% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/table.qtukey.R \name{table.qtukey} \alias{table.qtukey} \title{Tukey Quantile Table} \usage{ table.qtukey(alpha, n) } \arguments{ \item{alpha}{The probability of type-I error of false alarm , that is equal to 1 minus the confidence level.} \item{n}{The maximum sample size.} } \value{ It is used the fact that the sample relative range distribution is the same as the sample studentized range distribution (tukey distribution) with infinity d.f. in the denominator . It is considered 4 quantiles: alpha/2 , alpha , 1-alpha and 1-alpha/2, for different sample size values . } \description{ Builds a table with quantiles of the sample relative range distribution. } \examples{ table.qtukey(0.0027, 15) } \seealso{ \link{table.const},\link{alpha.risk},\link{qtukey} } \author{ Daniela R. Recchia, Emanuel P. Barbosa }