""" Core operations on Tucker tensors. """ from ._factorized_tensor import FactorizedTensor from .base import unfold, tensor_to_vec from .tenalg import multi_mode_dot, mode_dot from . import backend as tl import numpy as np from scipy.optimize import brentq import warnings # Author: Jean Kossaifi # License: BSD 3 clause def _validate_tucker_tensor(tucker_tensor): core, factors = tucker_tensor if len(factors) < 2: raise ValueError('A Tucker tensor should be composed of at least two factors and a core.' 'However, {} factor was given.'.format(len(factors))) if len(factors) != tl.ndim(core): raise ValueError('Tucker decompositions should have one factor per more of the core tensor.' 'However, core has {} modes but {} factors have been provided'.format( tl.ndim(core), len(factors))) shape = [] rank = [] for i, factor in enumerate(factors): current_shape, current_rank = tl.shape(factor) if current_rank != tl.shape(core)[i]: raise ValueError('Factor `n` of Tucker decomposition should verify:\n' 'factors[n].shape[1] = core.shape[n].' 'However, factors[{0}].shape[1]={1} but core.shape[{0}]={2}.'.format( i, tl.shape(factor)[1], tl.shape(core)[i])) shape.append(current_shape) rank.append(current_rank) return tuple(shape), tuple(rank) def tucker_to_tensor(tucker_tensor, skip_factor=None, transpose_factors=False): """Converts the Tucker tensor into a full tensor Parameters ---------- tucker_tensor : tl.TuckerTensor or (core, factors) core tensor and list of factor matrices skip_factor : None or int, optional, default is None if not None, index of a matrix to skip Note that in any case, `modes`, if provided, should have a lengh of ``tensor.ndim`` transpose_factors : bool, optional, default is False if True, the matrices or vectors in in the list are transposed Returns ------- 2D-array full tensor of shape ``(factors[0].shape[0], ..., factors[-1].shape[0])`` """ core, factors = tucker_tensor return multi_mode_dot(core, factors, skip=skip_factor, transpose=transpose_factors) def tucker_normalize(tucker_tensor): """Returns tucker_tensor with factors normalised to unit length with the normalizing constants absorbed into `core`. Parameters ---------- tucker_tensor : tl.TuckerTensor or (core, factors) core tensor and list of factor matrices Returns ------- TuckerTensor((core, factors)) """ core, factors = tucker_tensor normalized_factors = [] for i, factor in enumerate(factors): scales = tl.norm(factor, axis=0) scales_non_zero = tl.where(scales == 0, tl.ones(tl.shape(scales), **tl.context(factor)), scales) core = core * tl.reshape(scales, (1,)*i + (-1, ) + (1,)*(tl.ndim(core) - i - 1)) normalized_factors.append(factor / tl.reshape(scales_non_zero, (1, -1))) return TuckerTensor((core, normalized_factors)) def tucker_to_unfolded(tucker_tensor, mode=0, skip_factor=None, transpose_factors=False): """Converts the Tucker decomposition into an unfolded tensor (i.e. a matrix) Parameters ---------- tucker_tensor : tl.TuckerTensor or (core, factors) core tensor and list of factor matrices mode : None or int list, optional, default is None skip_factor : None or int, optional, default is None if not None, index of a matrix to skip Note that in any case, `modes`, if provided, should have a length of ``tensor.ndim`` transpose_factors : bool, optional, default is False if True, the matrices or vectors in in the list are transposed Returns ------- 2D-array unfolded tensor """ return unfold(tucker_to_tensor(tucker_tensor, skip_factor=skip_factor, transpose_factors=transpose_factors), mode) def tucker_to_vec(tucker_tensor, skip_factor=None, transpose_factors=False): """Converts a Tucker decomposition into a vectorised tensor Parameters ---------- tucker_tensor : tl.TuckerTensor or (core, factors) core tensor and list of factor matrices skip_factor : None or int, optional, default is None if not None, index of a matrix to skip Note that in any case, `modes`, if provided, should have a length of ``tensor.ndim`` transpose_factors : bool, optional, default is False if True, the matrices or vectors in in the list are transposed Returns ------- 1D-array vectorised tensor Notes ----- Mathematically equivalent but much slower, you can obtain the same result using: >>> def tucker_to_vec(core, factors): ... return kronecker(factors).dot(tensor_to_vec(core)) """ return tensor_to_vec(tucker_to_tensor(tucker_tensor, skip_factor=skip_factor, transpose_factors=transpose_factors)) def tucker_mode_dot(tucker_tensor, matrix_or_vector, mode, keep_dim=False, copy=False): """n-mode product of a Tucker tensor and a matrix or vector at the specified mode Parameters ---------- tucker_tensor : tl.TuckerTensor or (core, factors) matrix_or_vector : ndarray 1D or 2D array of shape ``(J, i_k)`` or ``(i_k, )`` matrix or vectors to which to n-mode multiply the tensor mode : int Returns ------- TuckerTensor = (core, factors) `mode`-mode product of `tensor` by `matrix_or_vector` * of shape :math:`(i_1, ..., i_{k-1}, J, i_{k+1}, ..., i_N)` if matrix_or_vector is a matrix * of shape :math:`(i_1, ..., i_{k-1}, i_{k+1}, ..., i_N)` if matrix_or_vector is a vector See also -------- tucker_multi_mode_dot : chaining several mode_dot in one call """ shape, rank = _validate_tucker_tensor(tucker_tensor) core, factors = tucker_tensor contract = False if tl.ndim(matrix_or_vector) == 2: # Tensor times matrix # Test for the validity of the operation if matrix_or_vector.shape[1] != shape[mode]: raise ValueError( 'shapes {0} and {1} not aligned in mode-{2} multiplication: {3} (mode {2}) != {4} (dim 1 of matrix)'.format( shape, matrix_or_vector.shape, mode, shape[mode], matrix_or_vector.shape[1] )) elif tl.ndim(matrix_or_vector) == 1: # Tensor times vector if matrix_or_vector.shape[0] != shape[mode]: raise ValueError( 'shapes {0} and {1} not aligned for mode-{2} multiplication: {3} (mode {2}) != {4} (vector size)'.format( shape, matrix_or_vector.shape, mode, shape[mode], matrix_or_vector.shape[0] )) if not keep_dim: contract = True # Contract over that mode else: raise ValueError('Can only take n_mode_product with a vector or a matrix.') if copy: factors = [tl.copy(f) for f in factors] core = tl.copy(core) if contract: print('contracting mode') f = factors.pop(mode) core = mode_dot(core, tl.dot(matrix_or_vector, f), mode=mode) else: factors[mode] = tl.dot(matrix_or_vector, factors[mode]) return TuckerTensor((core, factors)) class TuckerTensor(FactorizedTensor): def __init__(self, tucker_tensor): super().__init__() shape, rank = _validate_tucker_tensor(tucker_tensor) core, factors = tucker_tensor self.shape = tuple(shape) self.rank = tuple(rank) self.factors = factors self.core = core def __getitem__(self, index): if index == 0: return self.core elif index == 1: return self.factors else: raise IndexError('You tried to access index {} of a Tucker tensor.\n' 'You can only access index 0 and 1 of a Tucker tensor' '(corresponding respectively to core and factors)'.format(index)) def __setitem__(self, index, value): if index == 0: self.core = value elif index == 1: self.factors = value else: raise IndexError('You tried to set index {} of a Tucker tensor.\n' 'You can only set index 0 and 1 of a Tucker tensor' '(corresponding respectively to core and factors)'.format(index)) def __iter__(self): yield self.core yield self.factors def __len__(self): return 2 def __repr__(self): message = 'Decomposed rank-{} TuckerTensor of shape {} '.format(self.rank, self.shape) return message def to_tensor(self): return tucker_to_tensor(self) def to_unfolded(self, mode): return tucker_to_unfolded(self, mode) def to_vec(self): return tucker_to_vec(self) def mode_dot(self, matrix_or_vector, mode, keep_dim=False, copy=False): """n-mode product with a matrix or vector at the specified mode Parameters ---------- matrix_or_vector : ndarray 1D or 2D array of shape ``(J, i_k)`` or ``(i_k, )`` matrix or vectors to which to n-mode multiply the tensor mode : int Returns ------- TuckerTensor = (core, factors) `mode`-mode product of `tensor` by `matrix_or_vector` * of shape :math:`(i_1, ..., i_{k-1}, J, i_{k+1}, ..., i_N)` if matrix_or_vector is a matrix * of shape :math:`(i_1, ..., i_{k-1}, i_{k+1}, ..., i_N)` if matrix_or_vector is a vector See also -------- tucker_multi_mode_dot : chaining several mode_dot in one call """ return tucker_mode_dot(self, matrix_or_vector, mode, keep_dim=keep_dim, copy=copy) def _tucker_n_param(tensor_shape, rank): """Number of parameters of a Tucker decomposition for a given `rank` and full `tensor_shape`. Parameters ---------- tensor_shape : int tuple shape of the full tensor to decompose (or approximate) rank : tuple rank of the Tucker decomposition Returns ------- n_params : int Number of parameters of a Tucker decomposition of rank `rank` of a full tensor of shape `tensor_shape` """ core_params = np.prod(rank) factors_params = np.sum([r*s for (r, s) in zip(rank, tensor_shape)]) return core_params + factors_params def validate_tucker_rank(tensor_shape, rank='same', rounding='round', fixed_modes=None): r"""Returns the rank of a Tucker Decomposition Parameters ---------- tensor_shape : tupe shape of the tensor to decompose rank : {'same', float, tuple, int}, default is same way to determine the rank, by default 'same' if 'same': rank is computed to keep the number of parameters (at most) the same if float, computes a rank so as to keep rank percent of the original number of parameters if int or tuple, just returns rank rounding = {'round', 'floor', 'ceil'} fixed_modes : int list or None, default is None if not None, a list of modes for which the rank will be the same as the original shape e.g. if i in fixed_modes, then rank[i] = tensor_shape[i] Returns ------- rank : int tuple rank of the decomposition Notes ----- For a fractional input rank, I want to find a Tucker rank such that: n_param_decomposition = rank*n_param_tensor In particular, for an input of size I_1, ..., I_N: I find a value c such that the rank will be (c I_1, ..., c I_N) We have sn_param_tensor = I_1 x ... x I_N We look for a Tucker decomposition of rank (c I_1, ..., c I_N ) This decomposition will have the following n_params: For the core : \prod_k c I_k = c^N \prod I_k = c^N n_param_tensor For the factors : \sum_k c I_k^2 In other words we want to solve: c^N n_param_tensor + \sum_k c I_k^2 = rank*n_param_tensor """ if rounding == 'ceil': rounding_fun = np.ceil elif rounding == 'floor': rounding_fun = np.floor elif rounding == 'round': rounding_fun = np.round else: raise ValueError(f'Rounding should be round, floor or ceil, but got {rounding}') # rank is 'same' or float: choose rank so as to preserve a fraction of the original #parameters if rank == 'same': rank = float(1) if isinstance(rank, float): n_modes_compressed = len(tensor_shape) n_param_tensor = np.prod(tensor_shape) if fixed_modes is not None: tensor_shape = list(tensor_shape) # sorted to be careful with the order when popping and reinserting to not remove/add at wrong index. # list (mode, shape) that we removed as they will be kept the same, rank[i] = fixed_modes = [(mode, tensor_shape.pop(mode)) for mode in sorted(fixed_modes, reverse=True)][::-1] # number of parameters coming from the fixed modes (these don't have a variable size as a fun of fraction_param) n_fixed_params = np.sum([s**2 for _, s in fixed_modes]) # size of the factors n_modes_compressed -= len(fixed_modes) else: n_fixed_params = 0 # Doesn't contain fixed_modes, those factors are accounted for in fixed_params squared_dims = np.sum([s**2 for s in tensor_shape]) fun = lambda x : n_param_tensor*x**n_modes_compressed + squared_dims*x + n_fixed_params - rank*n_param_tensor fraction_param = brentq(fun, 0.0, max(rank, 1.0)) rank = [max(int(rounding_fun(s*fraction_param)), 1) for s in tensor_shape] if fixed_modes is not None: for mode, size in fixed_modes: rank.insert(mode, size) elif isinstance(rank, int): n_modes = len(tensor_shape) message = "Given only one int for 'rank' for decomposition a tensor of order {}. Using this rank for all modes.".format(n_modes) warnings.warn(message, RuntimeWarning) if fixed_modes is None: rank = [rank]*n_modes else: rank = [rank if i not in fixed_modes else s for (i, s) in enumerate(tensor_shape)]# *n_mode return rank