\name{KhmaladzeTest} \alias{KhmaladzeTest} \alias{khmaladzize} \alias{qdensity} \title{ Tests of Location and Location Scale Shift Hypotheses for Linear Models} \description{Tests of the hypothesis that a linear model specification is of the location shift or location-scale shift form. The tests are based on the Doob-Meyer Martingale transformation approach proposed by Khmaladze(1981) for general goodness of fit problems, and adapted to quantile regression by Koenker and Xiao (2002).} \usage{ KhmaladzeTest(formula, data = NULL, taus = -1, nullH = "location" , trim = c(0.05, 0.95), ...) } \arguments{ \item{formula}{a formula specifying the model to fit by \code{\link{rqProcess}}} \item{data}{a data frame within which to interpret the formula} \item{taus}{An equally spaced grid of points on which to evaluate the quantile regression process, if any taus fall outside (0,1) then the full process is computed.} \item{nullH}{a character vector indicating whether the "location" shift hypothesis (default) or the "location-scale" shift hypothesis should be tested. } \item{trim}{ a vector indicating the lower and upper bound of the quantiles to included in the computation of the test statistics (only, not estimates). } \item{...}{other arguments to be passed to \code{\link{summary.rq}.}} } \value{ an object of class KhmaladzeTest is returned containing: \item{nullH}{ The form of the null hypothesis.} \item{Tn}{ Joint test statistic of the hypothesis that all the slope parameters of the model satisfy the hypothesis. } \item{THn}{ Vector of test statistics testing whether individual slope parameters satisfy the null hypothesis. } } \examples{ data(barro) KhmaladzeTest( y.net ~ lgdp2 + fse2 + gedy2 + Iy2 + gcony2, data = barro, taus = seq(.05,.95,by = .01)) } \keyword{htest} \references{ Khmaladze, E. (1981) ``Martingale Approach in the Theory of Goodness-of-fit Tests,'' \emph{Theory of Prob. and its Apps}, 26, 240--257. Koenker, Roger and Zhijie Xiao (2002), ``Inference on the Quantile Regression Process'', \emph{Econometrica}, 81, 1583--1612. \url{http://www.econ.uiuc.edu/~roger/research/inference/inference.html} }