\name{gamma1.to.lambda} \alias{gamma1.to.lambda} \title{ Converts skewness to shape parameter of skew-normal distribution } \description{ For a given value of the index of skewness (standardized third cumulant), the function finds the corresponding shape parameter of a skew-normal distribution. } \usage{ gamma1.to.lambda(gamma1) } \arguments{ \item{gamma1}{ a numeric vector of indices of skewness. }} \value{ A numeric vector of the corresponding shape parameters. } \details{ Feasible values for input must have \code{abs(gamma1)<0.5*(4-pi)*(2/(pi-2))^1.5}, which is about 0.99527. If some values of \code{gamma1} are not in the feasible region, a warning message is issued, and \code{NA}s are returned. See the reference below for the expression of the index of skewnnes of a skew-normal distribution. } \references{ Azzalini, A. (1985). A class of distributions which includes the normal ones. \emph{Scand. J. Statist.} \bold{12}, 171-178. } \seealso{ \code{\link{dsn}} } \examples{ } \keyword{distribution} % Converted by Sd2Rd version 0.3-3.