import sys
import os
import glob
import re
# do not include terminal slash in directories
path_to_set_atac_pmacs_env = sys.argv[1] # e.g., '/home/esanford/dev_atac_seq_pipeline/set_atac_pmacs_env'
path_to_atac_pipeline = sys.argv[2] # e.g., '/home/esanford/dev_atac_seq_pipeline/'
input_data_dir = sys.argv[3]
output_dir = sys.argv[4]
num_bowtie2_threads = 4
memory_per_job_in_mb = 12 * 1024 #default on PMACS is 6GB. 6GB will cause most jobs to terminate if there are ~50-75M reads per sample.
sample_names = set() #start with set to disallow duplicates
for sample_filepath in glob.glob(input_data_dir + '/*'):
sample_name_regex = '(.*/)(.*)(_R[1-2]).fastq.gz'
re_match_obj = re.match(sample_name_regex, sample_filepath)
sample_name =
except AttributeError:
print('warning: {0} does not match expected filename for input fastq files! Expected filenames conform to this regular expression: {1}'.format(sample_filepath, sample_name_regex))
sample_name_list = list(sample_names)
print('about to submit jobs for these samples: {0}'.format(sample_name_list))
for s in sample_name_list:
job_cmd = 'bsub -J ' + 'pipeline_' + s + ' -n ' + str(num_bowtie2_threads) + ' ' + \
'-M ' + str(memory_per_job_in_mb) + ' ' + \
'-o ' + '{0}/{1}/{1}.pipeline_stdout.txt'.format(output_dir, s) + ' ' + \
'-e ' + '{0}/{1}/{1}.pipeline_stderr.txt'.format(output_dir, s) + ' ' + \
path_to_set_atac_pmacs_env + ' ' + \
'python' + ' ' + \
path_to_atac_pipeline + ' ' + \
'{0} {1} {2} --num_bowtie2_threads {3}'.format(s, input_data_dir, output_dir, num_bowtie2_threads)