Raw File

Welcome to the repository for the `jplephem` Python library!

The package is a Python implementation of the math that standard JPL
ephemerides use to predict raw (x,y,z) planetary positions.  It is one
of the foundations of the Skyfield astronomy library for Python:


But you can also use `jplephem` standalone to generate raw vectors.  If
that is your use case, then simply head over to its documentation and
download link on the Python Package Index:


If you want to install it with `conda`, there is a recipe at:


This repository is where `jplephem` is maintained.  You will find its
source code beneath the `jplephem` directory that sits alongside the
`setup.py` file.  You can run its tests with:

    wget https://naif.jpl.nasa.gov/pub/naif/generic_kernels/spk/planets/a_old_versions/de405.bsp
    wget https://naif.jpl.nasa.gov/pub/naif/generic_kernels/spk/planets/a_old_versions/de421.bsp
    pip install de421
    python -m unittest discover jplephem

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