// // Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved. // Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.md file in the project root for full license information. // // Contains internals used for defining the CNTKLibrary.h APIs // #pragma once #ifdef SWIG #define final #define explicit #define static_assert(condition, message) #define __attribute__(x) #endif #ifdef _WIN32 #ifdef CNTKV2LIBRARYDLL #define CNTK_API __declspec(dllexport) #else #define CNTK_API __declspec(dllimport) #endif #define _SCL_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS #else // no DLLs on Linux #define CNTK_API #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #pragma warning(disable: 4702 4127) // Forward declarations namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK { template class Matrix; template class TensorView; class ComputationNetwork; typedef std::shared_ptr ComputationNetworkPtr; template class ComputationNetworkBuilder; template class ComputationNode; class ComputationNodeBase; typedef std::shared_ptr ComputationNodeBasePtr; struct GpuData; }}} // TODO: The following should be reconciled with the equivalent code in the CNTK implementation #ifndef _MSC_VER #define _countof(_Array) (sizeof(_Array) / sizeof(_Array[0])) static inline wchar_t* _wcsdup(const wchar_t *s) { return ::wcsdup(s); } #endif namespace CNTK { #define UNUSED(x) (void)(x) // for variables that are, e.g., only used in _DEBUG builds #ifdef _MSC_VER #define __declspec_noreturn __declspec(noreturn) #else #define __declspec_noreturn __attribute__((noreturn)) #endif #pragma warning(push) #pragma warning(disable : 4996) #ifndef _MSC_VER // TODO: what is the correct trigger for gcc? template __declspec_noreturn void ThrowFormatted(const char* format, ...) __attribute__((format(printf, 1, 2))); #endif template CNTK_API __declspec_noreturn void ThrowFormatted(const char* format, ...); #pragma warning(pop) // RuntimeError - throw a std::runtime_error with a formatted error string #ifndef _MSC_VER // gcc __attribute__((format(printf())) does not percolate through variadic templates; so must go the macro route #ifndef RuntimeError #define RuntimeError ThrowFormatted #endif #ifndef LogicError #define LogicError ThrowFormatted #endif #ifndef InvalidArgument #define InvalidArgument ThrowFormatted #endif #else template __declspec_noreturn inline void RuntimeError(const char* format, _Types&&... _Args) { ThrowFormatted(format, std::forward<_Types>(_Args)...); } template __declspec_noreturn inline void LogicError(const char* format, _Types&&... _Args) { ThrowFormatted(format, std::forward<_Types>(_Args)...); } template __declspec_noreturn inline void InvalidArgument(const char* format, _Types&&... _Args) { ThrowFormatted(format, std::forward<_Types>(_Args)...); } #endif #ifndef NOT_IMPLEMENTED #define NOT_IMPLEMENTED \ { \ fprintf(stderr, "Inside File: %s Line: %d Function: %s -> Feature Not Implemented.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__); \ CNTK::LogicError("Inside File: %s Line: %d Function: %s -> Feature Not Implemented.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__); \ } #endif } namespace CNTK { // Forward declarations class Utils; class NDShape; class PrimitiveFunction; class CompositeFunction; class BlockFunction; class Function; class Variable; class Parameter; class Axis; class DeviceDescriptor; enum class PrimitiveOpType : unsigned int; enum class DataType : unsigned int; struct MinibatchInfo; struct MinibatchData; class Serializer; // Similar to make_shared except that it associates a custom deleter with the shared_ptr to ensure // that objects are deleted on the same side of the library DLL where they are allocated template inline std::shared_ptr MakeSharedObject(CtorArgTypes&& ...ctorArgs) { auto objPtr = new T(std::forward(ctorArgs)...); return std::shared_ptr(objPtr, [](T* ptr) { delete ptr; }); } // Forward declarations class NDArrayView; typedef std::shared_ptr NDArrayViewPtr; class NDMask; typedef std::shared_ptr NDMaskPtr; class Value; typedef std::shared_ptr ValuePtr; class Function; typedef std::shared_ptr FunctionPtr; class Learner; typedef std::shared_ptr LearnerPtr; class Learners; typedef std::shared_ptr LearnersPtr; class Dictionary; typedef std::shared_ptr DictionaryPtr; class MinibatchSource; typedef std::shared_ptr MinibatchSourcePtr; class DistributedCommunicator; typedef std::shared_ptr DistributedCommunicatorPtr; class QuantizedDistributedCommunicator; typedef std::shared_ptr QuantizedDistributedCommunicatorPtr; class DistributedLearner; typedef std::shared_ptr DistributedLearnerPtr; struct VariableFields; typedef std::shared_ptr VariableFieldsPtr; class TrainingSession; typedef std::shared_ptr TrainingSessionPtr; class Evaluator; typedef std::shared_ptr EvaluatorPtr; class Trainer; typedef std::shared_ptr TrainerPtr; class ProgressWriter; typedef std::shared_ptr ProgressWriterPtr; class Accumulator; typedef std::shared_ptr AccumulatorPtr; class UserFunctionFactory; typedef std::shared_ptr UserFunctionFactoryPtr; class PackedValue; typedef std::shared_ptr PackedValuePtr; typedef std::weak_ptr PackedValueWeakPtr; struct MinibatchSourceConfig; namespace Internal { CNTK_API FunctionPtr IsWithin(const Variable& operand, int offset, const std::wstring& name = L""); CNTK_API FunctionPtr PackedIndex(const Variable& operand, const Variable& index, const std::wstring& name = L""); CNTK_API FunctionPtr GatherPacked(const Variable& operand, const Variable& packedIndex, const std::wstring& name = L""); CNTK_API FunctionPtr ScatterPacked(const Variable& operand, const Variable& packedIndex, const Variable& condition, const std::wstring& name = L""); CNTK_API FunctionPtr ZeroesWithDynamicAxesLike(const Variable& operand); CNTK_API FunctionPtr Where(const Variable& condition, const std::pair& newDerivedSequenceAxisScalingAndAdditiveFactor, const std::wstring& name = L""); CNTK_API FunctionPtr Gather(const Variable& operand, const Variable& condition, const std::wstring& name = L""); CNTK_API FunctionPtr Gather(const Variable& operand, const Variable& condition, const std::pair& newDerivedSequenceAxisScalingAndAdditiveFactor, const std::wstring& name = L""); CNTK_API FunctionPtr Scatter(const Variable& operand, const Variable& condition, const std::wstring& name = L""); CNTK_API FunctionPtr Scatter(const Variable& operand, const Variable& condition, const std::pair& newDerivedSequenceAxisScalingAndAdditiveFactor, const std::wstring& name = L""); CNTK_API FunctionPtr Slice(const Variable& operand, const std::vector& axis, const std::vector& beginIndex, const std::vector& endIndex, const std::wstring& name = L""); CNTK_API FunctionPtr ReduceElements(const Variable& operand, const std::wstring& reductionOpName, const Axis& axis, const std::wstring& name = L""); CNTK_API FunctionPtr ReduceElements(const Variable& operand, const std::wstring& reductionOpName, const Axis& axis, bool keepReducedDimensions, const std::wstring& name = L""); CNTK_API FunctionPtr CosineDistanceWithNegativeSamples(const Variable& leftOperand, const Variable& rightOperand, const Variable& shiftWindow, const Variable& numberOfNegativeSamples, const std::wstring& name = L""); CNTK_API FunctionPtr Convolution(const Variable& convolutionMap, const Variable& operand, const NDShape& strides, const std::vector& sharing, const std::vector& autoPadding, bool transpose, const NDShape& outputShape, size_t maxTempMemSizeInSamples, const std::wstring& name = L""); // This is meant for debugging purposes only and is very likely to be deprecated in the future. CNTK_API void SaveAsLegacyModel(const FunctionPtr& rootFunction, const std::wstring& modelFile); CNTK_API size_t NewUniqueId(); CNTK_API size_t GenerateRandomSeed(bool perWorkerLocalValue = false); // Internal hooks for testing and higher-level bindings // These should not be directly called by C++ API users CNTK_API void EnableReversingTensorShapesInErrorMessages(); CNTK_API bool IsReversingTensorShapesInErrorMessagesEnabled(); CNTK_API void AlwaysAllowSettingDefaultDevice(); bool IsSettingDefaultDeviceAlwaysAllowed(); CNTK_API void AllowRenamingFunctions(); bool IsRenamingFunctionsAllowed(); CNTK_API void SetAutomaticUnpackingOfPackedValues(bool disable); CNTK_API bool IsAutomaticUnpackingOfPackedValuesDisabled(); CNTK_API void SetComputationNetworkTraceLevel(int traceLevel); int GetComputationNetworkTraceLevel(); CNTK_API void SetGPUMemoryAllocationTraceLevel(int traceLevel); CNTK_API void SetMathLibTraceLevel(int traceLevel); CNTK_API void ForceDeterministicAlgorithms(); CNTK_API bool ShouldForceDeterministicAlgorithms(); CNTK_API void EnableSynchronousGPUKernelExecution(); CNTK_API bool IsSynchronousGPUKernelExecutionEnabled(); CNTK_API unsigned long GetRandomSeed(); CNTK_API void SetFixedRandomSeed(unsigned long value); CNTK_API bool IsRandomSeedFixed(); // If SetFixedRandomSeed has been called before, this will clear the 'fixed' flag. CNTK_API void ResetRandomSeed(unsigned long value = 0); CNTK_API void EnableForwardValuesSharing(); CNTK_API void DisableForwardValuesSharing(); CNTK_API void EnableGradientAccumulationOptimization(); CNTK_API void DisableGradientAccumulationOptimization(); static const uint64_t DefaultProfilerBufferSize = 32 * 1024 * 1024; CNTK_API void StartProfiler(const std::wstring& profilerDir = L"profiler", bool profilerSyncGpu = false, size_t profilerBufferSize = DefaultProfilerBufferSize); CNTK_API void EnableProfiler(); CNTK_API void DisableProfiler(); CNTK_API void StopProfiler(); CNTK_API bool AreEquivalent(const ::CNTK::FunctionPtr& f1, const ::CNTK::FunctionPtr& f2); CNTK_API bool AreEquivalent(const ::CNTK::Variable& v1, const ::CNTK::Variable& v2, bool allowParameterAndConstantsEquivalence = false); CNTK_API bool AreEqual(const ::CNTK::NDArrayView& view1, const ::CNTK::NDArrayView& view2, double relativeTolerance = 0.0, double absoluteTolerance = 0.0); CNTK_API bool AreEqual(const ::CNTK::Value& value1, const ::CNTK::Value& value2, double relativeTolerance = 0.0, double absoluteTolerance = 0.0); CNTK_API size_t DefaultPackThresholdSizeInBytes(); // This is an internal API, needed for testing. CNTK_API Dictionary ToDictionary(const MinibatchSourceConfig& dict); #ifndef SWIG /// Convenience constructor that should be used by foreign language bindings. /// This is the Proper declaration understood by a real C++ compiler. LearnerPtr UniversalLearner(const std::vector<::CNTK::Parameter>& parameters, const std::vector >& updates); #else /// Convenience constructor that should be used by foreign language bindings. /// Workaround declaration for SWIG. /// This is for now necessary because it has been elusive to find an equivalent of /// %template() std::vector>>; /// which will generate correct code (i.e. code that will accept a list of tuples in the foreign language) /// when the proper declaration is processed by SWIG. LearnerPtr UniversalLearner(const std::vector& parameters, const std::vector >& updates); #endif CNTK_API void PrintBuiltInfo(); CNTK_API void PrintGpuInfo(const std::vector& gpusData); class VariableResolver; /// /// Returns true if num CPU Threads was set. /// bool MaxNumCPUThreadsSet(); /// /// TensorBoardFileWriter allows collecting various metrics (e.g. loss/error etc.) as the training progresses, /// so that they can be analyzed in TensorBoard. /// It also provides an option to serialize the model being trained, so that it can also be visualized. /// The class is NOT thread-safe: it is assumed that only one thread is using each instance. /// class TensorBoardFileWriter final { public: /// /// Construct a TensorBoardFileWriter to log metrics as files in the given directory. /// An optional model argument allows serializing the model as well, so that it can be visualized /// in an external tool. /// CNTK_API explicit TensorBoardFileWriter(const std::wstring& dir, const FunctionPtr& modelToVisualize = nullptr); /// /// Construct a TensorBoardFileWriter to log metrics as files in the given directory. /// An network argument allows serializing the model as well, so that it can be visualized in an external tool. /// CNTK_API explicit TensorBoardFileWriter(const std::wstring& dir, const ::Microsoft::MSR::CNTK::ComputationNetworkPtr& modelToVisualize = nullptr); /// /// Destruct the TensorBoardFileWriter and close any open files. /// CNTK_API ~TensorBoardFileWriter() { Close(); } /// /// Record a value of some metric at a particular step. /// For example, to record average value of a loss function for the n-th minibatch, one could call this: /// WriteValue("mb_avg_loss", lossValue, minibatchIdx); /// CNTK_API void WriteValue(const std::wstring& name, float value, uint64_t step); /// /// Flushes any outstanding records to disk. Returns true on success, false otherwise. /// CNTK_API bool Flush(); /// /// Flushes any outstanding records to disk and closes a currently open underlying file. /// Subsequent calls to WriteValue will open a new file. Returns true on success, false otherwise. /// CNTK_API bool Close(); private: void Init(); void WriteModel(); void WriteRecord(const std::string& data); void WriteVersion(time_t time); // Disable copy-construction and assignment. TensorBoardFileWriter(const TensorBoardFileWriter& other) = delete; TensorBoardFileWriter& operator=(const TensorBoardFileWriter& other) = delete; const FunctionPtr m_model; const std::wstring m_dir; FILE* m_file; std::wstring m_fileName; }; // SWIG callback wrapper for the UDF deserialization. class UDFDeserializeCallbackWrapper { public: virtual FunctionPtr operator()(const std::vector&, const std::wstring&, const Dictionary&) const = 0; virtual ~UDFDeserializeCallbackWrapper() = default; }; typedef std::shared_ptr UDFDeserializeCallbackWrapperPtr; CNTK_API void RegisterUDFDeserializeCallbackWrapper(UDFDeserializeCallbackWrapperPtr callbackPtr); CNTK_API bool IsNativeUserFunctionRegistered(const std::wstring& uniqueOpName); // A stripped-down version of boost::optional. // TODO: replace by std::optional, once it's fully supported by VS. template class Optional { public: Optional() = default; Optional& operator= (T value) { m_initialized = true; m_value = value; return *this; } bool IsInitialized() const { return m_initialized; } T Get() const { if (IsInitialized()) return m_value; RuntimeError("Optional value is not initialized."); } Optional(const Optional&) = default; Optional& operator=(const Optional&) = default; Optional(Optional&&) = delete; Optional& operator=(Optional&&) = delete; private: T m_value; bool m_initialized { false }; }; } // Forward-declare test fixtures, so that they can be used as friends. namespace Test { struct DeviceSelectionTestFixture; } }