cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.9) cmake_policy(VERSION 3.9) if(POLICY CMP0078) cmake_policy(SET CMP0078 NEW) # UseSWIG: do not use legacy target names endif(POLICY CMP0078) if(POLICY CMP0086) cmake_policy(SET CMP0086 NEW) # UseSWIG: pass -module option endif(POLICY CMP0086) # Add etc/cmake to CMake's search path so we can put our private stuff there list(APPEND CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/etc/cmake) project( plfit VERSION 0.9.4 DESCRIPTION "Library to fit power-law distributions to empirical data" HOMEPAGE_URL "" LANGUAGES C ) enable_testing() # Expose the BUILD_SHARED_LIBS option in the ccmake UI option(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS "Build shared libraries" OFF) # Add switches to use LTO and sanitizers if needed include(lto) include(sanitizers) include(JoinPaths) option(PLFIT_COMPILE_PYTHON_MODULE "Whether we want to compile the Python module (requires SWIG)" OFF) option(PLFIT_USE_SSE "Use SSE/SSE2 optimizations if available" ON) option(PLFIT_USE_OPENMP "Use OpenMP parallelization if available (experimental)" OFF) # Check for required headers include(CheckIncludeFiles) check_include_files(emmintrin.h HAVE_EMMINTRIN_H) check_include_files(malloc.h HAVE_MALLOC_H) if(MSVC) # /Wall is too much for MSVC; use /W4 instead. # Don't produce C4100 warnings (unused formal parameter) add_definitions(-W4 -wd4100 -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE) else() # On Linux and Mac we are okay with -Wall add_definitions(-Wall -DHAVE_CONFIG_H) endif() if(PLFIT_USE_SSE) message(STATUS "Using SSE/SSE2 optimizations if available") add_definitions(-DUSE_SSE) else() message(STATUS "SSE/SSE2 optimizations disabled") endif() if(PLFIT_USE_OPENMP) find_package(OpenMP) if(OPENMP_FOUND) message(STATUS "Using OpenMP parallelization (experimental)") else() message(STATUS "OpenMP not supported by compiler; disabling OpenMP parallelization") endif() else() message(STATUS "OpenMP parallelization disabled") endif() if(WIN32) # No need to link to the m library on Windows set(MATH_LIBRARY "") else() FIND_LIBRARY(MATH_LIBRARY NAMES m) endif() # Add version information configure_file( ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/src/plfit_version.h ) add_subdirectory(src) add_subdirectory(test)