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% Please edit documentation in R/copy-to.r
\title{Copy a local data frame to a remote src}
copy_to(dest, df, name = deparse(substitute(df)), overwrite = FALSE, ...)
\item{dest}{remote data source}

\item{df}{local data frame}

\item{name}{name for new remote table.}

\item{overwrite}{If \code{TRUE}, will overwrite an existing table with
name \code{name}. If \code{FALSE}, will throw an error if \code{name} already

\item{...}{other parameters passed to methods.}
a \code{tbl} object in the remote source
This function uploads a local data frame into a remote data source, creating
the table definition as needed. Wherever possible, the new object will be
temporary, limited to the current connection to the source.
iris2 <- dbplyr::src_memdb() \%>\% copy_to(iris, overwrite = TRUE)
\code{\link[=collect]{collect()}} for the opposite action; downloading remote data into
a local dbl.
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