function [xnew,energies] = s2stransition(x, walk, parms) % xnew = s2stransition(x, walk) returns the new state given the state % prior to heel contact and a toe-off impulse P. The effect of the % toe-off impulse and the heel impact are computed as perfectly inelastic % impulses, and impulse-momentum and conservation of angular momentum % principles are used to find the velocities after impact. There is no % change in configuration except that after heel strike the legs are % switched. For heel strike, a component of angular momentum conserved % about the point of contact, and for the trailing leg about the hip. % walk is a walksw2 object containing parameters. % [xnew,energies] = s2stransition(x, walk) also returns the energies % before and after the step-to-step transition % x = [qstance, qsswing ustance uswing]' % where qsswing is defined relative to the stance leg % Arthur D. Kuo, see: % Kuo, A. D. (2002) Energetics of actively powered locomotion using the % simplest walking model, Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 124: 113-120. % Kuo, A. D. (2001) A simple model predicts the step length-speed % relationship in human walking, Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, % 123: 264-269. % CHANGES % Added parms to input list to speed up simulations if nargin < 3 parms = get(walk, 'parms'); end P = parms.P; % the toe-off impulse q1 = x(1); q2 = x(2); u1 = x(3); u2 = x(4); c2t = cos(2*q1); s2t = sin(2*q1); xnew(1,1) = -q1; xnew(1,2) = -2*q1; xnew(1,3) = c2t*u1 + s2t*P; xnew(1,4) = c2t*(1-c2t)*u1 + (1-c2t)*s2t*P; %mvcombefore = [-u1*cos(q1) -u1*sin(q1)]; %mvcomintermediate = mvcombefore + P*[-sin(q1) cos(q1)]; %mvcomafter = [-xnew(3)*cos(q1) -xnew(3)*sin(q1)]; energies.before = energy(walk, x); % energies before impulse energies.intermediate = energies.before; energies.intermediate.KE = energies.intermediate.KE + 0.5*P*P; = + 0.5*P*P; energies.after = energy(walk, xnew); energies.pushoffwork = 0.5*P*P; energies.heelstrikework = energies.after.KE - energies.intermediate.KE;