Raw File
# Work with translation files

After you prepare a component for translation, use the [`extract-i18n`][AioCliExtractI18n] [Angular CLI][AioCliMain] command to extract the marked text in the component into a *source language* file.

The marked text includes text marked with `i18n`, attributes marked with `i18n-`*attribute*, and text tagged with `$localize` as described in [Prepare component for translation][AioGuideI18nCommonPrepare].

Complete the following steps to create and update translation files for your project.

1.  [Extract the source language file][AioGuideI18nCommonTranslationFilesExtractTheSourceLanguageFile].
    1.  Optionally, change the location, format, and name.
1.  Copy the source language file to [create a translation file for each language][AioGuideI18nCommonTranslationFilesCreateATranslationFileForEachLanguage].
1.  [Translate each translation file][AioGuideI18nCommonTranslationFilesTranslateEachTranslationFile].
1.  Translate plurals and alternate expressions separately.
    1.  [Translate plurals][AioGuideI18nCommonTranslationFilesTranslatePlurals].
    1.  [Translate alternate expressions][AioGuideI18nCommonTranslationFilesTranslateAlternateExpressions].
    1.  [Translate nested expressions][AioGuideI18nCommonTranslationFilesTranslateNestedExpressions].

## Extract the source language file

To extract the source language file, complete the following actions.

1.  Open a terminal window.
1.  Change to the root directory of your project.
1.  Run the following CLI command.

    <code-example path="i18n/doc-files/commands.sh" region="extract-i18n-default"></code-example>

The `extract-i18n` command creates a source language file named `messages.xlf` in the root directory of your project.
For more information about the XML Localization Interchange File Format \(XLIFF, version 1.2\), see [XLIFF][WikipediaWikiXliff].

Use the following [`extract-i18n`][AioCliExtractI18n] command options to change the source language file location, format, and file name.

| Command option  | Details |
|:---             |:---     |
| `--format`      | Set the format of the output file    |
| `--out-file`     | Set the name of the output file      |
| `--output-path` | Set the path of the output directory |

### Change the source language file location

To create a file in the `src/locale` directory, specify the output path as an option.

#### `extract-i18n --output-path` example

The following example specifies the output path as an option.

<code-example path="i18n/doc-files/commands.sh" region="extract-i18n-output-path"></code-example>

### Change the source language file format

The `extract-i18n` command creates files in the following translation formats.

| Translation format | Details                                                                                                          | File extension |
|:---                |:---                                                                                                              |:---            |
| ARB                | [Application Resource Bundle][GithubGoogleAppResourceBundleWikiApplicationresourcebundlespecification]           | `.arb`            |
| JSON               | [JavaScript Object Notation][JsonMain]                                                                           | `.json`           |
| XLIFF 1.2          | [XML Localization Interchange File Format, version 1.2][OasisOpenDocsXliffXliffCoreXliffCoreHtml]                | `.xlf`            |
| XLIFF 2            | [XML Localization Interchange File Format, version 2][OasisOpenDocsXliffXliffCoreV20Cos01XliffCoreV20Cose01Html] | `.xlf`            |
| XMB                | [XML Message Bundle][UnicodeCldrDevelopmentDevelopmentProcessDesignProposalsXmb]                                 | `.xmb` \(`.xtb`\) |

Specify the translation format explicitly with the `--format` command option.

<div class="alert is-helpful">

The XMB format generates `.xmb` source language files, but uses`.xtb` translation files.


#### `extract-i18n --format` example

The following example demonstrates several translation formats.

<code-example path="i18n/doc-files/commands.sh" region="extract-i18n-formats"></code-example>

### Change the source language file name

To change the name of the source language file generated by the extraction tool, use the `--out-file` command option.

#### `extract-i18n --out-file` example

The following example demonstrates naming the output file.

<code-example path="i18n/doc-files/commands.sh" region="extract-i18n-out-file"></code-example>

## Create a translation file for each language

To create a translation file for a locale or language, complete the following actions.

1.  [Extract the source language file][AioGuideI18nCommonTranslationFilesExtractTheSourceLanguageFile].
1.  Make a copy of the source language file to create a *translation* file for each language.
1.  Rename the *translation* file to add the locale.

    <code-example language="file">

    messages.xlf --&gt; messages.{locale}.xlf


1.  Create a new directory at your project root named `locale`.

    <code-example language="file">



1.  Move the *translation* file to the new directory.
1.  Send the *translation* file to your translator.
1.  Repeat the above steps for each language you want to add to your application.

### `extract-i18n` example for French

For example, to create a French translation file, complete the following actions.

1.  Run the `extract-i18n` command.
1.  Make a copy of the `messages.xlf` source language file.
1.  Rename the copy to `messages.fr.xlf` for the French language \(`fr`\) translation.
1.  Move the `fr` translation file to the `src/locale` directory.
1.  Send the `fr` translation file to the translator.

## Translate each translation file

Unless you are fluent in the language and have the time to edit translations, you will likely complete the following steps.

1.  Send each translation file to a translator.
1.  The translator uses an XLIFF file editor to complete the following actions.
    1.  Create the translation.
    1.  Edit the translation.

### Translation process example for French

To demonstrate the process, review the `messages.fr.xlf` file in the [Example Angular Internationalization application][AioGuideI18nExample].  The [Example Angular Internationalization application][AioGuideI18nExample] includes a French translation for you to edit without a special XLIFF editor or knowledge of French.

The following actions describe the translation process for French.

1.  Open `messages.fr.xlf` and find the first `<trans-unit>` element.
    This is a *translation unit*, also known as a *text node*, that represents the translation of the `<h1>` greeting tag that was previously marked with the `i18n` attribute.

    <code-example header="src/locale/messages.fr.xlf (&lt;trans-unit&gt;)" path="i18n/doc-files/messages.fr.xlf.html" region="translated-hello-before"></code-example>

    The `id="introductionHeader"` is a [custom ID][AioGuideI18nOptionalManageMarkedText], but without the `@@` prefix required in the source HTML.

1.  Duplicate the `<source>... </source>` element in the text node, rename it to `target`, and then replace the content with the French text.

    <code-example header="src/locale/messages.fr.xlf (&lt;trans-unit&gt;, after translation)" path="i18n/doc-files/messages.fr.xlf.html" region="translated-hello"></code-example>

    In a more complex translation, the information and context in the [description and meaning elements][AioGuideI18nCommonPrepareAddHelpfulDescriptionsAndMeanings] help you choose the right words for translation.

1.  Translate the other text nodes.
    The following example displays the way to translate.

    <code-example header="src/locale/messages.fr.xlf (&lt;trans-unit&gt;)" path="i18n/doc-files/messages.fr.xlf.html" region="translated-other-nodes"></code-example>

    <div class="alert is-important">

    Don't change the IDs for translation units.
    Each `id` attribute is generated by Angular and depends on the content of the component text and the assigned meaning.
    If you change either the text or the meaning, then the `id` attribute changes.
    For more about managing text updates and IDs, see [custom IDs][AioGuideI18nOptionalManageMarkedText].


## Translate plurals

Add or remove plural cases as needed for each language.

<div class="alert is-helpful">

For language plural rules, see [CLDR plural rules][GithubUnicodeOrgCldrStagingChartsLatestSupplementalLanguagePluralRulesHtml].


### `minute` `plural` example

To translate a `plural`, translate the ICU format match values.

*   `just now`
*   `one minute ago`
*   `<x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{minutes}}"/> minutes ago`

The following example displays the way to translate.

<code-example header="src/locale/messages.fr.xlf (&lt;trans-unit&gt;)" path="i18n/doc-files/messages.fr.xlf.html" region="translated-plural"></code-example>

## Translate alternate expressions

Angular also extracts alternate `select` ICU expressions as separate translation units.

### `gender` `select` example

The following example displays a `select` ICU expression in the component template.

<code-example header="src/app/app.component.html" path="i18n/src/app/app.component.html" region="i18n-select"></code-example>

In this example, Angular extracts the expression into two translation units.
The first contains the text outside of the `select` clause, and uses a placeholder for `select` \(`<x id="ICU">`\):

<code-example header="src/locale/messages.fr.xlf (&lt;trans-unit&gt;)" path="i18n/doc-files/messages.fr.xlf.html" region="translate-select-1"></code-example>

<div class="alert is-important">

When you translate the text, move the placeholder if necessary, but don't remove it.
If you remove the placeholder, the ICU expression is removed from your translated application.


The following example displays the second translation unit that contains the `select` clause.

<code-example header="src/locale/messages.fr.xlf (&lt;trans-unit&gt;)" path="i18n/doc-files/messages.fr.xlf.html" region="translate-select-2"></code-example>

The following example displays both translation units after translation is complete.

<code-example header="src/locale/messages.fr.xlf (&lt;trans-unit&gt;)" path="i18n/doc-files/messages.fr.xlf.html" region="translated-select"></code-example>

## Translate nested expressions

Angular treats a nested expression in the same manner as an alternate expression.
Angular extracts the expression into two translation units.

### Nested `plural` example

The following example displays the first translation unit that contains the text outside of the nested expression.

<code-example header="src/locale/messages.fr.xlf (&lt;trans-unit&gt;)" path="i18n/doc-files/messages.fr.xlf.html" region="translate-nested-1"></code-example>

The following example displays the second translation unit that contains the complete nested expression.

<code-example header="src/locale/messages.fr.xlf (&lt;trans-unit&gt;)" path="i18n/doc-files/messages.fr.xlf.html" region="translate-nested-2"></code-example>

The following example displays both translation units after translating.

<code-example header="src/locale/messages.fr.xlf (&lt;trans-unit&gt;)" path="i18n/doc-files/messages.fr.xlf.html" region="translate-nested"></code-example>

## What's next

*   [Merge translations into the app][AioGuideI18nCommonMerge]

<!-- links -->

[AioCliMain]: cli "CLI Overview and Command Reference | Angular"
[AioCliExtractI18n]: cli/extract-i18n "ng extract-i18n | CLI | Angular"

[AioGuideGlossaryCommandLineInterfaceCli]: guide/glossary#command-line-interface-cli "command-line interface (CLI) - Glossary | Angular"

[AioGuideI18nCommonMerge]: guide/i18n-common-merge "Merge translations into the application | Angular"

[AioGuideI18nCommonPrepare]: guide/i18n-common-prepare "Prepare component for translation | Angular"
[AioGuideI18nCommonPrepareAddHelpfulDescriptionsAndMeanings]: guide/i18n-common-prepare#add-helpful-descriptions-and-meanings "Add helpful descriptions and meanings - Prepare component for translation | Angular"

[AioGuideI18nCommonTranslationFilesCreateATranslationFileForEachLanguage]: guide/i18n-common-translation-files#create-a-translation-file-for-each-language "Create a translation file for each language - Work with translation files | Angular"
[AioGuideI18nCommonTranslationFilesExtractTheSourceLanguageFile]: guide/i18n-common-translation-files#extract-the-source-language-file "Extract the source language file - Work with translation files | Angular"
[AioGuideI18nCommonTranslationFilesTranslateAlternateExpressions]: guide/i18n-common-translation-files#translate-alternate-expressions "Translate alternate expressions - Work with translation files | Angular"
[AioGuideI18nCommonTranslationFilesTranslateEachTranslationFile]: guide/i18n-common-translation-files#translate-each-translation-file "Translate each translation file - Work with translation files | Angular"
[AioGuideI18nCommonTranslationFilesTranslateNestedExpressions]: guide/i18n-common-translation-files#translate-nested-expressions "Translate nested expressions - Work with translation files | Angular"
[AioGuideI18nCommonTranslationFilesTranslatePlurals]: guide/i18n-common-translation-files#translate-plurals "Translate plurals - Work with translation files | Angular"

[AioGuideI18nExample]: guide/i18n-example "Example Angular Internationalization application | Angular"

[AioGuideI18nOptionalManageMarkedText]: guide/i18n-optional-manage-marked-text "Manage marked text with custom IDs | Angular"

[AioGuideWorkspaceConfig]: guide/workspace-config "Angular workspace configuration | Angular"

<!-- external links -->

[GithubGoogleAppResourceBundleWikiApplicationresourcebundlespecification]: https://github.com/google/app-resource-bundle/wiki/ApplicationResourceBundleSpecification "ApplicationResourceBundleSpecification | google/app-resource-bundle | GitHub"

[GithubUnicodeOrgCldrStagingChartsLatestSupplementalLanguagePluralRulesHtml]: https://unicode-org.github.io/cldr-staging/charts/latest/supplemental/language_plural_rules.html "Language Plural Rules - CLDR Charts | Unicode | GitHub"

[JsonMain]: https://www.json.org "Introducing JSON | JSON"

[OasisOpenDocsXliffXliffCoreXliffCoreHtml]: http://docs.oasis-open.org/xliff/xliff-core/xliff-core.html "XLIFF Version 1.2 Specification | Oasis Open Docs"
[OasisOpenDocsXliffXliffCoreV20Cos01XliffCoreV20Cose01Html]: http://docs.oasis-open.org/xliff/xliff-core/v2.0/cos01/xliff-core-v2.0-cos01.html "XLIFF Version 2.0 | Oasis Open Docs"

[UnicodeCldrDevelopmentDevelopmentProcessDesignProposalsXmb]: http://cldr.unicode.org/development/development-process/design-proposals/xmb "XMB | CLDR - Unicode Common Locale Data Repository | Unicode"

[WikipediaWikiXliff]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XLIFF "XLIFF | Wikipedia"

<!-- end links -->

@reviewed 2022-02-28
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