = mtcars, #' chains = 2, #' iter = 200, #' refresh = 0 #' ) #' sexit_thresholds(model) #' #' model <- stan_glm(vs ~ mpg, data = mtcars, family = "binomial", refresh = 0) #' sexit_thresholds(model) #' } #' #' if (require("brms")) { #' model <- brm(mpg ~ wt + cyl, data = mtcars) #' sexit_thresholds(model) #' } #' #' if (require("BayesFactor")) { #' bf <- ttestBF(x = rnorm(100, 1, 1)) #' sexit_thresholds(bf) #' } #' } #' @references Kruschke, J. K. (2018). Rejecting or accepting parameter values in Bayesian estimation. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, 1(2), 270-280. \doi{10.1177/2515245918771304}. #' #' @importFrom insight get_response model_info is_multivariate #' @importFrom stats sd #' @export sexit_thresholds <- function(x, ...) { UseMethod("sexit_thresholds") } #' @export sexit_thresholds.brmsfit <- function(x, ...) { response <- insight::get_response(x) information <- insight::model_info(x) if (insight::is_multivariate(x)) { mapply(function(i, j) .sexit_thresholds(i, j), x, information, response) } else { .sexit_thresholds(x, information, response) } } #' @export sexit_thresholds.stanreg <- sexit_thresholds.brmsfit #' @export #' @importFrom stats sd sexit_thresholds.BFBayesFactor <- function(x, ...) { fac <- 1 if (inherits(x@numerator[[1]], "BFlinearModel")) { response <- tryCatch( { insight::get_response(x) }, error = function(e) { NULL } ) if (!is.null(response)) { fac <- stats::sd(response, na.rm = TRUE) } } fac * .sexit_thresholds(x) } #' @export sexit_thresholds.lm <- sexit_thresholds.brmsfit #' @export sexit_thresholds.glm <- sexit_thresholds.brmsfit #' @export sexit_thresholds.merMod <- sexit_thresholds.brmsfit #' @export sexit_thresholds.glmmTMB <- sexit_thresholds.brmsfit #' @export sexit_thresholds.mixed <- sexit_thresholds.brmsfit #' @export sexit_thresholds.MixMod <- sexit_thresholds.brmsfit #' @export sexit_thresholds.wbm <- sexit_thresholds.brmsfit #' @export sexit_thresholds.feis <- sexit_thresholds.brmsfit #' @export sexit_thresholds.gee <- sexit_thresholds.brmsfit #' @export sexit_thresholds.geeglm <- sexit_thresholds.brmsfit #' @export sexit_thresholds.lme <- sexit_thresholds.brmsfit #' @export sexit_thresholds.felm <- sexit_thresholds.brmsfit #' @export sexit_thresholds.fixest <- sexit_thresholds.brmsfit #' @export sexit_thresholds.gls <- sexit_thresholds.brmsfit #' @export sexit_thresholds.hurdle <- sexit_thresholds.brmsfit #' @export sexit_thresholds.zeroinfl <- sexit_thresholds.brmsfit #' @export sexit_thresholds.bayesQR <- sexit_thresholds.brmsfit #' @export sexit_thresholds.default <- function(x, ...) { .sexit_thresholds(x) } #' @export sexit_thresholds.mlm <- function(x, ...) { response <- insight::get_response(x) information <- insight::model_info(x) lapply(response, function(i) .sexit_thresholds(x, information, i)) } # helper ------------------ #' @importFrom stats sigma sd #' @importFrom insight n_obs find_parameters .sexit_thresholds <- function(x, information = NULL, response = NULL) { if (is.null(information) && is.null(response)) { norm <- 1 } else { norm <- tryCatch( { # Linear Models if (information$is_linear) { stats::sd(response, na.rm = TRUE) # Logistic Regression Models } else if (information$is_binomial) { pi / sqrt(3) # Count Models } else if (information$is_count) { sig <- stats::sigma(x) if (!is.null(sig) && length(sig) > 0 && !is.na(sig)) { sig } else { 1 } # T-tests } else if (information$is_ttest) { if ("BFBayesFactor" %in% class(x)) { stats::sd(x@data[, 1]) } else { warning("Could not estimate good thresholds, using default values.", call. = FALSE) 1 } # Correlations } else if (information$is_correlation) { # https://github.com/easystats/bayestestR/issues/121 1 # Default } else { 1 } }, error = function(e) { warning("Could not estimate good thresholds, using default values.", call. = FALSE) 1 } ) } c(0.05, 0.3) * norm }