This document describes how to install msbayes in detail. You should be able to compile the C source codes for this program under many architectures. We have confirmed that it works under a unix-like system, such as linux and Mac OS-X. Let us know if you have difficulty in compiling. Brief version: Install GSL (including headers), R (and add-on pkgs: VGAM, locfit, KernSmooth). Then compile by "make all". Location of installation can be specified by PREFIX (e.g., make PREFIX=/usr/local install). If this doesn't make sense, keep reading. We assume that you are not accustomed to unix environment and command line. So below we describe the blow-by-blow installation procedure. ## 1 ## REQUIREMENTS: C compiler: we use gcc, but it should compile with any standard C compiler. For Mac OS-X, the compiler may not be installed by default. You need to install XCode appropriate to your OS version. GSL (GNU Scientific library) GSL is available for many architectures. If you are using RedHat like system, you need to install rpm packages for gsl and gsl-devel (needed for compilation, but not required to run the program). "yum install gsl gsl-devel" as a root will take care of it. With Mac OS-X, you can install it with Fink, MacPorts, HomeBrew, or compile from the source code. make: GNU make is prefered, but I think it works with any modern make. ## 2 ## COMPILATION and INSTALLATION If you have downloaded the binary distribution skip this section and go to section "BINARY INSTALLTION" I assume that you have downloaded the source code file and saved it to your "home directory" (e.g. usually /home/name in unix and /Users/name in Mac OS-X if your username is name). Current source code can be downloaded from: You push the green button "Code" (top right of the page), and you can select "Download ZIP" fromt he pull down menu. Or you can download directly with the command-line terminal if you have git command installed: git clone Open the command-line terminal (e.g. in Mac OS-X), and type following commands (we use "$" to indicate the command line prompt, so do not actually type "$" character): $ cd $ ls msBayes* cd (change directory) will bring you to your home directory, and ls (list) should show you the file name. If "ls" command shows you the correct file name, you are in the correct directory. If not, find the downloaded source code with "cd" and "ls". For example, if you downloaded the file to your Desktop in Mac OS-X, $ cd $ cd Desktop $ ls msBayes* should work. - 2.1. unpack the source (replace xxx with the appropriate version number). If you have downloaded a zip file, upzip it with $ unzip This command creates a directory called msBayes-master, which contains all source code. If you have directry downloaded the source with git, the directory name is msBayes (not msBayes-master). - 2.2. go inside of src directory in the unpacked directory by using cd (change directory). $ cd msBayes-master/src - 2.3 Compile by typing the following commands: $ make clean; make (if using mac OS X: $make mac clean; make mac) Hopefully, this successfully compiled the programs. If there is an error, make sure GSL is installed correctly (see above) - 2.4. Now let's install all components into appropriate places $ make install By default, this will install the programs into your home directory (e.g. /Users/name/bin and /Users/name/lib/msbayes). The following files will be installed: In "bin" directory, msDQH msReject msprior sumstatsvector In "lib/msbayes" directory, acceptRej.r calmod.r loc2plot.r make_pd2005.r If your system is used by multiple users, you might want to install them into the directory accessible by all users. To do this, you need to have root (super user) access. $ sudo make PREFIX=/usr/local install OR $ su Password: Give_the_root_password $ make PREFIX=/usr/local install With Mac OS-X, you probably want to do the "sudo ...". You can specify whereever you want to install the program by changing PREFIX=... In this example, it will install executable files in /usr/local/bin/ and /usr/local/lib/msbayes/. Note that acceptRej.r need to use the three R-scripts installed in "lib/msbayes" directory. Preserve the relative relationship of the location of the files, or you can put the R-scripts in the same directory as acceptRej.r. ## 3 ## BINARY INSTALLATION - 3.1 linux RPM As a super user, you can install by $ rpm -ivh msbayes-xxx-x.x86_64.rpm Or you can recompile the source RPM (SRPM) and install by $ rpmbuild --rebuild msbayes-xxx-x.src.rpm $ rpm -ivh /usr/src/redhat/RPM/*/msbayes* - 3.2 Mac OS-X tgz unpack the binary (StuffIt Expander). Then move the two directory (bin and lib) into your Home directory. So you will have: /Users/name/bin/ and four other files and /Users/name/lib/msbayes/acceptRej.r and two other files. ## 4 ## SETTING UP EXECUTION PATH Let's check if it is working. Type: $ -h If it complains that "command not found", you need to setup your execution PATH. If it gives the usage of the program (-h for 'h'elp), you can skip to the next step. To check if the directory you installed the executable files is under your execution PATH: $ echo $PATH will tell you your execution PATH (delimited by ":"). If the directory is not listed, you need to add it to your environment file. Type the following command: If you installed the programs into your home directory $ echo 'export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin' >> ~/.bash_profile Or if you used PREFIX=/usr/local/bin $ echo 'export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin' >> ~/.bash_profile *** You need to log out and log in again. *** ## 5 ## INSTALLATION OF R AND R ADD-ON PACKAGES - 5.1. Make sure R is installed. - 5.2. Additionally, the following R packages should be installed for plotting the posterior samples using VGAM locfit KernSmooth To install these packages, you can use one of the following methods. (A) Alternatively, packages can be automatically downloaded and installed from inside of R. - Start R in the command line by typing: $ R - After R start up, type the following command in R (don't type '>', which indicate the R prompt): > install.packages(c("VGAM", "locfit", "KernSmooth"), dependencies=TRUE) It will ask where you want to download the packages from. Click whatever the closest mirror site. NOTE: if you want to install these R packages for all users of the computer, you need to do it from the administrator account (root). You need to start R as the root (administrator/super user), or you need to type "sudo R" instead of "R". (B) - Download the three "packages sources" from: - In the command line, type: $ R CMD INSTALL locfit_xxx.tar.gz KernSmooth_xxx.tar.gz akima_xxx.tar.gz Note that the version numbers of each package may slightly different (xxx). Use the filenames which match with the actual files you downloaded ** You probably need to execute this command as root (super user), or use "sudo R CMD INSTALL ..." in Mac OS-X Details of installing add-on packages can be found in "R Installation and Administration" , section "Add-on" packages". and also in or ## 6 ## DONE Keep reading README to learn how to use the program